NOTE: You will not be able to login into KO until you have completed all New Hire Paperwork


Website: kosoftware.com/Edgewood.

Your login information will be the same as used for Edgewood Express

If you forget your password or having difficulty logging on to KO, please contact the Human Resources Office at 663-3317 or via email at.

Home Screen

  1. This screen is a summary of your timesheets.
  2. Open – Is any timesheet that has hours entered but not yet submitted
  3. Submitted – Timesheets that have been submitted to your supervisor for approval.
  4. Reopened – Timesheets that have been reopened by your supervisor. This could be because hours are in question or a timesheet for the wrong period ending was submitted.
  5. Current Week- Goes right to the current week
  6. My Timesheets – Displays all timesheets for the year
  7. Fiscal Year Amounts – This will show you what you have earned and what you have left to earn. If you are getting close to having zero left to earn, please contact the Human Resources Officeat 608-663-2864 or via email at .

My Timesheets

Under the Timesheet Link select “My Timesheets”

  • This screen displays the timesheets for the year. You wouldchoose a given period andselect “Edit” which opens the timesheet and allows you to enter your hours.
  • The yellow highlight signifies the current period
  • You can also print your timesheet by choosing “Print” for a specific period to keep for your records

Entering hours

This is what your timesheet will look like.

  1. This will show the job(s) you are set up for. The job highlighted in green is the current selected job. If you are set up for more than one job, be sure that the job in which you are entering hours is highlighted in green.
  2. This is where youwould begin entering your hours.

Entering Hours Con’t

To enter hours, you would click on a cell. When the cell is initially clicked, the cell turns black to denote that this is the starting time

Entering Hours Con’t

  1. You would then click on another cell. The second click denotes the end time that was worked.
  2. The time that was clicked will also be entered to the far right.

Entering Hours Con’t

Besides clicking on the cells a you can enter your time from the “Add Timesheet Entry” section. You would select the appropriate day and then select your start and end times. You would also see the entry appear to the right of your timesheet.

This section allows students to enter their time by increments of 15 minutes.

Entering Hours (Continued)

Once you have entered your hours for the day/shift, simply select the “SAVE” button located just above your timesheet. This will allow you to continue editing and adding hours to the same timesheet each day/shift that your work. You would continue entering your hours and selecting save until it is time to submit your timesheet for supervisor approval.

Submitting Timesheets

Once you have entered your hours and are ready to submit your timesheet, select the “Submit” button for the appropriate timesheet.

Once you have selected “Submit”, hit the “Save” button located just above your timesheet. This will send your timesheet to your supervisor for approval.

Confirm Timesheet was Submitted

To confirm that your timesheet was successfully submitted for approval, you would see “submitted” within the status box for the appropriate timesheet.

Confirm Timesheet was Submitted

Another way to determine that your timesheet was successfully submitted to your supervisor for approval is by looking at your home page. Under “My Timesheets” you would see that there is a timesheet in the submitted category.