Start out by right-clicking the stage area and selecting document properties. Set the height to 200px, the width to 500px, and the frame rate to 30 frames per second. Select the Rectangle Tool. Set the stroke color to none and the fill color to black (#000000). Hold shift and draw a square on the screen. Select the Selection Tool. Right-click the black box anc click Convert to Symbol. Name it square, set the type to Movie clip, and in the Linkage section, select Export for Actionscript. This is the pong block. Open up the properties tab and set the instance name to pongblock

We are now going to create the paddles. Draw a rectangle on the screen, select the selection tool and right-click. Select convert to symbol. Name it paddle, and click Export for ActionScript. Click ok. In the properties tab, set the Instance Name to leftpaddle. Right-click the paddle and hit copy. Right-click paste a second paddle onto the right side of the stage. Set the instance name to rightpaddle. We now have both paddles and the pong block. We are now going to add in the actionscript to make the pong block. Click the pong block and insert the following code into the actions tab: (retrieve file called code for pong block)

We now have a basic moving pong block. We are now going to make the left paddle movable and interact with the pong block. Click the left paddle and insert the following code: (retrieve file called code for leftpaddle

Now, click the right paddle. This is going to be the AI paddle. Nothing too complex. It just chases the pong block up and down. Insert the following code into the Actions panel: (retrieve file called code for rightpaddle)

We now have a game, but to make it a bit more interesting, we are going to keep score. Select the Text Tool and draw a box on the left half of the screen. You can double-click it and increase the width. Change the type to Dynamic Text. Set the var to leftscore. create another text box on the right side. Change the type to Dynamic Text and set the var to rightscore.