NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack
POSITION: Locum Specialty Doctor
in Ophthalmology / /
Reference / MS/0614/06 / Quote on all correspondence
Grade / Locum Specialty Doctor
Location / Hairmyres Hospital
Hours / PA’s / 10 PAs per week (Part-time may be considered)
Salary Scale / £861.74 per week based on 10PAs per week
Closing Date / Noon on Monday 21st July 2014
Your Application / Thank you for expressing an interest in the above post within NHS Lanarkshire. Please find all the relevant information attached to begin the application process.
Should you require further information regarding this post you can contact the Medical Staffing team or make informal enquiries with the department using the contact details below.
To ensure we can process your application as easily as possible please complete all the information required within the Application Pack and email with your CV.
Contact Details / Telephone / 01698 377720
Email /
Application Process / To apply, please email your CV to the above, along with the attached completed Application Pack.

Additional Arrangements / Informal enquiries regarding this post will be welcomed by:-
Dr. M Virdi / Consultant / 01355 584644
Dr S Nabili / Consultant / 01355 584643
Mr. P Clark / Service Manager / 01355 584665
Date when the post is Vacant / The post is vacant immediately and a start date will be agreed with the successful candidate.
NHS Lanarkshire / For further information regarding NHS Lanarkshire and its hospitals, please visit our website:- www.nhslanarkshire.org.uk
We are an Equal Opportunities Employer and Positive about Disabled People.
The Department / Ophthalmology services within NHS Lanarkshire are organized on the “hub” and “spoke” model with all inpatient and daycase services centralised at Hairmyres and outpatient services are provided at all 3 sites.
There are 5 inpatient beds on the Hairmyres site; however the majority of patients are treated as daycases in the DSU. There is a dedicated ophthalmology theatre which is fully equipped with an operating microscope, phaco-emulsification and other equipment standard to a modern ophthalmology theatre. In addition the Ophthalmology department has access to another theatre with a floor mounted ophthalmic operating microscope, phakoemulsification equipment and modern ophthalmic equipment.
The outpatient department has Argon and Yag Lasers, Biometry, Visual Field Equipment and a Digital Imaging System. There is an OCT machine in the department with a full macular service including Intravitreal injections and dedicated macular nursing staff. Ocular ultrasound examination is provided on site and CT and MRI scanning is available.
Topcon OCT machine and HRT 3 are sited at Wishaw hospital.
The yearly patient activity in ophthalmology for 2012 period is summarised below :
Patient Activity - Ophthalmology (Incl C7B Cataracts)
Date Range : Jan 2012 to Dec 2012
Data Source : Trak PMS (data subject to change following validation)
In Patient / Day Case / Activity
Elective Inpatient Admissions / 59
Emergency Inpatient Admissions / 54
Transfers / 7
Total Inpatients (Inc. Trfs) / 120
Daycases / 3189
TOTAL / 3309
New Out Patients (Consultant Led and Nurse Led clinics)
TOTAL / 15,185
The Post / Locum Specialty Doctor with NHS Lanarkshire based at Hairmyres Hospital. Extra programmed activity may be available by mutual agreement.
General Provisions / You will be answerable to Clinical Director, who will agree your job plan.
Health and Safety / You are required to comply with NHS Lanarkshire Health and Safety Policies.
Junior Medical Staff / You will be responsible for the training and supervision of the Junior Medical staff who works with you, and you will be expected to devote time to this on a regular basis. In addition, you will be expected to ensure that staff has access to advice and counseling. If appropriate, you will be named in the contracts of Doctors in training grades as the person responsible for overseeing their training and as the initial source of advice to such Doctors on their career.
Resources / The following resources are available:-
Consultants / Special Interest
Dr Brown / Paediatric Ophthalmology
Dr Fern / Cornea & Anterior Segment
Dr Savides / Strabismus & Neuro-ophthalmology
Dr Virdi / Medical Retina
Dr Nabili / Oculoplastics
Dr Datta / Glaucoma
Dr. Chadha / Oculoplastics
Associate Specialist / 1
Specialty Doctors / 1
Specialty Doctor / Current post
Specialist Registrars on rotation from the West of Scotland Training Scheme. / 5
FY2 / 1
Secretarial Support:
WTE Ophthalmic Service Co-Ordinator / 1
WTE Secretaries / 5.07
Patient Scheduler / 1
Main Duties / The main duties and responsibilities of your post include
The Locum Specialty doctor in Ophthalmology in NHS Lanarkshire works between three hospital sites, Monklands General, Wishaw General and Hairmyres.
You will be accountable to Ophthalmology Consultants who will agree your timetable. You will be expected to work with local managers and professional colleagues in the efficient running of services and will share with medical colleagues teaching provision for junior staff. Subject to the provisions of the Terms and Conditions of Service you are expected to observe NHS Lanarkshire’s agreed policies and procedures, drawn up in consultation with the profession on clinical matters, and to follow the standing orders and financial instructions of NHS Lanarkshire. You are required to comply with NHS Lanarkshire’s Health and Safety Policies. You will be required to be on call one week day per week.
All Consultants operate exclusively at Hairmyres and have their major Outpatient commitments at the other hospitals. This post is to maintain and facilitate the management of general ophthalmology services and to also support services in the subspecialty area. This would involve Outpatient clinics at Hairmyres and Wishaw General Hospital.
Deployment of Locum Specialty Doctor staff will be determined by a number of factors, including the implementation of the Board’s Acute Services Strategy, and by the requirements of the Board to satisfy local demand for services.
Work Programme / As required under Section 3 of the Terms and Conditions of Service, the duties and responsibilities are supported by a job plan and work programme detailed as follows:
The job plan will be dependent on the successful candidate’s subspecialty training and interests. One SPA will be included in the job plan.
On taking up post a Job Plan will be agreed between the person appointed and the Clinical Director. The Job Plan will be reviewed informally after 3 months in post.
The indicative timetable identifies those fixed commitments which are dependent on other hospital resources, both physical and human.
Fixed Commitments / Days / Hours / Type of Work / Location
Monday / AM / Clinic / Wishaw
PM / Theatre / Hairmyres
Tuesday / AM / Injection clinic / Theatre / Hairmyres
PM / clinic / Hairmyres
Wednesday / AM / clinic / Wishaw
Thursday / AM / Clinic / Wishaw
PM / Clinic / Wishaw
Friday / AM / Injection clinic / Hairmyres
PM / admin
* The job also has on call commitment which is included in the sessional rate.
In addition, other activities not occurring at fixed times. / ·  Reviewing new admissions.
·  Discussing referrals, in patient and out patient with Colleagues (daily).
·  Discussing management/investigation of patients with colleagues in Orthoptics/Optometry, Radiology and other appropriate Clinical Support Services
·  Ward Referrals, Discussing patient management/ reviewing patients with doctors in training and Nursing Staff out with formal ward rounds.
·  Speaking to GP’s.
·  Speaking to Outpatients re results.
·  Vetting Fast Track clinic referrals/ allocating appointments (daily).
·  Attending meetings in relation to duties as member of Ophthalmology Team.
·  CPD and Appraisal
·  Audit
Review of the Job Plan / This job plan is subject to review by the post holder and the Clinical Director as noted in the terms and conditions. The procedures set out in the ‘Terms & Conditions of Service’ must be followed if it is not possible to agree a job plan, either initially or at review.
Appraisal and revalidation / It will be mandatory for the new appointee to take yearly appraisals and will be subject to revalidation process as per the protocols.
Audit and research / The successful candidate will be expected to participate in audit processes and there is an active clinical audit department available to assist. An interest in research will be supported.
Continuing Professional Development / Study leave is available within the terms and conditions of service with the approval of the Clinical Director. The appointee will be required to fulfill such demands for continuing professional development as the Royal College of Ophthalmologists (or other relevant bodies) may make.
Attributes / Essential / Useful
Qualifications / FRCS (Exit Exam).
FRCOphth or equivalent full U.K. Registration.
Training / Full and current GMC Registration with a license to practice.
Research / Some experience of data collection, manipulation and presentation. / Experience and interest in audit.
Publications / Not essential / Any publications relevant to ophthalmology.
Experience / At least 4 years experience in ophthalmology with acute on-call commitment.
Experience at senior level in UK healthcare system. / Ophthalmic primary care
Other complimentary subspecialist interest.
Familiarity with working processes in NHS
Knowledge and Skills / Wide experience of managing ophthalmic patients.
Recognised ophthalmic sub-specialty training. / Aptitude and interest in audit.
Disposition / Cheerful and co-operative
Team worker.
Good communicator.
Car Driver
If there is any reason why a disabled person should not be considered suitable for this post, please provide details: / The post requires physical dexterity. Uncorrected visual or hearing defect would be incompatible with the nature of the work.
Prepared By:- / Approved By:-
Name / Dr. Meena Virdi / Mr. A Khan
Designation / Consultant Ophthalmologist / Associate Medical Director
Date / June 2014 / June 2014

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NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack
POSITION: Locum Specialty Doctor
in Ophthalmology / /
a) This appointment is offered on the Terms and Conditions of the Specialty Doctor Contract on a locum basis.
b) This appointment is superannuable under the NHS Superannuation Scheme, which is
contracted out of the State Earnings Related Pension Scheme (SERPS). New
employees commencing employment from 1 March 2013 onwards will automatically be
enrolled in the pension scheme and your remuneration will be subject to deduction
of superannuation contributions.
To opt-out, you must contact the Scottish Public Pensions Agency directly on Tel:
01896 893000. Should you choose to opt-out in accordance with these changes you
will be enrolled into the scheme again every 3 years (June 2016, 2019 etc) when the
same process will apply.
For further information on the benefits of the scheme, please contact an advisor of The
Scottish Public Pensions Agency (SPPA) Tel: 01896 893100, or download/view a
member’s guide at www.sppa.gov.uk/nhs/forms.htm.
c) The employment is subject to 1months’ notice on either side subject always to the appeal and other provisions of schedule 18 of the Pay and Conditions of Service of Hospital Medical and Dental Staff and Doctors and Dentists in Public Health Medicine and the Community Health Service, New Contracts for Specialty Doctor and Associate Specialist Grades.
d) Reimbursement of certain telephone charges may be payable on application to NHS Lanarkshire. The successful candidate must be contactable throughout any on-call period.
e) The successful candidate, if not already employed by the NHS Lanarkshire, will be required to complete a medical questionnaire to obtain medical clearance from the Occupational Health Physician.
f) The successful candidate will be required to complete a Disclosure Scotland PVG (Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme) form. No approach will be made without written permission of the successful applicant who will be asked to sign and complete a disclosure PVG application, giving authorisation for the check to be undertaken.
g) NHS Lanarkshire does not negotiate salary placements. On commencement the salary will be in line with Schedule 14 of the terms and conditions of the Specialty Doctor contract. Appointees start on the scale minimum except in the circumstances of paragraphs 5 - 9 of Schedule 14 of the terms and conditions of service.
h) From 1st April 2013, the starting salary for the post is £853.20 per week (based on 10 Programmed Activities per week). Remuneration for any extra programmed activities will be dependent upon the job plan agreed at the time of appointment.
i)  Dependent upon present place of residence, NHS Lanarkshire may require the successful candidate to undertake to remove home to a distance acceptable to NHS Lanarkshire, normally within 10 miles of the base Hospital, in which case removal expenses will be payable in accordance with NHS Lanarkshire Policy. In some cases, however, a residence more than 10 miles distant from the base hospital will be acceptable and in this case removal expenses will be subject to the prior approval of the Associate Medical Director for such a residence. The position will be made clear to the successful candidate on application.


The following should be used when completing DECLARATIONS/ CONVICTIONS within the application pack.

Registration with the General Medical Council or General Dental Council imposes on doctors and dentists the duty to provide a good standard of medical care and to behave appropriately, towards patients. NHS Employees also have a duty to ensure that patients receive a good standard of medical care and ensure as far as possible the safety of patients. We therefore need to establish if you have been found guilty of a criminal offence, been bound over or cautioned or are currently the subject of proceedings which might lead to a conviction, an order binding you over or a caution, in the UK or any other country.

Applications for posts in the NHS are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. Application forms will include a declaration for applicants to complete declaring any previous or pending prosecutions or convictions, including those considered “spent” under the Act. Forms will also include a declaration of any cautions or bind overs.

We also need to establish if you have been the subject of any fitness to practise proceedings in the past, or if any fitness to practise proceedings is being contemplated, by a licensing or regulatory body in the UK or another country and this are also reflected in the declaration.