Text: Kohut, Daniel. Musical Performance Learning Theory and Pedagogy, Stipes Publishing Co., Champaign, IL (1993). Handouts: sent as pdfs via e-mail
Course Requirements:
1. Attendance is mandatory; only an excused absence in advance of the date is acceptable (10% of the final grade). Absences: 2=B, 3=C, 4=D, 5=F
2. An oral class presentation on the history and pedagogy of your instrument: March 31-April 17 (10% of the final grade). This grade will be based mostly on your preparation rather than your delivery.
3. A written project: The (your instrument): A Survey of Its History and Literature. No fewer than ten double-spaced pages. The content, grammar, organization, and style should be that of a mini-dissertation. Due in its final form April 28 (25% of the final grade). If you turn in the project early, it will be graded and can be rewritten (if needed), with the new version also graded. The final grade for this project will then be the average of the two grades.
4. A selected and annotated course of study for your instrument from beginning through advanced college levels. On 3 x 5 cards, 4 x 6 cards, or an appropriate software-generated format, typed or very neatly hand-written: annotations of methods, etudes, special exercises/routines, solos, orchestral excerpts, and possibly duets. For the format see the handouts and class discussion: March 1-8. This project is due April 28 (25% of the final grade).
5. Two exams: 30% of the final grade (15% each)
Jan. 18 Introduction: fundamentals of learning and pedagogy.
20 Fundamentals of learning and pedagogy. Kohut chapters 1-2
23 Fundamentals of learning and pedagogy, continued. Kohut chapters 3-5
25 Fundamentals of learning and pedagogy, continued. Kohut chapters 5-8
27 The breathing apparatus. K. chapters 9-10 plus handouts
30 The breathing apparatus, continued.
Feb. 1 The breathing apparatus, regulation of tone and resonance. K. chpaters 11-12.
6 Developing strength, endurance, flexibility, and a range of articulations.
8 Developing strength, endurance, flexibility, and a range of articulations (continued)
10 TMEA (no class)
13 The acoustics of brass instruments: the harmonic series and its intonation tendencies.
15 Acoustics continued: improving melodic and harmonic intonation.
17 Acoustics continued: the valve, mouthpiece, leadpipe, bell flare, alloys.
20 Acoustics continued
22 Acoustics continued: transposition, mutes, seating arrangements.
24 Transposition and review for Exam I
27 Exam I
March 1 Discuss the exam. Developing a course of study.
3 Developing a course of study: grading methods, etudes, solos, and ensembles
6 Developing a course of study: grading methods, etudes, solos, and ensembles
8 Developing a course of study: grading methods, etudes, solos, and ensembles
10 No class
11-19 Spring Break
20 Begin an outline of the history of brass instruments and ensembles.
22 The history of brass instruments and ensemble (continued).
24 The history of brass instruments and ensemble (continued).
27 The history of brass instruments and ensemble (continued).
29 The history of brass instruments and ensemble (continued).
31 The trumpet/cornet, its history and pedagogy.
April 3 The trumpet/cornet, its history and pedagogy (cont.)
5 The trombone family, its history and pedagogy.
7 The trombone family, its history and pedagogy.
10 The horn family, its history and pedagogy.
12 The horn family, its history and pedagogy (cont.)
14 The euphonium/tuba family, its history and pedagogy.
17 The euphonium/tuba family, its history and pedagogy.
19 How to win a teaching job and keep it.
21 How to win a teaching job and keep it.
24 How to win a performing job and keep it.
26 How to win a performing job and keep it.
28 Projects due in class; review for second exam
May 1 Second exam (no final exam)
Student Perceptions of Teaching (SPOT)
Student feedback is important and an essential part of participation in this course. The student evaluation of instruction is a requirement for all organized classes at UNT. The short SPOT survey will be made available April 18th – May 1st to provide you with an opportunity to evaluate how this course is taught. You will receive an email on April 18th from "UNT SPOT Course Evaluations via IASystem Notification" () with the survey link. Simply click on the link and complete your survey. Once you complete the survey you will receive a confirmation email that the survey has been submitted.