Bastrop, Louisiana
August 9, 2016
The Morehouse Parish School Board met in special regular session on August 9, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. at Morehouse Student Services Center, with the following members present: Karen Diel, Louis Melton, Colby Daniels, Rick Hixon, Chip Rawls, Chastity Kennedy, and Rose Thompson. Absent: None
Rick Hixon, President, called the meeting to order and Mr. Melton led the prayer. A moment of silence was observed for the following who died recently:
Elva Humphreys – retired superintendent
Bernie Turner – former board member
Ricky Lindeman – retired maintenance worker
Mable Winston – retired teacher
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Hixon.
The next item on the agenda was recognitions and awards to recognize a coach by the athletic department. Mr. Hixon stated that this recognition will be moved to the September Board meeting. He stated that the coaches are practicing and unable to be present to receive the recognition.
The next item on the agenda was approval of the minutes of the Regular School Board meeting held on July7, 2016 were unanimously approved. On a motion by Ms. Kennedy, and seconded by Mr. Melton, the minutes were unanimously amended to reflect that Mr. Melton and Ms. Kennedy voted in opposition to reduce the number of athletic directors. On a motion by Mr. Rawls, and seconded by Mr. Daniels the minutes were unanimously approved as amended.
On a motion by Mr. Rawls, and seconded by Mr. Daniels, monthly travel was unanimously approved.
Mrs. Yeldell presented information regarding the spring testing results. Mrs. Yeldell stated that these results are preliminary based on the cleanup at the school level relative to those students that were included in the data but were not at the school on February 1. She stated that the School Performance Scores will not be released until late fall. Mrs. Sellers presented information regarding strategies that are being put in place to address the declining scores. Mrs. Thompson asked to go on record that she did not approve of the superintendent’s decision to leave principals in place that their schools were identified as “F” schools for the previous school year.
The next item on the agenda was to consider a request from Kennedy Jones to advertise for bids for the purchase of School Board Property located at 715 Boatner at a minimum bid of 85% of the appraised value. Mr. Rawls moved, and Mr. Daniels seconded to advertise for bids at minimum bid of 85%. Motion passed unanimously.
The next item on the agenda was to consider a request from Gerald Simms to purchase school board property in Collinston. Mr. Katz stated that it has been determined that this property was sold.
The next item on the agenda was to adopt the Louisiana Compliance Questionnaire for auditors. On a motion by Mr. Rawls, and seconded by Mr. Melton, the questionnaire was unanimously adopted as presented.
The next item on the agenda was to reject bids for the sale of school board property located at 123 Cason for failure to meet bid requirements and grant authority to advertise for bids at 80% of the appraised value. Mrs. Norwood stated that one bid was received for the property located at 123 Cason, but the bid did not meet the minimum bid amount of 85% of the appraised value. Mrs. Norwood recommended that the bid be rejected for not meeting bid specifications and to grant the staff permission to advertise for bids with a minimum bid amount of 80%. This recommendation was unanimously approved on a motion by Mr. Rawls, and seconded by Mr. Melton.
The next item on the agenda was to advertise for bids the sale of school soard property known as Old School Board Office and Resource Center at minimum bid of 80% of the appraised value. Mrs. Norwood stated the property was advertised for bid at a minimum bid of 85% and no bids were received. The property can now be advertised at a minimum bid of 80%. On a motion by Mr. Rawls, and seconded by Mr. Melton, and a unanimous vote, the staff was granted permission to advertise for bids at a minimum bid requirement of 80%.
The next item on the agenda was to advertise for bids the sale of Section 33, Township 22 North, Range 6 East, 108 acres more or less at minimum bid of 85% of the appraised value. Mrs. Norwood stated that no bids were received for the sale of the property. On a motion by Mr. Melton, and seconded by Mr. Rawls, and a unanimous vote, the staff was granted permission to advertise the property for sale at a minimum bid at 80% of the appraised value.
The next item on the agenda was to award bids for the lease of Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 6 East – approximately 48 acres. Mrs. Norwood stated that one bid was received from Mr. Bobby Church in the amount of $336.00. On a motion by Mr. Rawls, and seconded by Mr. Melton, the bid was unanimously awarded to the sole bidder, Mr. Bobby Church, in the amount of $336.00
The next item on the agenda was to award bids for the sale of Surplus Equipment at Carver Elementary and to grant staff permission to re-advertise for bids. Mrs. Norwood stated that there was only one individual that submitted a bid for two VCRs at a total bid of $80.00. Mrs. Norwood stated that since the bid opening, there have been inquiries regarding the surplus equipment. Mr. Rawls moved, and Mr. Daniels seconded to grant the staff permission to re-advertise for bids for the sale of the surplus equipment. Discussion followed. The motion passed with Mr. Melton and Ms. Kennedy voting in opposition.
The next item on the agenda was to award bids for the lease of Oak Hill Elementary. Mrs. Norwood stated that one bid was received from MCIO Headstart in the amount of $100 per year. Mr. Rawls moved, and Mr. Daniels seconded to award the bid to the sole bidder, MCIO Headstart. There was discussion relative to a possible need to re-open the school in the future. The motion passed with Mr. Melton and Ms. Kennedy voting in opposition.
The next agenda item was to announce the date for the official adoption of tax millages. Mrs. Norwood addressed the Board and outlined the new requirements by the Legislative Auditor in reference to the adoption of tax millage rates. She stated that one requirement is to announce in a public meeting when tax millage rates would be adopted. She stated that the tax millage rates would be adopted at the Regular School Board meeting to be held on September 6, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. at the Morehouse Parish Student Services Center.
Mr. Rawls presented the following report from the Finance Committee:
The Finance Committee met on July 26, 2016 and reports the following:
1) Mrs. Norwood presented information regarding the Financial Statements for General Fund and Lunch Fund for the month of June. Mrs. Norwood stated that the financial reports have not been finalized due to year-end information that has not been obtained from the auditors. The committee recommends the approval of the Financial Statements for the month of June.
Mr. President, I so move. Mr. Melton seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
2) Mr. Roberts addressed the committee regarding the purchase of trucks for the maintenance department. Mr. Roberts stated that there is a need for a truck at Morehouse Jr. High and at Bastrop High School. The committee recommends the purchase of two 2017 Dodge 2500 Series crew cab, four-wheel drive trucks with one truck to include a service body and that the trucks will be used by the maintenance department.
Mr. President, I so move. Mr. Daniels seconded the motion. There was discussion regarding the need for a truck in the maintenance department and budgeting concerns prior to budget development. It was stated that the vehicles will not be purchased until Mrs. Norwood has completed the 2016-2017 budget and determined that these purchases can be budgeted. The motion passed with Mr. Melton and Ms. Kennedy voting in opposition.
3) The committee discussed and considered the salary for support workers relative to increasing the salaries. After much discussion, it was determined that an item would be added to the agenda for the August 9th board meeting to give the business department the time needed to gather further information.
Mr. President, this is a report only and requires no action.
4) The committee received information regarding a proposed lease with Satellite Shelters modular classrooms needed for the 2016-2017 school year for 4th and 5th grade students at Morehouse Jr. High. Mrs. Norwood stated that the one- year lease would be for two modular buildings containing two classrooms each for the 4th and 5th grade students at Morehouse Jr. High. The committee recommends the approval of a one year lease with Satellite Services pursuant to proposed Contract Number RC403813.
Mr. President, this was addressed at a special board meeting on August 2nd. This is a report only and required no action.
Mrs. Norwood presented information regarding the need to upgrade the financial software and recommended to contract with Software and Services for the Governmental Fund Accounting module. There was discussion regarding other vendors that could provide the services. Mrs. Norwood stated that she met with other vendors at the LASBO/SASBO conference. It was recommended that due to the size of the system, Software and Services would provide the best plan. The committee recommends upgrading financial software pursuant to the written proposal provided.
Mr. President, I so move. Ms. Diel seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Mr. President, this concludes my report.
The next item on the agenda was to discuss and consider an increase in salaries for support workers. Mrs. Thompson stated that she had requested that this item be added to the agenda after meeting with Mrs. Norwood regarding the salary schedules for support workers. There was discussion regarding the ability to fund the salary increases. Mr. Rawls moved, and Ms. Diel seconded to table this item until the October 25th Finance Committee Meeting. The motion passed based on the following roll call vote:
Yeas: Karen Diel, Louis Melton, Colby Daniels, Rick Hixon, Chip Rawls
Nays: Chastity Kennedy, Rose Thompson
Absent: None
The next item on the agenda was to consider offering the use of a marquee sign from one of the closed schools to Morehouse Activity Center at their expense. Ms. Diel stated that she had received a call from a representative of the Morehouse Activity Center (MAC) pertaining to the acquisition of a marquee sign from one of the closed schools. Mr. Katz stated that because of bid laws, the sign could not be donated. He stated that the Board could offer the use of the sign with the all expenses for relocating to be absorbed by the MAC. Mr. Rawls moved, and Mr. Daniels seconded to authorize the Morehouse Activity Center to use the marquee sign located at East Side with the MAC incurring all expenses to move the sign and the cost to return the sign should the Board determine the need. Also, all liability for the moving of the sign will be the responsibility of the MAC. The motion passed unanimously.
The next item on the agenda was to discuss and consider or modify or reconsider the board position on being good and better stewards for the short terms and long terms spending, saving, and reinvesting practices of the taxpayers and stakeholders dollars by making sure that whenever possible we purchase and shop from the parish merchants and vendors of Morehouse Parish to ensure a revolving door policy concerning academic and athletic supplies, materials, and other items that will help to ensure the same or an increase of the thirteenth check for the employees of the Morehouse Parish School System be maintained. There was discussion relative to shopping local when possible. No action was taken.
The next item on the agenda was to discuss and consider purchasing a 2017 truck for the auto mechanics department as soon as funds are available. Mr. Melton stated that he had requested that this item be placed on the agenda. Mr. Melton moved to purchase a 2017 truck for the auto mechanics department as soon as funds are available. Ms. Kennedy seconded the motion. The motion failed based on the following roll call vote:
Yeas: Louis Melton, Rick Hixon, Chastity Kennedy
Nays: Karen Diel, Colby Daniels, Chip Rawls, Rose Thompson
Absent: None
The next item on the agenda was to discuss the approved consolidation plan that is allegedly designed to drastically reduce cost in the Morehouse Parish School system. There was discussion regarding the costs to move and set up the portable buildings as opposed to the costs to re-open Southside. Ms. Kennedy requested to go on record stating that the consolidation plan was not well thought out because of the costs for moving portable buildings needed as a result of the Consolidation plan.
The next item on the agenda was to discuss record keeping of Morehouse Parish School Board minutes. Public comments were received from Vicky Boatright regarding the guidelines for recording minutes according to Louisiana Revised Statutes. Ms. Kennedy presented information regarding the School Board policy as it relates to the recording of the minutes and errors that have been made in the minutes.
The next item on the agenda was BCOM Representative’s request to be on the agenda to discuss Morehouse Parish School Budget. No one was present from the BCOM to present this item.
Mrs. Sellers presented the following personnel report.
New Hires
Lisa Atkins, teacher, Morehouse Magnet School, teacher, effective 8/10/2016
Theresia Daniels, teacher, Morehouse Jr. High School, effective 8/10/2016
Kerri Hammonds, teacher, Pine Grove Elementary, effective 8/10/2016
Twylia Joiner, teacher, Pine Grove Elementary, effective 8/10/2016