Village Improvement Association

General Meeting – VIA Clubhouse

March 13, 2013

President Carolyn Billingsley called the meeting to order at 1:00pm. She then asked everyone to please turn off or silence their cell phones.


Karol Powers-Case told us about the Peanut Butter Gang and the value of friends.

The Pledge of Allegiance was then recited.

Guests: Sponsors:

Joanie MazzarelliPat Carlton

Alice JonesJoanne DeFiore

Linda FlynnLaura West

Mary Jane DeetsRose Marie Patin

Mary Lou ElrodKay Burkhart

Nancy Donohue Jennice McCarty

Elayne MajorsSue Scaglione

Francine FedericiBarbara Dorsey

Elizabeth BrayBarbara Blades

Marilyn GrahamCarol Hall

Irene PaonessaPat VanAcken

Community Improvement:

Community Improvement Co-Chair Carole Suchanek reported that our sponsored homeless family has moved into their new home and all is going well. Dawn is looking for a job and hopes to have one soon.

As Conservation Chair Carole also reminded everyone that Saturday, March 23 is beach grass planting day. We have not been assigned a place yet. If you are interested in helping, please get in touch with Carole.

On Saturday, March 16, from 10 – 11 am there will be a general cleanup of the VIA property. Please come if you would like to help.

Trail Days will be held on Saturday, June 1. The VIA will provide food for the trail volunteers. Food volunteers are needed from 10 am – 2pm on that day. Signup sheets are located in the back of the room. Volunteers are also asked to bring desserts.


Conservation Chair Carole Suchanek introduced the program for this meeting. Suzanne Thurman, Director of MERR (Marine Education, Research and Rehabilitation) Institute presented information about marine animals that live and visit our coasts. She also provided information about not only how her organization helps with marine animals that strand on our shores, but also the education opportunities that are provided to our community.

MERR is always in need of volunteers. More information is available at


President Billingsley asked if there were any corrections to the February 13, 2013 minutes that were presented on the website. Hearing none the minutes will stand approved as posted.

President’s Report:

Carolyn reported that our official ribbon cutting ceremony will be held on Sunday, March 17 from 3 – 5pm. Everyone received an invitation. Elayne Cannarozzi needs to know if you will be attending so that proper amounts of food can be prepared. There is a basket in the back of the room for donations for food preparation for this event.

All members have access to four different newsletters each month. The VIA newsletter is sent through email once a month. If you do not receive it, please let Kathy Nave know. Also, buddies are responsible for making sure their buddy gets the newsletter. Please make sure you are reading the newsletter. It contains important information.

Also, everyone has access to the GFWC News and Notes, the DSFWC News and Views and the Sussex County GFWC Sussex Stars. All of these are posted on our website for your information. If you would like to receive them via personal email, please let Carolyn know.

There are several committees involved in decorating our building and beautifying our property.

The Decorating Committee is chaired by Barbara Anderson and Joanne DeFiore, Joanne McGregor and Nancy Alexander are members. If you have decorating ideas or questions please contact them.

The Landscape Committee is composed of Melynda Peet and Betty Lou Suter. The Landscape Committee is working to get a landscape design for our property.

The Volunteer Hours Sheet is available on the website. Please be sure and record all of your many volunteer hours. Also, if you purchase a ticket for any VIA sponsored event, you may count it on the Gifts in Kind sheet.

The DSFWC Convention will be held at the Atlantic Sands Hotel on May 8 – 10, 2013. Rose Marie Patin is convention chair. If you are interested in helping her, please sign up in the back. The VIA will be hosting a reception at 5pm on May 8 here in the clubhouse and help is also needed for that. This is the same day as our May luncheon. Please consider volunteering to help with both of those activities.

Carolyn then thanked Sherry Pie and Debbie Iammatteo and all the Chocolate Festival volunteers. She also thanked Shirley Fleegle and Carol Hall for chairing the St. Patrick’s Day dinner and all the hostesses. The VIA Executive Board was also thanked for the lovely tea provided for the Brandywine Assisted Living residents.

Corresponding Secretaries:

Carol Hall reported on received correspondence:

Thank you from Nina Wilson. She is back from her surgery.

Thank you from Roxanne Nelson. She is here and recovering from her surgery.

Thank you from GFWC-DSFWC Sussex County Vice-President Henrietta Belcher-Stack for allowing her to speak to us last month.

Thank you from Maxine Ungerbuehler for all the well wishes.

Thank you from Sue Scaglione for all cards, thoughts and our donation in memory of her husband, Dom.

Thank you from both Beebe Hospital School of Nursing scholarship recipients, Meryha Michels and Jill Petrone.

Shirley Fleegle reported on cards sent this month.

Pat Campbell-White Sympathy for husband, Don

Crystal Restaurant Sympathy for Pete’s Father

Bev Andrion Thinking of You

Roxanne Nelson Get Well

Pam Blessinger Thinking of You

Maxine Ungerbuehler Thinking of You

Sandy Geer Thinking of You

Natalie Alexander Get Well

Treasurer’s Report:

Treasurer Suzanne Jones presented the monthly report.

Balance on Hand (Feb. 1) $21,458.00

Receipts 585.00

Disbursements 15,219.09

Balance on Hand (Feb. 28) 6, 823.91

Citizens Bank Maintenance Acct. 14, 830.98

Endowment Fund 7,871.17

Total Balance (Feb. 28)$29,526.06

Capital Campaign Finance Report:

Treasurer Phyllis Stone presented the Capital Campaign Finance Report.

Balance on Hand (Feb. 1)$27,520.66

Receipts 3,744.00

Disbursements 1,796.18

Total Balance (Feb. 28)$29,468.48

Receipts (March 13) 5,611.00

Disbursements (March 13) 770.00

Total Balance (March 13)$34,309.48

New Member Installation:

Sue Scaglione, membership chair, installed one new member,

Irene Paonessa whose sponsors are Pat VanAcken and Jeanne Fox.

Everyone welcomed Irene.

Building Committee:

Chair Eileen Polini reported that the renovations are nearly complete. There are several items that still need to be finished before we can get our Certificate of Occupancy. She is hoping this will be done by the end of the week.

Capital Campaign Committee:

Chair Theda Blackwelder reported that the St. Patrick’s Day dinner at the Crystal Restaurant was a great success. She thanked Shirley Fleegle and Carol Hall and Joanne DeFiore for calling the bingo. She also thanked all hostesses. This activity raised $767.00 for the Capital Campaign Fund.

There are several more fundraisers coming up. The Fashion Show will be held on Saturday, April 6 and Carol Hall is the chair of that committee. Marge Cintavey is taking reservations.

Nancy Alexander is chair of the Tastefully Simple party that will be held on April 25th. There is more information on the back of your agenda.

Barbara Dorsey displayed the handmade quilt which will be auctioned off at the Seaside Art Show on May 18. The tickets are $2 per ticket or 3 tickets for $5. There are also packets of 12 tickets which are available for sale in the back of the room.

Sherry Hall and Barbara Lett are chairing our first Seaside Art Show to be held on May 18 at the clubhouse. There will also be live and silent auctions. Fay Kempton has donated several items.

Ninety bricks have been sold. There is a form online or contact Carol Hall for more information.

The Capital Campaign has nearly met its goal to pay for our clubhouse. Theda thanked everyone who has helped to make this possible.

The next Capital Campaign committee meeting will be on April 9 at noon at the clubhouse.

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony:

Chair Rose Marie Patin and Theda discussed the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony to be held on Sunday, March 17 from 3 – 5pm. They reminded everyone to please contact Elayne Cannarozzi if you plan to attend since they need an approximate number to give to the cooks who are preparing the food. Please dress in green. They thanked everyone who has helped to make this possible.

Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Committee:

Chair Jan Conant reported on the First Night Bags. Information about this project is also available on the website. A First Night Bag is a bag given to both women and children who are seeking refuge. This project will run through October. Think of contents that may be needed on the first night that both women and children may spend in a shelter having little time to make preparations to leave a domestic violent situation. You may sign up in the back. Please bring items for First Night Bags to the next meeting.

Chocolate Festival Committee:

Chairs Sherry Pie and Debbie Iammatteo reported that this year’s Chocolate Festival had 2500 attendees. The VIA raised $822.35. Both Debbie and Sherry thanked all of the VIA volunteers.

They also said that Main Street Director, Annemarie Westerfield wanted them to be sure and thank the VIA for all of their help and support.

Nominating Committee:

Chair Joan Sciorra reported for the nominating committee members including Sue Scaglione and Joanne DeFiore. There are 3 nominations for the Board of Directors positions for` 2013 – 2016. They are Pat Madison-Gauger, Sherry Hall and Eileen Polini. She asked if there were any nominations from the floor. There were none. On behalf of the outgoing directors, she thanked everyone for the privilege of serving. These nominees will be voted on in April and installed at the May meeting.

Nomination of President-Elect to DSFWC:

President Billingsley reported that there is a need for a DSFWC President-Elect. New Castle County was in line to nominate someone for this position but passed it to Sussex County. Nominees must have been a President of a local club and have served 4 years on the DSFWC State Board. All Sussex County GFWC clubs will have the opportunity to nominate someone. Any nominations must go to Kathy Osterholm by March 20. Both Gail Shaffer and Sandy Roberts, who were eligible to be nominated, declined nomination.


Phyllis Stone reported that the next New Member Orientation meeting will be held from 10 – 12 at the clubhouse on March 25th.

Judy Bryan wanted everyone to note that the next dinner for Home of the Brave will be on March 25th. If you would like to help with that or attend please contact Judy.

Shirley Fleegle announced that memorial books had been purchased in memory of Helen Bye and Margaret Stortz.

Faith Duncan reminded everyone that Yoga takes place every Thursday at the clubhouse at 3:15. New participants are welcome.

Kathy Nave acknowledged that members have received multiple emails about the same topic. She indicated that this is a problem with our website provider and she is working on the problem.

Ronnie Lutz asked everyone to please bring in Pick-a-Dilly gifts for the St. Nicholas Tea. They should have a value of at least $5 and be about the size of your hand. Wrapping paper contributions would also be appreciated.

Judy Bryan also wanted everyone to know that part of the leftovers from the Chocolate Festival went to the Home of the Brave. Debbie Iammatteo also added that the other leftovers went to the Community Resource Center.

Sandy Roberts reminded everyone that HOBY Delaware this year will take place May 17 – 19. Even though we donate as a club, HOBY relies on contributions to be sure all nominated students will be able to attend. Sandy is collecting donations for HOBY following the meeting.

Sandy Roberts also wanted to thank everyone who participated or contributed to Federation Day. DSFWC raised over $8,000. VIA’s donations raised over $300.

Beth Magnus asked that folks sign up to be hostesses for the April General Meeting. A signup sheet is in the back. She also asked that everyone sign up for the May luncheon. It is necessary to have an estimated count to give to Kings Creek Country Club.


The 50/50 of $60 was won by our new member Irene Paonessa.

The Collect was recited and the meeting was adjourned at 2:45pm.

Submitted by,

Kathy Osterholm

Recording Secretary