Town of Chebeague Island

192 North Road

Chebeague Island, ME 04017

Phone: 207-846-3148

Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes,
June 28, 2017

The Board of Selectmen held a Meeting on Wednesday, June 28, 2017, at the Island Hall at 5:00 PM

I.Call Meeting to Order: Chair Jay Corson called the meeting to order at 6:02 PM

Select Board Members attending: John “Jay” Corson, David Hill, Herb Maine, Jean-Louis “Bo” Beaupré

Also present: Marjorie Stratton, Gloria Brown and approximately 80 members of the public

II.Workshop with Collins Engineers re: Stone Wharf

Presenters were Dan O’Connor, Cheryl Coviello and Mitchel Rasor

Dan stated that the purpose of this meeting is to gather information from the stakeholders, the people of Chebeague. He gave a short overview of the project. Cheryl went through some background of reports they have reviewed and meetings they have had with some stakeholder groups. Mitchel added that he is working on integrating the land-side uses with the wharf. Cheryl led the public discussion.

  • Beverly Johnson asked if the idea of boarding over the cove was under consideration.
  • Karen Corson asked about elevation--raising the level of the wharf.
  • Bob Earnest about parking, pedestrians, golf course, turn-around, remote parking
  • How does the Sunset property enter into this study? Mitch Rasor said the engineers are aware of the prior studies. Their focus is primarily on how to make viable, buildable, fundable, recommendations. Off-site parking will certainly be considered.
  • Someone asked if a traffic study has been done. Traffic is a large part of the study.
  • Donna Damon asked how the engineers get more public input or feedback. The engineers will develop some alternatives to present to the Board of Selectmen. Any suggestions may be submitted to the engineers by contacting Marjorie.
  • Mitch talked about using a decision matrix to show a range of pros and cons, including costs of construction and maintenance. The engineers have lots of experience with coastal communities and gathering concerns from all stakeholders.
  • Abbie Julien asked how the engineers would acquire input from fishermen. Jeff Putnam said he would be happy to get fishermen together to talk to the engineers about the uses of the Stone Wharf by commercial fishermen. Jeff also gave a couple of statistics that might be of interest: On Chebeague in 1996, there were 50 commercial fishermen, and in 2017, there are 26 commercial fishermen.
  • Jane Frizzell asked what the charge was from the Board of Selectmen to Collins Engineers. Cheryl Coviello said the engineers are definitely looking at parking at the Stone Wharf and what works with all the other uses as well. They are looking at the flow of pedestrian and bicycle traffic.
  • John Ash asked if the engineers are aware of the offer of land by the golf course. Cheryl said yes. Everything is on the table right now.
  • Jane Phillips asked what the town’s goal is; growth of the town? solve current problems? increase access for year-around residents? Dan said they would consider all options for continued use of the structure and what the town can reasonably afford.
  • John Wilson asked: “How are we estimating what the true demand will be when we get to 20 years, 30 years, in the future.” Dan replied that the best we can do is look at trends and projections, including those of other island communities. We will also consider the town’s policy such as to plan for growth or restrict growth; consider Planning Ordinances and Comprehensive Plan.
  • Bob Earnest: if you just look at population, you are going to miss the mark pretty widely. Usage patterns of various stakeholder groups change dramatically over time. Mitch said they have ridership statistics from CTC. Cheryl said they have also talked with the Inn regarding ownership’s plans for the future. Mike Conroy, for CTC, said that this year CTC is a little bit behind last year’s numbers for the ferry and barge.
  • David Hill: We’re talking about three general areas: structure of the wharf, infrastructure surrounding the wharf and usages of the wharf. Are all three of those areas being addressed in equal measure? David is concerned about the structure of the wharf because the stones have moved and continue to move; there are bulges where there used to be flat walls. Herb Maine asked what kind of hard data would be used to assess the structure. Dan responded: historical data and photographs, anecdotal data, stone sloop use and subsidence in certain areas. The engineers have walked around the entire structure at low tide. There is no imminent danger of the wharf falling down; deterioration is very slow for this type of structure. They have some longer-term concerns. They will talk to contractors who have worked on the structure through the years. All of these things will be factored into decision-making.
  • Jonathan Komlosy
  • The volume of freight also needs to be considered. Much of the congestion at the Stone Wharf is caused by passengers loading and unloading their dunnage. This activity has probably not been counted or documented in any meaningful way.
  • Suggestion that all freight from the ferry be loaded on a freight truck and taken to a remote parking area for sorting and retrieval by passengers.
  • Make a round-about traffic pattern where the old store used to be, and cars could all be headed in the same direction.
  • It’s important to get information now, before CTC builds their new boat.
  • Mark Dyer talked about the limited use of the Stone Wharf barge ramp, which also leads to congestion. Should the barge ramp remain where it is? Should it be changed to a more useful ramp or configuration? Should barge activity be moved elsewhere?
  • Donna Damongave some demographic statistics: back in the 1990 census the population was about 290 year-round residents. This last winter the population count was 380+ year-rounders—a dramatic increase in just 27 years. Parking is now heavy in the winter as well as the summer. Many of us have multiple cars in the family. So the problem is how do we sustain this community even as we want the conveniences of the rest of the world?
  • Richard Hackel asked for pictorial projections of what the engineers envision. Dan said that part of the engineers’ deliverables would be proper sketches and drawings of parking and traffic flow as well as building costs estimates.
  • Beth Wiles suggested having a person directing traffic at busy times right now, and it would make a big difference. Encourage ride sharing.
  • Herb Maine how will engineers assess our fiscal capacity to complete the work. Dan said they will present different options for different levels of investment; will suggest opportunities for grants and options for bonding.
  • Bo Beaupré suggested a phased approach to build the project.
  • Tineke Breed asked how often and by how much are the wharf over-washes. How high would the pier have to be raised? How far out in time are we planning?
  • Bob Earnest suggested the Sea Level Rise Study available on the documents page of the town’s website for risk assessments and risk levels.
  • Jill Malony: one consideration when talking about freight handling is the age of our population and weight of freight. Getting closer to the boat to pick up freight is for some a necessity, not an option.
  • Suhail Bisharat asked when Collins Engineers would be ready to present their recommendations. Dan said “fall this year.”
  • In response to a question from Dan, Mike Conroy and Leila Bisharat spoke about transportation for rescues and the disabled. Steep ramps at both Chebeague and Cousins are a concern. Congestion at the Stone Wharf is an additional challenge for emergency services. Beth Wiles said rescue people who are not actually on the call at the time of a rescue, go to the wharf to direct traffic. Nancy Earnest suggested a red light/green light notification at the South Road end of Wharf Road so people could know that a rescue call is in progress or a way to let people know there is one or several spots available closer to the boat without driving down and having to turn around and go back up the road to park.
  • Donna Damon: Last year CTC made 35 handicap spaces for both parking lots combined. We have increased Stone Wharf handicapped spaces to 5 and those are all full much of the time.
  • Jackie Trask said the increase in cottage/home rentals has increased the number of cars to be barged because it is more cost effective than parking a vehicle on the mainland for the length of their stay. CTC may have statistics that can be considered.
  • Jay Corson asked if there was any interest in another public meeting with Collins Engineers. Discussion led to consensus that an interim meeting (before final reports) with the engineers presenting rough draft sketches and ideas would be helpful.
  • If anyone has ideas they wish to communicate to the engineers please call or send them to the Town Administrator.

The workshop portion of the meeting closed at 6:20 PM.

III.Public Comment for items not on the agenda: none

IV.Regular Business

17-124Accept Resignation of Pete Pellerin

To formally accept Pete’s resignation

Motion: Moved by Herb Maine, seconded by David Hill, to accept the written resignation of Pete Pellerin.

Vote: Unanimous, Motion Carried

17-125Vacancy on the Board of Selectman

To set a date and process for filling the Board’s vacancy

Motion: Moved by Herb Maine, seconded by David Hill, to schedule a Special Candidate Election for Tuesday, July 25th, designating a short time period as allowed under MRSA § 2528(4)(E). The election will take place at the Island Hall from 8 AM to 8 PM. Nomination papers will be available on Friday, June 30that 9AM. The deadline for filing nomination papers will be July 10th at 5 PM.

David Hill suggested a candidates’ forum before the election (if there is more than one nominee).

17-126Appoint a second Deputy Clerk/Office Assistant: postponed

To consider a recommendation from the Town Administrator

17-127Presentation re: Ticks and Lyme Disease

To hear a presentation about Lyme disease prevention

Steve Harris presented a citizen request for the Board of Selectmen to create an ad hoc Tick-borne Disease (TBD) Committee. (See hand-out in packet.) Mary Holman made a brief presentation about TBDs in general and in Maine specifically. Ginny Ballard and Anita Anderson were present in support of the proposed committee.

Motion:Moved by David Hill, seconded by Bo Beaupré, to authorize Herb Maine to recruit committee members and define the committee to get this ad hoc committee going as soon as possible.

Vote: Unanimous, Motion Carried

17-128Power Purchase Agreement

Update regarding a Power Purchase Agreement with ReVision Energy for a municipal solar power project

  • Marjorie reported that she has been in touch with Attorney Natalie Burns to authorize our attorney to work with Steve Hinchman of ReVision Energy. There is no Power Purchase Agreement yet.
  • As requested by the Board, Marjorie contacted the Janet Anderson, the Town Manager in Islesboro, about their municipal solar power project. They had to change their site from transfer station to a roof of a building. They had to upgrade the electrical service, as we will have to do at the Town Garage. CMP estimated the upgrade work at around $50,000, but once the project was developed the estimate was doubled. This example shows the need to nail down what any additional costs, beyond the ReVision agreement.
  • Herb said this project should be considered as a capital project, and put this project through the same rigor as we put other capital projects through.
  • Donna asked about the Town Meeting vote on this project. Town Meeting authorized the Board of Selectmen to negotiate and execute an agreement with ReVision Energy.

17-129Capps Road Drainage

To discuss a proposed drainage project

  • Marjorie referred to her memo to the board dated June 21st about this issue (see packet). First, to establish legal right, title and interest in the property in order to apply for any of the required permits, the Town would need a permanent easement from the property owners. Town Meeting would have to approve such a permanent easement and the level of funding for the project. Would the easement be drafted by our attorney or an attorney for the property owners?
  • Before drafting a permanent easement, David Hill said we need to complete any negotiations with the property owners regarding their part of the costs.
  • Bo said the Sevee & Maher estimate was on the high side and suggested the project be submitted to a couple other contractors for free estimates.
  • Herb said this project should also be put through a capital improvement process and that the project should be considered a municipal project, serving the public purpose of protecting our shoreline.
  • Marjorie will communicate with Rich Hubbell regarding this discussion.
  • Donna spoke about the need for criteria for prioritizing drainage projects.
  • Jill Whitman Marsee spoke about access to her property on Ben Webber Road.

17-130Amended and Restated Lease with Chebeague Recreation Center

To approve an updated and revised lease

This item was postponed pending attachment and explanation of Exhibit A.

17-131Capital Planning Document

To discuss a Capital Planning document and review a proposed outline

Herb talked about pros and cons of a municipal capital planning document for Goshen, New Hampshire, to use as a model for developing our own document. Discussion ensued. Consensus of the Board is to work with this format and modify it to specify our categories and concerns. Much of the work has been done in other documents which can be folded into this document structure. Board members will send ideas to Herb, who will make changes and bring it back to the Board for additions and changes.


  • Letter from the State re: City of Portland’s Comprehensive Plan
  • Letter from Jeff Cole, coordinator of the swim-run scheduled for August 13th. They do not have plans for any foot traffic control. Fire Chief Munroe is aware of this planned activity.
  • David reported compliments from golf course members re: success of the junior golf activity last weekend.

VI.Review and approve prior meeting minutes

Motion: Moved by Bo Beaupré, seconded by David Hill, to approve the minutes of the June 14, 2017 meeting.

Vote: Unanimous, Motion Carried

VII.Approval of Expense Warrant(s)

Motion: Moved by Bo Beaupré, seconded by David Hill, to approve Warrant #58 in the amount of $26,311.79.

Vote: Unanimous, Motion Carried

VIII.Other Business

Jay will communicate with Beverly about advertising the July 1st Tenth Anniversary activities on her website.

IX.Adjourn Meeting

Motion: Moved by Bo Beaupré, seconded by David Hill, to adjourn the meeting at 8:03 PM.

Vote: Unanimous, Motion Carried

Respectfully Submitted,

Gloria J. Brown, Town Clerk

Board of SelectmenJune 28, 2017

Minutes Page 1 of 7