10:00pm-7:00am Shift Checklist

This checklist is to be completed daily.

10:00pm: Clock In

Communicate with outgoing shift for any Special Requests, Problems, Maintenance Issues, etc.

Log into Visual Matrix using your login name that has no number at the end (Auditors will have 3 logins total, one to use from 10pm until the audit, one to use just for the audit, and then another to use after the audit until 7am) and read any In-house E-mail Messages

Count your Drawer using the Computers Drawer Count Sheet, Save after entry, Go to the INFO Section of Visual Matrix and in the Hotel logbook in the bottom left corner type: “IN DRAWER: $(Amount you just counted)” press ADD when this is done. This will help protect you from discrepancies.

Go into the INFO Screen and read all Hotel Logbook Entries from any days since your last shift, simply double click the entries to open.

Check Arrivals for the current day and make sure correct room numbers are assigned. For any Reservation that has a Best Western Rewards number, you must pre-key this room and place the key in the new BW Rewards Key Card Folders. Be sure to write the Rewards member name on the front of the folder if this has not been done already.

Lock the Lobby Doors at the appropriate time.

Go and lock the Pool Doors, making sure all lights are off.

Check the Meeting Room and make sure that it is set for any Reservations for it for the next day.

Clean the Desk Area, restock any necessary materials.

Clean the Lobby Area and Restock where needed.

Clean the Lobby Restrooms and restock any necessary items.

Deliver any Roll away beds or Cribs as requested by the Guests, ensuring that the correct charges for roll-away beds are posted first. This is not optional; you have exactly 30 minutes from the time of request to get that bed to the Guestroom. Should a report come in that a guest was advised we were sold out of roll away beds or they never received theirs as requested, disciplinary action will result for the offending shift.

Walk the property, check for any lights that are out and note in the MAINTENANCE Section of Visual Matrix for repair, check to ensure that all doors are closed and secure. Make sure lights are on in vending areas.

11:00pm: BUCKET CHECK: In Visual Matrix Front Office, click on the REPORTS link at the top of the Screen and follow these steps to check the Bucket:

o On the REPORTS Screen click OVER CREDIT LIMIT and then the REFRESH button. Nothing should pull up on this report. It should say NO RECORDS MATCH. If an actual report does pull up, print it and then find that room number(s) in the system. This report shows any room that either has a credit card that is not authorized for enough, or has a cash payment that was not correctly posted. To correct a credit card, go into the room screen and choose CREDIT CARD from the drop down box in the top right corner, the credit card box will open and you will need to press the INCREMENT button and wait for approval. Once this is done go to the next step.

o Click IN HOUSE GUESTS and change the SORT BY to Room # instead of Guest Name. Click the REFRESH button. When the report pulls up press the print button.

o Take the In House Guest list, and starting with the very first card in the bucket, flip through until you get to the first room on your printed list. There should be no other Registration Cards in the bucket other than the ones on your report. Make sure that they are paper clipped to the correct room number, and check each card for the following:

§ Check to ensure the Rate Box is Initialed, note if it is note on your report

§ Check to see if the Smoking Rule Line is initialed, Note on your report if it is not

§ Check to see that the Signature is Signed, note if it is not

§ Make sure that the Registration Cards are paper clipped to the right room card.

§ If you find any Registration Cards that are not for guests who are currently checked in then note it on your Report.

o When the Bucket is checked, go into the INFO Screen of Visual Matrix and in the Hotel Logbook Section in the bottom left corner type “Bucket Check: List all notes taken on your report”. If there were no mistakes in the bucket type: “Bucket Check: All Fine”.

o File your report in the Audit Stack where you file all your checkouts for that day. It will be filed with the day’s paperwork by the 3rd shift.

PRE-AUDIT: Before you get ready to run the Audit, you will need to follow these steps to do a full Operator Cash Out:

o Pull up your Operator Cash-Out Report on the REPORTS section of the Front Office. If any cash was taken pull the amounts listed on the screen from the cash drawer and complete a drop envelope. Fill in the appropriate boxes on the Report on the screen and PRINT. Fold this report and place it in the Drop Envelope with your money, this is your Deposit Slip. If you took no cash on your shift, you will write “NO DROP” on the report and fold it and drop it in the drop safe. Complete the Drop Log Sheet that is in the book on the desk where you formerly put your Cash out Sheets.

o Open the DRAWER COUNT SHEET on the computer and completely recount your drawer. Save when Balanced and finished.

o Take your drop envelope and drop it in the Drop Safe making sure that it does fall into the safe.

o Go to the INFO Screen of Visual Matrix and in the Hotel Logbook section in the bottom left corner of the screen type” OUT DRAWER $enter the amount of the cash drawer” (i.e. OUT DRAWER $300.00)

o While on the INFO screen check your next scheduled shift.

Close the Front Office Screen and LOGOFF of VISUAL MATRIX, you will log back in as

o SCREEN NAME: audit

o PASSWORD: audit

NOTE: While you are logged in as AUDIT you will have no Front Office Privileges, if you have a walk in or phone reservation they will have to wait until the Audit is Complete.

Go to ACCOUNTING, NIGHT AUDIT and completely run the Night Audit, please process any No shows as specified in the Procedures Manual. Once the Audit is totally complete, close the ACCOUNTING Screen and press LOGOFF.

Log back in with your screen name that ends in the number 1. This will always be your sign in for after the audit (i.e denise1, evan1). Your Manager will let you know when to begin doing this once he can personally set your password with you. Until that time continue using your old login for this section.

The reasons that we need multiple sign in names for the Auditors is because the Audit ends our day and starts a new one, if you take any cash or credit cards from the Audit until 7am and then come back into work at 10pm, when you get ready to do your Operator Cash Out before the Audit your totals from that same morning will be included, if you have a separate sign in, that confusion will not happen.

Set up the Breakfast area at the Appropriate Time and make sure everything is ready for the first guests at 6am.

Go to the Housekeeping Screen and assign the housekeepers rooms as follows:

o If there are less than 20 rooms then Sam & Sally will be the only housekeepers that day, assign them all the rooms, do not print the list, the first shift will do this when they arrive.

o If there are 20-30 rooms, assign MARTHA all at least 10 rooms, assign the remainder to Sam & Sally.

o If there are 30-40 rooms, assign MARTHA all of the suites plus rooms on the second floors starting at the highest room numbers and working backwards until she has 10-15 rooms, assign the rest to Sam & Sally.

o If there are 40-60 rooms, give MARTHA the suites plus upstairs from 227 down until she has at least 15 but no more than 20, and assign the remaining to Sam & Sally.

End of Day: Follow these steps to close your shift:

o Pull up your Operator Cash-Out Report on the REPORTS section of the Front Office. If any cash was taken pull the amounts listed on the screen from the cash drawer and complete a drop envelope. Fill in the appropriate boxes on the Report on the screen and PRINT. Fold this report and place it in the Drop Envelope with your money, this is your Deposit Slip. If you took no cash on your shift, you will write “NO DROP” on the report and fold it and drop it in the drop safe. Complete the Drop Log Sheet that is in the book on the desk where you formerly put your Cash out Sheets.

o Open the DRAWER COUNT SHEET on the computer and completely recount your drawer. Save when Balanced and finished.

o Take your drop envelope and drop it in the Drop Safe making sure that it does fall into the safe.

o Go to the INFO Screen of Visual Matrix and in the Hotel Logbook section in the bottom left corner of the screen type” OUT DRAWER $enter the amount of the cash drawer” (i.e. OUT DRAWER $300.00)

o While on the INFO screen check your next scheduled shift.

Wait for the Incoming Shift and communicate and special instructions with them.

Clock out and go home.