) SS:
I, Kathy Stoops-Wright, duly elected, qualified and acting Auditor of aforesaid
County and State do hereby certify that the attached record is a true and complete
copy of the minutes of the special meeting of the Madison County Council held
on April 10, 2007.
Dated at Anderson, Indiana this 10th day of April, 2007.
S/Kathy Stoops-Wright
MadisonCounty Auditor
The Madison County Council met in special session on April 10, 2007 with the following members present:
Scott Tischler
Buddy Patterson
John Bostic, Jr.
Larry Crenshaw
Gary Gustin
Jeff Hardin
Bill Savage
Also present were County Auditor Kathy Stoops-Wright and first deputy Auditor Patty Mauck.
The Auditor presented to the County Council an Ordinance entitled “An Ordinance Appropriating Money inthePlat Book Maintenance Fund, Capitol Equipment Fund, Hazmat Truck Fund and General Fund.
WHEREAS, certain conditions have developed since the adoption of the existing annual budget that is necessary to appropriate more money than was appropriated in the annual budget for the various functions of the County Government to meet such extraordinary emergencies.
SECTION I. Be it ordained by the Madison County Council of Madison County, Indiana for the expenses of the County Government and its institutions for the year ending December 2007, the following sums of money are hereby appropriated and set out of the several funds herein specified, subject to the laws governing the same, such sums appropriated shall be held to include all expenditures to be made during the year.
SECTION II. That for the fiscal period there is appropriated out of the various funds thereafter named; the following specified amount to be transferred or new money to meet such extraordinary emergencies, which are declared to exist.
April 10, 2007
Amount Amount
Requested Allowed
440-000 Machinery and Equipment$2,335.00 2335.00
440-000 Machinery and Equipment $25,000.00 25,000.00
320-000 Communication and Transportation $1,500.00 continued
390-000 Other Services and Charges $6,000.00 6000.00
390-000 Other Services and Charges (cont from March meeting) $30,000.00 30000.00
Repair and Maint.
390-030 2007 Paving(cont from March meeting) $450,000.00 continued
168-000 Overtime (cont from Jan meeting) $25,000.00 continued
161-000 Level II Compensation (cont from March meeting)$500.00 continued
April 10, 2007
Amount Amount
Requested Allowed
Emergency Management
370-000 Rentals $55,000.00 continued
440-000 Machinery and Equipment $12.000.00 continued
Anderson Twp Assessor
161-000 Level II Compensation$500.00 continued
240-000 Other Supplies (cont from March meeting) $2,400.00 continued
Voters Registration
169-000 Sick Days (cont from March meeting)$9,955.77 continued
Soil and Water
111-000 Executive Director (cont. from Jan. meeting)$8,040.00 continued
Circuit Court
313-000 Public Defender Account (cont from March meeting) $54,389.68 continued
390-241 Medical (cont from March meeting) $40,000.00 continued
440-000 Machinery and Equipment (cont from March meeting) $250,000.00 continued
ORDINANCE NO 4 A was presented to the Madison County Council and read in full this 10th day of April, 2007.
S/Jeffrey Hardin
President County Council
S/Kathy Stoops-Wright
Kathy Stoops-Wright
MadisonCounty Auditor
ORDINANCE NO 4A was presented to the Madison County Council read and adopted this 10th day of April 2007 by the following Aye or Nay vote:
S/William Savage ______
S/Buddy Patterson ______
S/John Bostic ______
S/Gary Gustin ______
S/Scott Tischler ______
S/Larry Crenshaw ______
S/Kathy Stoops-Wright
Kathy Stoops-Wright
MadisonCounty Auditor
The Auditor was directed to present the above emergency
appropriations to the State Board of Tax Commissioners
for approval as provided by law.
S/Jeffrey Hardin
President County Council
) SS:
I, Kathy Stoops-Wright, duly elected, qualified and acting Auditor of
aforesaid County and State do hereby certify that the attached record is a
true and complete copy of the minutes of the special meeting of the Madison
County Council held on April 10, 2007.
Dated at Anderson, Indiana this 10th day of April, 2007.
S/Kathy Stoops-Wright
Kathy Stoops-Wright
MadisonCounty Auditor
The Madison County Council met in special session on April 10, 2007 with the following members present:
Scott Tischler
Buddy Patterson
John Bostic, Jr.
Larry Crenshaw
Gary Gustin
Jeff Hardin
Bill Savage
Also present were County Auditor Kathy Stoops-Wright and first deputy Auditor Patty Mauck.
The Auditor presented to the County Council an Ordinance entitled “An Ordinance Transferring Money from the Plat Book Maintenance and the General Fund.”
WHEREAS, certain conditions have developed since the adoption of the existing annual budget that is necessary to transfer more money than was appropriated.
SECTION I. Be it ordained by the Madison County Council of Madison County, Indiana for the expenses of the CountyGovernment and its institutions for the year ending December 2007, the following sums of money are hereby transferred.
April 10, 2007
Amount Amount
Requested Allowed
Anderson Twp Assessor
240-000 Other Supplies$2,400.00 2400.00
440-000 Machinery and Equipment$248.00 248.00
Transfer from 320-000 Comm and Trans(2,648.00) (2648.00)
Soil and Water Conservation
111-000 Executive Director$6,744.00 6744.00
Transfer from 113-000 Admin. Asst.(6,744.00) (6744.00)
310-000 Professional Services$5,000.00 5000.00
Transfer from 150-000 Part-time (5,000.00) (5000.00)
ORDINANCE NO. 4B was presented to the Madison County Council and read in full this 10th day of April, 2007.
S/Jeffrey Hardin
President County Council
S/Kathy Stoops-Wright
Kathy Stoops-Wright
MadisonCounty Auditor
ORDINANCE NO. 4B was presented to the Madison County Council read and adopted this 10th day of April, 2007 by the following Aye or Nay vote:
S/William Savage ______
S/Buddy Patterson ______
S/John Bostic ______
S/Gary Gustin ______
S/Scott Tischler ______
S/Larry Crenshaw ______
S/Kathy Stoops-Wright
Kathy Stoops-Wright
MadisonCounty Auditor
The Auditor was directed to present the above emergency
appropriations to the State Board of Tax Commissioners
for approval as provided by law.
S/Jeffrey Hardin
President County Council
April 10, 2007
The Madison County Council President, Jeffrey Hardin called the meeting to order. The following Council members were present:
Scott Tischler
Buddy Patterson
John Bostic, Jr
Larry Crenshaw
Gary Gustin
Jeff Hardin
Bill Savage
Also present were first deputy Auditor Patty Mauck and Attorney Jim Wilson.
Minutes for March 13, 1007 were approved upon motions made by Larry Crenshaw and seconded by William Savage.
6 Ayes, 1 Absent (Scott Tischler) Motion carried.
Patty Davis, Anderson Twp Assessor, requested a transfer of $2,400.00 into 240-000 Other Supplies and $248.00 into 440-000 Machinery and Equipment from 320-000 Communication and Transportation. Motion to approve made by John Bostic and seconded by Gary Gustin.
6 Ayes 1 Absent (Scott Tischler) Motion carried.
Janelle Parke, Soil and Water Conservation Director, requested a transfer of $6,744.00 into 111-000 Executive Director from 113-000 Administrative Assistant. Motion to approve made by John Bostic and seconded by Buddy Patterson.
7 Ayes 0 Nays Motion carried.
Brad Newman, Surveyor, requested at transfer within the Plat Book Maintenance Fund of $5,000.00 into 310-000 Professional Services from 150-000 Part time. Motion to approve made by John Bostic and seconded by Buddy Patterson.
7 Ayes 0 Nays Motion carried.
Also requested was new money within the Plat Book Maintenance Fund of $2,335.00 into 440-000 Machinery and Equipment. Motion to approve made by John Bostic and seconded by Larry Crenshaw.
7 Ayes 0 Nays Motion carried.
Dick Brown, Emergency Management Director, requested new money within the Capital Equipment Fund of $25,000.00 into 440-000 Machinery and Equipment. Motion to approve made by John Bostic and seconded by Buddy Patterson.
7 Ayes 0 Nays Motion carried.
Also requested was new money within Hazmat Truck Fund of $1,500.00 into 320-000 Communication and Transportation. Motion to table this request until the Council can see the new equipment and view its abilities on the 23rd of April, made by Buddy Patterson and seconded by John Bostic. Also he requested $6000.00 into 390-000 Other Services and Charges. Motion to approve made by Buddy Patterson and seconded by John Bostic.
7 Ayes 0 Nays Motion carried.
April 10, 2007
Circuit Court Judge Fred Spencer, requested new money within the Supplemental Probation Services Circuit of $30,000.00 into 390-000 Other Services and Charges. Motion to approve made by Gary Gustin and seconded by John Bostic.
7 Ayes 0 Nays Motion carried.
The following new money requests were continued due to not having 2007 Budgets certified by the State:
Highway-Repair and Maint
390-030 450,000.00
168-000 25,000.00
Reassessment 2006
161-000 500.00
Emergency Management
370-000 55,000.00
Anderson Twp Assessor
161-000 500.00
240-000 2,400.00
Voters Registration
169-000 9,955.77
Soil and Water
111-000 8,040.00
Circuit Court
Motion was made by John Bostic and seconded by Buddy Patterson to continue said requests. 7 Ayes 0 Nays Motion carried.
Patty Mauck, representing the Auditor’s Office, asked the Council to consider a new money request for the Clerk and Prosecutor’s Offices. An employee from each department was paid out from the County General Fund instead of the Incentive Funds. The money to cover these requests has already been receipted in to the General Fund from the Incentive Funds, so the money just needs to be appropriated in the correct line item. A new money request will be advertised for the May Council meeting.
Also requested was to replace a full time employee that resigned. No pay-outs needed. Motion to approve made by Scott Tischler and seconded by Buddy Patterson.
7 Ayes 0 Nays Motion carried.
Ludy Watkins, Clerk, requested to replace a full time employee in the Clerks Office. Motion to approve made by John Bostic and seconded by Buddy Patterson.
7 Ayes 0 Nays Motion carried.
April 10, 2007
TimStates, Court Administrator, Chief Judge Thomas Newman, Jr and David Happe, Public Defenders Department all came before the Council to discuss potential changes to the fourth floor operation of the Courts. The idea is to create a Court Intake Area on the fourth floor to help direct and assist the public. Two employees will be used for this area. The courts told the Council that they can fund this project without using CountyGeneral money for the remainder of this year. However, will have to come before the Council for payroll funds for next year. Council approve the go ahead on this project as long as the building can be funded by discretionary funds they have control of and payroll to be paid from existing payroll slots. Motion to approve made by Larry Crenshaw and seconded by John Bostic.
7 Ayes 0 Nays Motion carried.
Council appointed Bill Savage to the Madison County Economic Development Commission.
The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday May 9, 2007 at 4:00 pm.