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USIC Annual Report 2010-11
University Science Instrumentation Centre
North Bengal University, Darjeeling – 734013
University Science Instrumentation Centre (USIC) was established in 1978. It is a Level-II centre and renders services to the different departments of the University in terms of Maintenance, Repairing and Fabrication of scientific equipments. The Centre broadly runs as per UGC guidelines.
Regular Activities
A summary of the works undertaken and serviced successfully (Repair, Fabrication, Design, Installation, Upgradation etc.) by the USIC during the year 2010-11:
Sl No / Month & Year / No of Jobs / Break up Jobs under different CategoriesComputer Hardware Maintenance / Electronics
& Electrical / Mechanical / AC
Machines & Refrigerator
1 / APR '10 / 24 / 08 / 13 / 02 / 01
2 / MAY '10 / 36 / 14 / 14 / 07 / 01
3 / JUN '10 / 27 / 11 / 15 / 00 / 01
4 / JUY '10 / 44 / 13 / 28 / 01 / 02
5 / AUG '10 / 23 / 09 / 13 / 00 / 01
6 / SEP '10 / 40 / 16 / 14 / 10 / 00
7 / OCT '10 / 08 / 03 / 04 / 00 / 01
8 / NOV '10 / 20 / 10 / 07 / 03 / 00
9 / DEC '10 / 27 / 09 / 08 / 10 / 00
10 / JAN '11 / 31 / 14 / 17 / 00 / 00
11 / FEB '11 / 29 / 20 / 08 / 01 / 00
12 / MAR '11 / 24 / 05 / 18 / 00 / 01
Total / 333
Special Activities:-
- USIC also looks after the Job of Maintenance of Photo copier through AMC dine by external vendors. Currently, two Vendors (M/s T.D.M Electronics and M/s XEROTECH and M/s ELECTROSERVICES) are associated with the Jobs of Maintenance of Photocopier.
- USIC is working jointly with the Computer Centre, NBU towards maintenance and up gradation of NBU – LAN Internet setup.
- All the officers from USIC act as resource persons in the “training programme of school teachers” jointly organized by IOTA(A society under Dept. of IT, Govt. of West Bengal) and University of North Bengal (10.09.2010 to 05.12.2010).
Name of the Officers with designation and subject area of specialization
Sl. No. / Name / Designation / Area of Specialization1 / Mr. Gautam Sarkar, M.Sc. M.Tech / Technical
Officer-II / Electronics &Radio-physics, Microwave Devices and Applications
2. / Mr. Samir Chandra Das
B.E, M.Tech, MBA, M Phil (Comp. Sc) [on lien from 25.03.2011] / Technical
Officer-I / VLSI Design & Micro-Electronics Technology, Electronic Devices, Computer Networking
3. / Mr. Tamal Sarkar,
M.Sc, D.C.P , M. Phil.
(Physics) / Technical
Officer-I / Electronics and Radio-physics, Electronic Devices, Computational Physics
Contribution to different International Conferences / Seminars / Symposiums:
- Gautam Sarkar, Banani Das, Malay Kumar Das, Ute Baumeister, Wolfgang Weissflog,“Structural Investigations of a Non Calamitic Shaped Liquid Crystalline Compound Showing Unusual Phases”. 23rd International Conference on Liquid Crystals, Krakow, Poland (July 11-16, 2010).
Workshop and Training Program Organized:
- University Science Instrumentation Centre (USIC) independently organized three-day (28th – 30th March 2011) training programme on “Application of Open Source Software” whereintwenty participats (Research Scholars) from various departments of North Bengal University were trained.
Contribution to different National Conferences / Seminars / Symposiums:
I.Tamal Sarkar, Samir Chandra Dasand Tanay Chattapadhay,“Transition from MOSFET to Quantum Dot: An Overview” International Conference on Fundamental and Applications of Nano-science & Technology (ICFANT-2010), School of Materials Sceince & Nanotechnology, Jadavpur University (December 9-11, 2010)
II.J.N. Roy, Tanay Chattopadhyay, M.K. Das and Tamal Sarkar, “All-optical Multiplication Using SOA-MZI based Programmable Logic Device (PLD)” International Conference on Communication, Computers and Devices, IIT, Kharagpur (December 10-12, 2010)
III.Samir Chandra Das, Tamal Sarkar and Ranjit Kumar Samanta, “Wireless Interference Detection System in High-Level Network Protocol Using Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks” Fifth International Conference on Theretical , Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICTACEM) , IIT, Kharagpur (December 27-29, 2010)
IV.Tamal Sarkar “Spectral Variability of LSI +61 303 with XMM Newton” (poster) presented in the International Conference on Wideband X-Ray Astronomy: Frontiers in Timing and Spectroscopy, IUCAA, Pune (January 13-16, 2011)
V.Tamal Sarkar “Estimation of the dominant Radiation Process in some Persistent Black Hole System” Exploring the Cosmos: A national Conference on Relativistic Astrophysics and Astroparticle Physics, High Energy and Cosmic Ray Research Centre, University of North Bengal (January 27-28, 2011)
VI.Samir Chandra Das and Tamal sarkar “Forecasting of Fuel Cost for Environmental Friendly Power Generation in Thermal Power Station” Published in the Proceedings of 8th All India People’s Technological Congress, Science City, Kolkata, FOSET (Feb 11-12, 2011)
Participation of National Seminar /Training/ Work-Shop etc.:
- Tamal Sarkar successfully completed the Short Term Course on Advanced Workshop on Astronomy: Theory, observation and Interpretation, IRC, Physics Dept. , NBU (April 5-9, 2010)
- Tamal Sarkar successfully Completed the Nanotechnology Teacher’s Training Program offered by Nano Science and Technology Consortium (a distance participation program with e-learning Program management) held during February 2010-July 2010
- Tamal Sarkar participated in Seminar on Nonlinear Dynamics and Astrophysics, Department of Mathematics, NBU (October09, 2010)
- Tamal Sarkar participated in International Conference on Fundamental and Applications of Nano-science & Technology (ICFANT-2010), School of Materials Sceince & Nanotechnology, Jadavpur University (December 9-11, 2010)
- Tamal Sarkar and Samir Chandra Das successfully completed the Short Term Course on VLSI Signal Processing offered by IIT Kharagpur (December 19-23, 2010)
- Samir Chandra Das participated in Fifth International Conference on Theoretical , Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICTACEM) , IIT, Kharagpur (December 27-29, 2010)
- Tamal Sarkar participated in International Conference on Wideband X-Ray Astronomy: Frontiers in Timing and Spectroscopy, IUCAA, Pune (January 13-16, 2011)
- Tamal Sarkar participated in Exploring the Cosmos: A national Conference on Relativistic Astrophysics and Astroparticle Physics, High Energy and Cosmic Ray Research Centre, University of North Bengal (January 27-28, 2011)
- Samir Chandra Das participated in 8th All India People’s Technological Congress, Science City, Kolkata, FOSET (Feb 11-12, 2011)
New Dimension:
USIC is on the way to establish “Central Major Equipment Facility (CMEF)” wing having several major equipment and intending to cater to the need of the researchers at various departments. The University Engineering Branch has undertaken the job of building expansion in front of physics department / centre for high energy cosmic ray research centre and expected to complete shortly. On completion of building work, the procurement process for major equipments (SEM/TEM, AFM, XRD, AAS etc.) will be start.