Dear Parents, 12thJanuary 2018
WELCOME BACK: Happy New Year and welcome back to the new term. The children have all returned re-energised and ready for the exciting term ahead. Attached to this newsletter is the list of dates for the Spring Term. We try to give as much advanced warning as possible so that as many of you as possible can join us at our events.
SPORTING NEWS: On Wednesday, we took a group of Year 5 & 6 pupils to Bicester Sports Centre to take part in the annual Bicester Sportshall Athletics competition.Having won the event in 5 of the last 6 years, the pressure was on. The event started well and after the field events King’s Meadow had a commanding lead.A clean sweep of wins in both the vertical jump and speed bounce helped with the points tally.Once the field events were completed the obstacle relay and over and under relay began the track events.The girls kept the wins ticking over while the boys struggled with changeovers and the runs.They soon came good again though, and with some great support the team finished in gold medal position and have qualified for the North Oxfordshire finals in March.
A huge well done to all.
AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS: We have an interesting array of extra-curricular clubs on offer this term. Some of these take place at lunchtime but the majority are after school. I am excited to report that we are running an additional Cookery Club every week with the hope that all those who wish to attend this popular club can do so. If your child wants to participate in an activity then please send the permission slip into the school office as soon as possible. All clubs start next week and you will be notified if your child does not have a place. All payments should be via your ParentPay account. Please note that the children have been sent home today with a paper copy of the clubs on offer and the permission slips. This will also be attached electronically to the newsletter.
MOBILE PHONES: A polite notice to remind you that pupils are not permitted to have mobile phones in school. Any that are brought into school will be confiscated. Thank you.
MATHS WHIZZ TREAT: Our maths ‘whizzers’ had a great time yesterday at Bicester Bowl. Ms. Rainer commented on how well behaved the children were and what fun they were to be with. My thanks go to Ms. Rainer for organising this treat for the children. The maths ‘whizzers’ are the children who participate in the most sessions of Mathletics in the term. It is not for the ‘best’ mathematicians it is for those who try the hardest.
FSU NEWS: This week the FS children have been exploring fish, through dissecting and drawing trout. They have also used the stories of The Fish Who Could Wish and The Rainbow Fish in phonics and literacy. Please ask your child to teach you the fishy game, we have played this a lot this week to keep warm outside. The Blue room is still half out of use due to the flood that took place over the Christmas holidays. The children have all been very sensible and we have been making use of the cosy library as an extra place. Please can all children bring in a toy bear for the week starting 22nd January as we are starting a small topic on bears. Many thanks.
KS1 HANDWRITING REWARDS: To encourage neat and careful handwriting in KS1 we are introducing Pencil Topper Licences. Each child will have the opportunity to earn a Pencil Topper Licence if they;
•do not chew their pencil
•write neatly and on the lines
• join their handwriting (Y2 only)
•keep their pencil safe
•cross out with a ruler when a mistake has been made
At the end of each term there will be a KS1 assembly where the pencil topper, the licences and the handwriting hero certificate will be awarded. There will also be a place in the classroom to display the certificate.
PTA FILM NIGHT: The PTA is putting on a Film Night on Friday 19th January.
Foundation Stage Film 'Trolls
KS1 (Year 1 and 2) Film 'Sing'
Lower KS2 (Year 3 and 4) Film 'Boss Baby'
Upper KS2 (Year 5 and 6) Film 'Despicable Me 3'
All details of cost,timings and where to pick up your child will be on the school website and on the classroom doors. We have also sent out a letter, for you to return, with the payment for this event.
PREMIER EDUCATION: Premier Education Group will be visiting the school over the next three weeks to give the KS2 children ‘taster’ sessions of some possible after school clubs that they may run later in the year. On Thursday 18th and Thursday 25th January Y3, 5 and 6 will participate in Musical Theatre lessons and on Thursday 1st February Y4 will try their hand at fencing.
My thanks go to Mr. Roberts for organising these FREE sessions for the school.
SNOWY OWL ASSEMBLY: Next Friday Miss Gray’s class will be putting on the first class assembly of 2018. Please make every effort to attend if your child is in this class. Refreshments will be served at the end.
Have a good weekend
Mrs L Daulton