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Laboratoire Européen pour la Physique des Particules
European Laboratory for Particle Physics
Adressepostale / Mailing address*:
CH - 1211 GENèVE 23
Téléphone / Telephone:
Direct+ 41 22 767
+ 41 22 767
General+ 41 22 767 6111
Télécopieur / Telefax :
Direct+ 41 22 767
General+ 41 22 767 6555
Electronic mail :

Votreréférence / Your reference :
Our reference/Notre référence:Geneva (insert date)

Model of official invitation letter for long stays (more than 3 consecutivemonths)

Version July2012, to beadapted

Dear Mr/Mrs/Dr/Professor (insert name),

At the request of (Mr/Mrs/Dr/Professor ? of ? Department), we are pleased to invite you to CERN to take part in activities related to(X Project/Experiment/Department) as an associated member of the personnelfrom … to … (X days/weeks/months).

It is incumbent upon your home institute to provide you with the necessary financial means throughout the duration of your association with the Organization to cover your stay in the local area as well as that of any accompanying family members.(If applicable: The Organization will pay you a subsistence allowance.)

In accordance with the CERN Staff Rules and Regulations, your social insurance cover, as well as that of any accompanying family members, is the responsibility of your home instituteand by default, yourself.It must comprise health insurance covering the financial consequences of illness and accidents at levels adequate inboth France and Switzerland.

In particular, kindly note that:

at the time of completing the CERN arrival formalities at the latest, you will be required to supply proof of health insurance cover for yourself and any accompanying family members;

at the beginning of your contract,you may join CERN'smutual health insurance scheme (CHIS), at your own expense, and to this end you shouldcontact the scheme administrator, UNIQA.

Given that the Organization is located astride the border between France and Switzerland, we strongly recommend you contact the relevant consulates for information on the entry conditions applicable to you in these two countries, specifying the duration and nature of your work at CERN.Where appropriate, as soon as you receive this letter, please take the necessary stepsto obtain before you departthe requisite documents, in particular long-stay visas of the multiple-entry type[1], for you and your accompanying family:

(1)a French D-type long-stay visa if you are establishing your place of residence in France, or

(2)aSwiss D-type long-stay visa if you are establishing your place of residence in Switzerland.

For France:you must apply to the French Consulate competent for your usual place of residence for a visa bearing the words “carte PRO-MAE à solliciterdèsl’arrivée”, making reference to CERN’s Note verbale to the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and to the agreement that the Ministry has addressed to the above-mentioned Consulate in your favour.You will also need to specify that you are entitled to freedom of access to, and residence on, French territory (without visa charges ordelay) under Article XI § 2 of the Status Agreement between CERN and France dated 13 September 1965 as revised on 16 June 1972.

For Switzerland:you must apply to the Swiss Consulate competent for your usual place of residence for a Swiss visa bearing the words "prise de fonctions au CERN", presenting this letter and explaining that you are to become a member of the CERN personnel entitled,as well as your accompanying family if you reside in Switzerland, to a legitimation card (carte de légitimation) issued by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and to freedom of access to, and residence on, Swiss territory under Article 12 of the Status Agreement between CERN and Switzerland dated 11 June 1955.

We wish you an excellent stay at CERN.


name and signature of the authorised person


[1]Long-stay or "D-type" visa:national visa, valid for stays of up to three months in all countries of the Schengen Area.