Anatomy & Physiology HISTOLOGY SCRAMBLE
TISSUE / Description / Function / LocationEpithelial / Free surface and basement membrane, avascular and mitotic / Protection, absorption, diffusion, secretion, filtration / Covering of organs , lining of cavities
connective / Matrix, mitotic, most are vascular / Support, protection, storage, inflammatory response / Throughout body
muscular / Ability to lengthen and shorten, amitotic after puberty, vascular / Movement of bones, materials and blood / attached to bones, in hollow organs, heart
nervous / Cell processes, amitotic after 2, avascular / conduct electrical signals / Brain and spinal cord
bone / Haversian rings, lacunae, caniculi, central canal, hard matrix, mitotic and vascular / support, storage of calcium, protection / skeleton
Pseudostratified ciliated columnar / Single layer with goblet cells and cilia, nuclei at different heights / Mucus secretion / Respiratory passageways
Areolar / Mast cells, elastin and collagen fibers, liquid matrix / Inflammatory response, water reservoir, packing / Around organs, under skin
stratified squamous / Many layers with top layer flattened. Nuclei decrease away from basement membrane, avascular, mitotic / protection / Epidermis
Esophagus, mouth
Skeletal muscle / Long cylindrical cells, many nuclei, striations / Movement of bones / Attached to bones
Hyaline cartilage / Lacunae, gel matrix / Support and friction reduction / Joints, end of ribs, nose
columnar / Tall cells, nuclei found close to basement membrane, goblet cells / Produce mucus, absorb nutrients / Digestive tract from stomach to anus
Cardiac muscle / Uninucleate, branching cells with striations and intercalated disks / Contraction and relaxation of heart / heart
Match the functions on the left with the tissue on the right. Choices can be used more than once.
1. Consists of many layer of cellsE A) Simple squamous epithelium
2. Nuclei located at different levels in cellD B) Simple cuboidal epithelium
3.Forms the walls of capillariesA C) Simple columnar epithelium
4.Forms linings of respiratory passages.D D) Pseudostratified columnar
5.Have centrally located spherical nucleiB E) Stratified squamous epithelium
6.Forms lining of digestive tract.C
7.Nuclei located near basement membrane C
8.Top layer is thin like floor tiles E
9.Forms the lining of the mouth. E
10.Forms the lining of the ducts in glands. B
Which one doesn’t belong? Choose the word or phrase that is different from the others.
11.A) squamousB). cartilageC) columnarD). transitional
12.A) goblet cell B) ciliaC) stratified squamousD) pseudostratifiedcolumnar
13.A) MouthB) abuseC) stratified squamousD) absorption
14.A) simpleB) one layerC) stratifiedD) diffusion
15.A) hyalineB) AdiposeC) fatD) buttock, breast
16. A) smooth muscle B) hollow organsC) multinucleateD) involuntary
17A) connective tissue B) matrix C) areolar D) apical surface
18 A) bloodB) solid matrix C) anucleate D) extracellular substance
19A) kidneysB) stratifiedC) filtration D) cuboidal
Complete the sentence by filling in the blank:
20. All epithelial tissue types have CLOSELY PACKED cells, are AVASCULAR and are highly MITOTIC.
21. Connective tissue has the general function of SUPPORT.
22. One characteristic that all connective tissue types share is extracellular material called MATRIX.
Match the prefix with the word or phrase that defines it:
23. adip- ha. bone
24. pseudo-db. without
25. squam-gc. cartilage
26. strat-ed. false
27. chondr-ce. layers
28. os- a f. cell
29. –cyte fg. flat
30. a-bh. fat