CFPA Europe General Assembly
Wednnesday 14th and Sunday 16th June 2007
Draft Schedule
In cooperation with CFPA Belgrade – Serbia and Hotel Intercontinental KOMPAS is offering you the possibility of accommodation in a luxury 5 star hotel at reduced KOMPAS rates during the annual CFPA meeting 14/16 June 2007.
For a single standard room with breakfast (American buffet) at 92,00€ per dayFor a double standard room with breakfast (American buffet )114,00€ per day
Check in
Check out
Type and cc number
Name of the person sharing a twin room with
Should you require a transfer from airport to the hotel and v.v. at the reduced KOMPAS rates of 15€ one way please state:
Date of arrivalFlight number
Date of departure
Flight number
Phone contact:
Place and date SGN
KOMPAS guarantees reservation for all applications submitted by 15 May, as well as stated rates for a minimum of 20 person. If the number of registered guests is under twenty, KOMPAS reduced individual prices will be applied, namely 122€ for a single and 144€ for a double room. Hotel reservation can be cancelled without penalty latest by 7June. Services contracted should be paid before the arrival by a bank transfer to the KOMPAS account or after arrival at KOMPAS desk in the hotel, by a credit card or cash.
Please send your application by e-mal to:Aleksandar.DjuknicŽ,
or post it to KOMPAS address: Kompas Beograd, Obilicev Venac 26,11000 Beograd, SRBIJA
or by Fax . Nr: : +381 11 328 27 29.
For further information please call: +381 11 328 2848 , 328 1976
Thursday 14th June 2007
12,00 hArrival at hotel and lunch
13,00 hrsGeneral Assembly reconvenes
Partner ProgrammeTrip to Avala mountain and visit to Neznanog Junaka mausoleum
18.00 hrsTour of Belgrade
Followed by Dinner
Friday 15th June 2007
09.00 hrsGeneral Assembly reconvenes
Partner ProgrammeVisit to Royal Court
12.00 hrsGeneral Assembly closes and lunch
14 ,00 Partner Programme
Route of Royal VineyardsTopola, in the heart of Sumadija, an administrative centre and a fortified town from which runs the leader Karadjordje Petrovic the first Serbian uprising against the Turkish rule.
Oplenac above Topola with the mausoleum of the royal dynasty Karadjordjevic, and the famous church of St. George decorated with 3 500 m2 of gilded mosaic.
Lunch in cosy restaurant “ Aleksandar” in Arandjelovac, designed in dinysty Karadjordjevic’s spirit. /
Saturday 16th June 2007
09.00 hrsMeeting at Sava Congress Hall
15.00 hrsPress conference
18.00 hrsOpening of the Fire Photographs exibition at Progres Gallery
20.00 hrsCruising by Danube and Sava rivers
followed byDinner at typpical Serbian restoraunt
AV – Screen and digital projector will be provided. Please let know of any other equipment that may be required.
CFPA 2007