Supplementary Bachelor of Physiotherapy III (Third) Year Annual Examination 2012-13
Course Code: BPT307 Paper ID: S113136
Clinical Neurology
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70 Max Marks: 75
Note: Attempt the questions as per instructions Q. No. 1 is compulsory.
1. Choose the correct alternative: (1x10=10)
A) True about intracranial pressure:
i) Bradycardia
ii) HTN
iii) Papilloedema
iv) All the above
B) “Coma” as presenting feature may seen in:
i) Brainstem tumour
ii) Intraventricular tumour
iii) Cerebellar tumour
iv) Meningioma
C) Ataxia and nystagmus are side effects of:
i) Primidone ii) Pheynytoin
iii) Carbamazepine iv) Idiopathic
D) Majority of strokes are due to:
i) Cerebral infaction ii) Hemorrhage
iii) Head injury iv) Idiopathic
E) Not a major risk factor of stroke:
i) Diabetes ii) Arterial HTN
iii) Cigarette smoking iv) High alcohol intake
F) Lesion at subtansia niagra can cause:
i) Hypokinesis ii) Resting tremors
iii) muscles rigidity iv) All the above
G) In pyramidal tract lesion least affected is:
i) Hip flexion ii) U Knee flexion
iii) Foot planter flexion iv) Foot eversion
H) Contraction is slowly in which type of muscle fibre:
i) Type I ii) Type II a
iii) Type II b iv) All the above
I) All sign of pyramidal lesion except:
i) Extensor planter response
ii) Muscle wasting
iii) Exxegerated tendon reflex
iv) Impaired fine movements
J) Clasp knife rigidity is seen in:
i) UMN lesion ii) LMN lesion
iii) Parkinsonism iv) All the above
2. Write short notes on any six of the following (limit your answer in 50 words). (6x5=30)
a) Bell’s palsy
b) Trigeminal neuralgia
c) Theories of pain
d) Subarachinoid hemorrhage
e) Tuberculous meningitis – sequale
f) Hydrocephalus
g) Seddon’s classification
h) Tumors of spinal cord
i) Diabetic neuritis
3. Attempt any two of the following. (2 x 15 = 30)
a) Describe the clinical features, aetiological factors and the management of cerebral palsy.
b) Discuss Gullain Barre Syndrome its clinical course and management.
c) Describe the clinical features of different type of traumatic brain injury and the pathophysiology and first aid to these patients.