January 10, 2006 Rev. Tony C. Evans
856-541-6385 office
856-963-1841 fax
City of Camden
Water Media Advisory
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Discolored Water Alert
Capital Projects
Camden, NJ: Public Works Director Patrick J. Keating advises that it is likely that there will be incidents of discolored water in the City of Camden on Tuesday, January 10, 2006 which will be caused by the shutdowns as part of the “cleaning and lining” project of Camden’s major transmission mains.
Beginning on Tuesday, January 10, 2006 work will be performed by the contractors, on the west 30" transmission water main from the Morris-Delair plant down to 25th St. and remaining down until approximately January 20, 2006 for pipeline rehabilitation. The work will begin with the main going out of service at approximately 8 am, and returned to service at approximately January 20, 2006. United Water – Camden staff will then be flushing along the transmission mains, North Camden and the downtown area (north of Dr. Martin Luther King Boulevard) as part of returning the line to service
Flushing can cause reduced pressure and some additional discoloration.
Director Keating also explained that whenever a water main is cutoff or water is rerouted, there is bound to be a stirring up of the water system. The problem is more pronounced in mid and high-rise structures where there is additional pressure to draw in water to the upper floors.
For additional information please call the Camden Department of Public Works at 856-757-7034 or United Water - Camden, at 856-635-1260.