Grade 8 Consultant & Resource Program


Kristen McNamara, Teacher

Linda Petrasio, Aide

Consultant Program:

Inmost cases, the students in the eighth grade consultant program attend all regular core classes (language arts, science, social studies, math), with support from both a special education teacher and an aide. They also attend one Support Period per day.

The types of support given in core classes consist of help with note-taking and class work, prompting for on-task behavior, project support, study and organizational skills, behavior management and any other assistance as needed.

During our Support Period, study and organizational skills are a major focus. We also prepare for tests and quizzes, review/reteach information from classes, provide assistance with projects, and answer questions from assignments that students are struggling with. We also work on achieving the individual goals of the students’ IEP’s.

Resource Program:

Students in the Resource Program attend one Resource period per day. The students will be responsible for arriving with their agendas and ensuring all homework assignments are correctly recorded. Depending on their needs, they will work on different assignments and will be given assistance as needed. Organization and study skills will be a main area of focus, along with test preparation and test-taking strategies. We also work on achieving the individual goals of the students’ IEP’s.

Work Habits Stressed in the Consultant/Resource Program:

The following work habits are stressed in the Consultant/Resource Program and throughout Lancaster Middle School:

  • Coming to class with all necessary supplies
  • Being on time to class
  • Completing all homework carefully and when due
  • Maintaining good attendance
  • Showing proper respect for teachers and classmates

School-Home Communication:

I am a firm believer in frequent communication between home and school. I will often contact parents to relay good news as well as with concerns/problems pertaining to your child. I can be reached at school at 686-3220. Please leave a message in the office and I will return your call as soon as possible. I can also be reached via email at .


Academic: Expectations are geared toward each student's ability level as written on his or her IEP. All students are expected to do their best and encouraged to strive for high goals. Homework should be done in a careful and timely manner. All students have the option of taking the regular classroom tests rather than the adapted or modified tests, if they have shown substantial ability in the area being tested and desire to do so.

Behavior: All students are expected to obey all school rules as listed in the front of the Lancaster Middle School Agenda Planner.

" Children are apt to live up to what you believe of them."

Lady Bird Johnson