40707 Daily Road, De Luz, CA 92028


The A Bee Organic fee schedule has been structured for fairness to all operations applying for organic certification and does not include “rush” fees because we believe in prompt service. We have no hidden fees- basic fees are listed on this page and detailed in the following pages, along with any other fees charged at any time. Group Certification Fees are listed in Appendix A. Please call A Bee Organicif you have any questions- we will be happy to answer them.

Application Fee: There is a one-time application fee of $200

Base Inspection Fee: The base inspection fee is $350. This includes up to 5 hours of pre-review, on-site audit, report writing and administrative costs.See “Inspection Fees” section below for details onadditional expenses.

Annual Certification Fee Schedule. The certification fee includes review of the complete operation file after inspection, issuance of correction points and review of responses (if applicable), issuance of organic certificate and addendum, and inclusion on the A Bee Organic Certified Client List.The Certification Fee is charged annually.

Gross Sales
of Organic Product / Crop- In Ground;Wild Crop / Handler-Single ingredient Crop- Greenhouse
Handler- Broker/Distributor/Trader** / Handler-Multi Ingredient
Livestock- Slaughter and Livestock- Re-Sale / Additional Category Fees
$0 - $10,000 / $450 / $550 / $650 / Handler- Non-retail: / $250
$10,001 - $25,000 / $475 / $575 / $700 / Handler- Retail / $250
$25,001 - $50,000 / $500 / $600 / $725
$50,001 - $75,000 / $650 / $750 / $875 / Crop- in ground: / $200
$75,001 - $125,000 / $750 / $850 / $925 / Crop-hydro/aquaponic / $200
$125,001 - $225,000 / $900 / $1,000 / $1,075 / Fallow land: / $100
$225,001 - $350,000 / $1050 / $1,300 / $1,575 / Wild crop: / $200
$350,001 - $500,000 / $1,300 / $1,550 / $2,075
$500,001 - $650,000 / $1,550 / $2,050 / $2,575 / Livestock- Apiary / $250
$650,001 -$825,000 / $2,050 / $2,550 / $3.075 / Livestock- Poultry: / $250
$825,001 - $1,000,000 / $2,550 / $3,050 / $3,575 / Livestock- Ruminant: / $300
$1,000,000- $2,000,000 / $2,550 +.1% ( 0.001) of gross organic sales / 3,050 + .1% (0.001) of gross organic sales for Handlers
or net**organic sales for Brokers/Distributors/Traders. / $3,575 + .1% (0.001) of gross organic sales / Livestock feed: / $200
Above $2,000,000 / $4,550 plus .05%(0.0005) of gross organic sales / $5,050 +.05% (0.0005) of gross organic sales for Handlers
ornet**organic sales for Brokers/Distributors/Traders / $5,575 + .05% (0.0005) of gross organic sales / Pasture/Outdoor Access: / $200
Maximum fee $12,000.00 / Maximum Fee of $24,000.00 / Maximum fee of $27,000.00

**Handler- Broker/Distributor/Trader Fees are based on Annual Sales of Certified Organic Products less Annual Cost of Certified Organic Products/Ingredientsi.e. Net Sales of Organic Product

In Ground Crop Fees are based on single tractsthat are operated as a single operation.

Wild Crop must be owned, leased or otherwise able to be verified as compliant by the applicant.

Greenhouse Crop Fees apply to plants are grown in greenhouse- terrestrial, aquaponic, or hydroponic based, or in containers for retail sale.

Handler Fees assume up to (5) Products submitted for certification with application or at annual update. See details in Section 3C for additional product fees

Livestock Fees are based on end product. If a livestock operation is producing animals for slaughter or resale, they would use fees in the Livestock column. Livestock produced fordairy, eggs, honey, or fiber-use fees in the Handlers- Single Ingredient column. Other categories maybe relevant, depending on the operation.

Additional Category Fees: Normal crop production fees applyto hay, alfalfa or other livestock feedsmarketed as organic.

Section 1: Application Fees

1A: $200.00 Application Fee-First year only - Applicants for certification are required to pay a one-time non-refundable fee of $200.00 that covers up to 5 billable hours and includesfile set up, initial review of application documents, verification of land history and input materials, and preliminary Organic Systems Plan(OSP) review for completeness. The application fee may cover more than one category requested for certification. If additional time is required it will be charged as stated below.

1B: $200.00 New sites outside of renewal-This fee applies to new sites brought in any time other than at renewal unless waive of Application Fee would apply.

1C: Waive of application fee -The $200.00 application fee may be waived for operationsthat are currently certified by a certifier that has surrendered or lost their accreditation. The operation must apply prior to their anniversary (renewal)date.

1D: Additional Fees: A Bee Organic uses forms accessed through and/or linked to our database. We will accept forms in other formats, including handwritten, but any information not typed into the A Bee Organic forms and submitted electronically must be transferred by staff. There is a $100.00 charge for this service.

Section 2: Inspection Fees

Wherever possible, local inspectors are contracted and inspections are bundled by area, with travel expenses split between the inspected operations.Inspectors are chosen for their qualifications for the category being inspected. We find it best serves our clients, in terms of both time and money,whenwell qualified inspectors perform complete, efficient inspections and reports.

2A: Inspection Fee:

$350.00 - Applicants are required to pay a base fee of $350.00 for the Inspection. This comprises up to 5 hours inspector time to include inspection preparation, on-site inspection with Exit Interview, and a written inspection report. This feeis required prior to the scheduling of the On-Site Inspection, and may be sent with the Application Fee. 15% of this base fee is deducted by A Bee Organic for administrative costs.

2B: Additional Inspection Time

$60.00/hr.maximum- normal inspection-If the timerequired to complete inspection preparation, on-site inspection, and a written inspection reportexceeds5 hours,additional time will be charged at the inspector rate, no more than$60.00/hr. This hourly charge is in addition to the $300.00 base inspection fee.Inspection of sites added outside of annual inspection are charged at the inspector rate, no more than $60.00/hr. with a 1 hour minimum.

$60.00//hr. minimum- complex inspection or investigation- This fee applies to complex inspections and/or investigations that may require hiring specialists. Hourly rate is determined by the inspector ratewhich may exceed the minimum amount posted.

2C: Travel Expenses:

In addition to the Inspection Fee there may be the following charges:

a) Mileage Charge based on the current federal mileage rate at time of inspection. 2016 rate is $0.54/mile

b) Inspector travel expenses that may include: airfare, food, lodging and ground transportation.

c) Inspector travel time: $25.00 - $35.00/hr. depending on inspector rate.

2D: Unannounced Inspection Fee

The USDA National Organic Program requires periodic unannounced inspections of certified operations. A Bee Organic will charge the operation the cost of a qualified inspector’s fees and reasonable travel expenses as stated in B3 above.

2E: Refund of Inspection Fee

The $300.00 Inspection Fee is refundable, with noticeof cancellation to the certifier and inspector a minimum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled inspection. The inspection contract addresses cancellations in detail.

SECTION 3: Other Fees

3A: Verification Fees

  1. $100 Verification of forage for apiary- Where forage areas are not under the control of the beekeeper, a review of documents and maps to verify that forage area does not contain prohibited substances must be completed. An annual $100 fee is charged for this service.
  2. $100 Verification of land used for wild crop harvest- When land used for wild crop harvest is not owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the certified operation, a review of documents and maps to verify that harvest area does not contain prohibited substances must be completed. An annual $100 fee is charged for this service.
  3. $100 Verification of land history for transitional acreage- Where land will not be eligible for organic certification within 1 year, and the applicant has not owned the land for 3 years prior to usual date of harvest, a review of documents to verify last application of prohibited substances must be completed.

3B: Late Fees

The A Bee Organic procedure is to send a notification to all operations currently certified 2 months prior to the date of their Annual Update. The responsibility to request continuing certification and complete all Annual Update requirements remains with the certified operation.Late application for continuing certification will automatically trigger the issuance of a noncompliance along with related noncompliance fees.

$100.00- If an operation’s updated information is received after the date of Annual Update a late fee of $100.00 will be added to the total certification costs to cover administrative costs.This fee can be avoided by timely filing of the required paperwork. The late fee may be waived at the discretion of the Administrative Council.

3C: Possible Additional Application Fees:

  1. $50.00 Additional Site Fee- Additional production sites not contiguous with, or in immediate proximity to, the primary certified site will be charged an annual administrative fee of $50.00.
  2. $40.00/hr. Additional Review Time- It is the intention of A Bee Organic to promote responsible certification communication and recognize responsive new applicants and continuing clients. Responding in a timely manner with complete information should easily keep you within the allotted review time. Those who repeatedly submit incomplete information or otherwise require more than the time allotted will be charged for additional time at the rate of $40.00/hr.
  3. $25.00Hard Copy Application Packet-If an Applicant requests that A Bee Organic mail a printed version of the application packet, there will be a $20.00 service and postage fee charged. In addition, there is a $100.00 fee to enter this information into the A Bee Organic electronic system. See Section 1D.

3D: Review Fees- Other Than at Annual Update-

  1. $50.00/hr. Review Outside of Annual Update- This fee applies when additional review is required for products, labels, formulations, or changes to the OSP that might affect compliance made at any time during the certification period other than with the Annual Update. This fee may be waived for minor changes to the OSP.
  2. $60.00/hr. minimum Material Review Fee- This fee applies to review of materials not already reviewed by an accepted third party such as OMRI, WSDA, or another certifier. Hourly rate will be determined by the complexity of the material and the fees of a qualified reviewer.

3E: Noncompliance and Denial Fees

  1. $75.00 minimum/$60.00/hr.Administrative Fees-New applicants and/or clients continuing in certification issued a Notification of Noncompliance and/or Denial will be charged at a rate of $60.00/hr. for administrative and review fees.There is a $75.00 minimum charge.
  2. $65.00 /hr.minimum Investigative and Legal Fees-Applicants or clients issued a Denial or Notification of Noncompliance that results in an investigation or mediation by A Bee Organic will be charged at a rate of not less than $65.00/hr. depending on fees of the expert required for noncompliance investigation. The applicant/client will also be held responsible for legal fees incurred by A Bee Organic related to the noncompliance investigation.

3F: Private Label/Name & Seal Use Agreement Fee

$150.00- The Name & Seal Use agreement is $150.00 per name brand or private label up to 3 labels. Review of additional labels is charged at $50.00/hour.A Bee Organic applies this fee to clients who produce products labeled with a “house brand” or “private label” and owned by a separate business not certified by A Bee Organic. A name and seal agreement must be completed by the label owner to license their use of the A Bee Organic name and seal on the products and ensure compliance. The certified party must also evidence control over use of the label, USDA Seal and the A Bee Organic name and/or seal.

3G: Import/Export Certificates

$90.00/hr.- Issuance of EU Certificate of Inspection,Korea NASQ Certificate, Swiss Certificate of Inspection, TM-11 Export Certificate(Japan & Taiwan),and Transaction Certificates Cost of all export documentsis $90.00/hr. This includes 2 signed hard copies of the transaction certificate mailed to the certified operation and a pdf sentelectronically.

$50.00- Changes necessary due to client error are the responsibility of the client and are charged a $50.00 “Void and Correct fee”.

3H: List of Certified Operations

$15.00- A list of operations certified by A Bee Organic is available at no cost on the web site at abeeorganic.com.A fee of $15.00 will be charged for a printed copy sent within the USA. Additional postage fees at cost will apply to copies sent outside of the USA.

3I: Copy of Organic Certificate

$10.00- Organic certificates issued during the current and 3 preceding calendar years for operations certified by A Bee Organic are available on the web site at abeeorganic.com. A fee of $10.00 will be charged for a printed copy sent within the USA. Additional postage fees at cost will apply to copies sent outside of the USA.

3J: Laboratory Analyses Results

$15.00- The results of laboratory analyses for residues of pesticides and other prohibited substances conducted during the current and 3 preceding calendar years for operations certified by A Bee Organic will be made available on request. A fee of $15.00 will be charged for a printed copy sent within the USA. Additional postage fees at cost will apply to copies sent outside of the USA.

3K: Other Business Information

$20.00/hr. plus postage-Other business information requested, as permitted in writing by the operator will be charged on a case by case basis. Fees will be based on an administrative rate of $20.00/hr. plus postage.

Payment Options

Application Fees arepaid online at All other fees are payable online as listed on the invoice. Fees will apply for for credit card payments. Receipt will be provided for all payments. A payment arrangement may be requested prior to inspection.


All fees and invoices are due upon receipt. A Bee Organic considers payment delinquent after 30 days from the date of the invoice.

Underpayment or non-payment of any fees constitutes a violation of A Bee Organic policy and applicable standards and is grounds for a Notification of Noncompliance per the NOP standards [7 CFR 205.406 (a)]. The applicant may withdraw its application at any time. An applicant who withdraws its application shall be liable for the costs of services provided up to the time of withdrawal of its application. An applicant that voluntarily withdrew its application prior to the issuance of a notification of noncompliance will not be issued a notification of noncompliance. Similarly, an applicant that voluntarily withdrew its application prior to the issuance of a notification of certification denial will not be issued a notification of certification denial.Applicants must notify A Bee Organic in writing if they wish to withdraw their operation from certification. Applicants who no longer wish to be certified, but who do not notify A Bee Organic that they wish to withdraw, will continue to be invoiced annual fees. Applicants that leave A Bee Organic and do not pay outstanding invoices will be charged a penalty of 2% of the unpaid balance, calculated monthly.

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