Adult Jogger Slippers

Materials: Knitting Worsted weight yarn (dbl strands used) and #8; #7; and #6 needles

Gauge: 7 sts=2"

Sizes: Sm/Med/Lg

If you have ANY questions my email is

Using double red yarn: CO 57-63-69 sts

Row 1: K

Row 2: Inc K26-29-32 Inc K1 Inc K 25-28-31 Inc K1

Row 3: K

Row 4: INC K28-31-34 INC K1 Inc K27-30-33 Inc K1

Row 5: K

Row 6: INC K 30-33-36 INC K1 INC K 29-32-35 INC K1

  • Sts on needle: Small 69 Medium 75 Large 81

Row 7: K

Row 8: K

Row 9: K

Row 10: P This is the turn row for the sole. St sts are on the ws

Row 11: K

Row 12: Drop red yarn, attach dbl white, K (This creates the white stripe at sole)

Row 13: Cut white, pick up red, K

Row 14: K

Row 15: K

Cut red yarn, attach single strand of blue

Row 16: K

Row 17: K

Row 18: K

Row 19: K

Begin decreases to shape toe:

Row 20: K 30-33-36 K2 tog K5 K2 tog K 30-33-36

Row 21: K 29-32-35 K2 tog K5 K2 tog K29- 32 -35

Row 22: K 28-31-34 K2 tog K5 K2 tog K 28-31-34

Row 23: K 27-30-33 K2 tog K5 K2 tog K 27-30-33

Row 24: K 26-29-32 K2 tog K5 K2 tog K 26-29-32

Row 25: K 25-28-31 K2 tog K5 K2 tog K 25-28-31

Row 26: K24-27-30 K2 tog K5 K2 tog K24-27-30

Row 27: K 23-26-29 K2 tog K5 K2 tog K 23-26-29

  • Sts on needle: Small 53 Medium 59 Large 65

You will be working on just the instep sts.

Only 1 st will be dec'd on each short row:

Row 28: K 29-32-35 K2 tog, Turn

Row 29: K6, K2 tog, Turn

Row 30: K6, K2 tog, Turn

Row 31: K6, K2 tog, Turn

Row 32: K6, K2 tog, Turn

Row 33: K6, K2 tog, Turn

Row 34: K6, K2 tog, Turn

Row 35: K6, K2 tog, Turn

Row 36: K6, K2 tog, Turn

Row 37: K6, K2 tog, Turn

Row 38: K6, K2 tog, Turn

Row 39: K6, K2 tog, Turn and K to end of row

  • Sts on needle: Small 41 Medium 47 Large 53

Row 40: K across

Bind off loosely

With #6 needle and white yarn pick up 40 sts a round or two below from your just bound off sts.

This gives the appearance of a separate shoe and sock. You can use dpn’s or if you have luck with the magic loop try that, this way you have no seam to stitch up.

Knit 5 ½ inches in rib patter (multiples of 4) K2 P2. I sometime pick up more than 40 stitches as long as it is in multiples of 4.

Drop white, pick up royal blue

Work 4 rows in ribbing

Drop blue, pick up white

Work 4 rows ribbing

Pick up blue

Work 4 rows ribbing

Cut blue

Work 5 rows ribbing

Bind off in ribbing


#7 needles CO 8 sts

Row 1: K

Row 2: Inc, K5, Inc, K1

Row 3: K

Row 4: Inc, K7, Inc, K1

Work 1 1/2" straight knitting

If you want to have fun with this tongue you could M1 and then not knit it from the back which would give you a shoelace hole! I kinda knit my own tongue for the heck of it.

Decrease rows:

Row 1: K2 TOG, K8, K2tog

Row 2: K

Row 3: K2 TOG, K6, K2 tog

Row 4: K

Bind off

Attach tongue to instep of shoe.

Make a shoe lace of yarn (or buy shoe laces) and weave through tongue.

Weave sole, back of shoe & sock together.

If making baby shoes you will want to someone sew the laces down so that the baby cannot remove them and choke on them….