1.0CALL TO ORDER: at 7:06pm in the meeting room at Crescent Point Place. In attendance were Lee Walz, Kelly Waehrer, Terena Tomlinson, Kathy Meier, Wes Schmidt, Jeremy Rehman, Rhonda KleinKevin Ganser

2.0MINUTES FROM April 20TH, 2011: were read. Terena Tomlinson moved the minutes as read; Kevin Ganser 2nd, carried!



5.0TREASURER’S REPORT:July’s end balance is $25, 691.40! We opened up a GIC and invested $50,000! Some of this $50,000 is intended for the parking lot at Crescent Point Place!

Kelly Waehrer moved the treasurer’s report and Jeremy Rehman2nd!

6.0BOOTH REPORT:The booths balance for the up coming season is $5,206.24!



8.1REGISTRAR: Rhonda has reported the numbers for the 2011/2012 season. Initiation=16 / Novice=25 / Atom=25 / Pee wee=13 / Peewee girls=11/ Bantam=20 / Bantam girls=13 / Midget=31 / Midget girls=9

8.2EQUIPMENT MANAGER:Wes reports that we are in need of puck. He will purchase around 100 for this season!

8.3BOOTH COORDINATOR: We are in need for someone to step forward for the booth coordinator job or we need to see about getting a group of people together to take this job on. Kathy will continue this season as booth coordinator but we need to start training people to take some of the work load off of her! This will be her last year in this role and she would like to start the training process this 2011/2012 season! This is too big of a job for just one person

8.4REF-IN-CHIEF: Jeremy really stressed that we need lots of referee’s for the 2011/2012 season! We only have 3 refs’ that can ref midget level games. We need to spread the word that we need older referees! The ref clinic is October 22nd/23rd at CPP! Anyone interested can go to to register or go to our website under ref clinic and register there!

8.5ICE CONVEYNOR: Kevin reports that the arena will be open on Saturday, October 3rd. PHM will be doing a conditioning camp from October 3rd to the 6th! The arena will be closed from October 7th to the 10th due to Thanksgiving! Tryouts are scheduled for the midgets and atoms on October 11th/ 12th & 13th!

8.6ADVERTISING REP: Mel was absent! Terena reports that all businesses are paid for their current advertising! We are starting to invoice for a 2 year term to hopefully save time on the accounting end of it!


9.1 Booth Hours- We need to stress that for the 2011/2012 season, your booth shift requires 15 hours per child registered in PMH! So if you are scheduled for a week with your team, you are responsible to dedicate 15 hours per child. If after that week you did not contribute those hours you will be asked to fill in the remaining hours some other week! If you have 3 children in hockey, you are required to work 45 hours!

9.2 On-Line Registration: for the 2012/2013 season, we will be doing pre-registration online! With this process, it will save Rhonda a huge amount of time! It also allows you as amember to update your personal information such as contact names, numbers and current addresses.The executive will discuss this in the spring (2012) to start the process! Rhonda will have to phone Hockey Alberta to get this set up and Kelly can put the link to online registration on our PMH website for easy access! Keep in mind that this is a pre registration only! We will still have to come to the fall meeting and confirm registration with payment details!

9.3 Parking Lot Donation: PMH is going to donate money to the Ag Society for the parking lot!

Kathy Meier makes a motion that PMH gives $10,000 to the parking lot. Kevin Ganser 2nds, all in favor; motion carried!

9.4. Tryout Fees: For non-residents, there is going to be a $100.00 non refundable administration (tryout) fee for those who are undecided where they want to play for the season.

9.5. Rink Opening date: Saturday, October 3rd/2011

9.6. Set Minor Hockey Days for the 2011/2012 season: Mark your calendars….January 6th, 7th, 8th is Minor Hockey Days!

9.7. Figure Skating Club Time issue: the figure skating club has confirmed that they are willing to split the Friday ice time with minor hockey! They will use Oct-Dec and PMH is to use Jan-March! So then when January hits we will more figure skating Fridays ice to Monday ice that come available from Power skating being over!


10.1.Fall General Meeting: the executives are required to be at CPP at 6 pm for set up! Rhonda is going to do a poster with registration prices! Kathy is going to print off the booth/meat fundraiser forms and Kelly will bring the agenda and meeting minutes! We need approx.100 copies for the meeting! Kathy also did up the flyers for the school (STA=150 & Public=250). Kathy also ran the ad in the paper for two weeks prior and Kevin Ganser also put it in the rec-line in the Provost news!

10.2.Power skating & Goalie Clinic: Lee is going to talk to Lou to see if he is willing to commit for another season! Lee will also talk to Kevin about goalie clinic!

10.3.Hockey Provincials-2011/2012: We are applying for 3 different teams. We need a committee started for provincials. The team awarded provincials will consist of the parent of that team with the help of PMH members! We need to make everyone aware if we are to host any provincials in the 2011/2012 season, there will be an expectation of every parent to help for that weekend!

10.4.Referee Clinic: The ref clinic is October 22nd/23rd at CPP! Anyone interested can go to to register or go to our website under ref clinic and register there!

10.5.Coaches & Safety Courses: Courses are available through Hockey Alberta. Rhonda stresses that we need to make sure everyone is certified. In initiation, NEAHL is clamping down on making sure everyone is certified. Go to our website as well and the link is their under CLINICS!

10.6.NEAHL meeting & AB Hockey Zone meeting dates: no dates as of yet. Rhonda figures we should know by mid September when the dates are!

10.7.Registration fees(2011/12): Initiation $265.00, Novice $295.00, Atom $310.00, Peewee $385.00, Peewee girls $335.00, Bantam $395.00, Bantam girls $345.00, Midget $415.00 & Midget girls $365.00

10.8 Set meeting dates(2011/2012) Sept 7th, Oct 5th, Nov 2nd, Dec 7th, Jan 4th, Feb 1st, Mar 7th, Apr 4th, Aug 22nd!

11.0. Next Meeting: September 7th, 7pm at CPP for fall registration!

12.0 Adjournment-9:01pm!