BUSINESS MEETING in Council Chambers


March 2, 2017

Present:Mayor :Linda Blechinger

Council Member:Peggy Langley

Council Member:Bob Vogel - Absent

Council Member:Bill Ackworth

Council Member:Jay Riemenschneider

City Staff in Attendance:City Administrator Ron Griffith, Joyce Brown, Chief Moulder, Alex Mitchem, Dan Pruehs, Iris Akridge, Jay Miller, Lt. Patterson, Thomas Hardin, Officer Willis, Bel Outwater, Michelle Walker

Mayor Blechinger called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Ron Griffith gave the invocation.

Ron Griffithled the pledge to the flag.

Council Reports and Announcements

Council Member Riemenschneidercommented on the progress of Downtown Auburn (the mulch, striping, and paving), stating that it looks, “Stunning”. “Thank you” to those involved in making this happen.

Staff Reports

Copies of staff reports are located at the end of this document. Chief Moulderreported that Officer Billy Willis is back with Auburn Police Department. He has been sworn in. Officer Willis has finished his field (FTO) training and is assigned to a shift. Chief also reported that the Police Department received 16 doses of “Narcan” (Naloxone Nasal Spray) for deployment to our road Officers, once they complete the necessary training. This product will be beneficial should an Officer experience an accidental exposure or in the event of a suspected overdose to a member of the public. Also, received a $600.00 grant. Chief would like to thank the Medical Association of Georgia for funding this grant through their Think About It Program. Bel Outwater reported that the Library was celebrating Dr. Seuss’ Birthday. Bel also announced that March 5th– 11this Teen Tech Week. Dan Pruehsannounced that on March 18th, for the first time in the history of the County all the Baseball Associations in Barrow County will come together for Opening Day Ceremonies at the Barrow County Baseball Fields. Dan also announced that Opening Ceremonies for Auburn will be at Mary Carter Ballfields on March 25th at 9:00AM. Dan reported that Southland Builders, LLC would do two sets of concrete steps at Mary Carter Ballfields for $15,480. Ron Griffith reported that he administered the GovDeals vehicles and equipment sales and coordinated a successful bid process with over $21,000 to be collected. “Thank you” to Chief Moulder and Lt. Patterson for their help and participation with GovDeals.

The following staff reports were given: Police Department - Chief Moulder, Library-Bel Outwater, Stormwater-Iris Akridge, Parks and Leisure – Dan Pruehs, Community Development – Alex Mitchem, City Clerk - Joyce Brown, Administration and Public Works - Ron Griffith

Item:Citizen Comments on Agenda Items

Mayor Blechinger asked for any Citizens comments for items on tonight’s agenda.

None were given

Item:Consent Agenda

Mayor Blechinger asked if any of the consent agenda items needed to be removed for further discussion

None were given

Mayor Blechinger asked for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda:

February 2, 2017 - Business Meeting Minutes

February 16, 2017 - Workshop Meeting Minutes

Steps at Mary Carter Ballfields

Permit Fees

Appointment to Parks and Leisure Commission

Motion:Made by Council MemberLangley to approve the Consent Agenda

Seconded:By Council Member Riemenschneider

Mayor Blechinger asked for any discussion. There was none.

Vote was taken with all members present voting yes.

Keith Forrester was sworn in by Mayor Blechingerto the Parks and Leisure Commission.

Mayor Blechinger asked for any Citizens Comments.

Carlton Johnson stressed his concern for the Public Works workers and others due to speeders on Carter Road not slowing down for the speed bump.

ADJOURN: Mayor Blechinger asked for a motion to adjourn.

Motion: Made by Council MemberLangley to adjourn.

Seconded:By Council Member Riemenschneider.

Vote was taken with all members present voting yes. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Read and approved this ______Day of April2017



Mayor Blechinger

Business Meeting Minutes for March 2, 2017 Page 1