Form B - 1

Form B – Financial Report

Project name:

Personal Data of Team Members and Declaration (please tick þ)

o / All information given above is true to the best of our knowledge and belief.
Project leader
Name in block letters:
Student ID no.:
PolyU team members
Name in block letters:
Student ID no.:
Name in block letters:
Student ID no.:
Name in block letters:
Student ID no.:


Please add additional pages if there are more than three PolyU team members.

This Financial Report is submitted to the International Affairs Office for consideration and approval as appropriate. Forms enclosed:

þ / Form B1 – Overall expenditure report
þ / Form B2 – Expenses with valid receipts
o / Form B3 * – Expenses without valid receipts

* Optional. Please put a “P” in the box if applicable.

Please send the completed form by email to .

Form B - 1

Form B1 – Overall expenditure report

Project name:
Page: / Total no. of pages:
Item no. / Item(s) / HK$ / Remarks
2.2 / Example:
Games Materials
Pens, paper, balloons
Plastic cups,
Educational Booklet
Sub-total / 30.50
250.00 / Bought from xxxx
Bought from xxxx
Printing house: xxxxx
Bought from xxxxx
Total expenditure: / 368.90

Please provide original receipts or details by using Form B2/B3 as appropriate.

Form B2 – Expenses with valid receipts

Project name:
Page: / Total no. of pages:
Item no. / Date / Details of Purchase / HK$
Total expenditure:

Please attach your ORIGINAL receipt(s) marked with item no.

Receipts without official chop or company name will not be accepted.

Form B3 – Expenses without valid receipts

Project name:
Page: / Total no. of pages:
Item no. / Date / Details of Purchase / HK$

IAO reserves the right not to reimburse items without valid receipts.

* For transportation fees, please clearly indicate means of transportation, departure and arrival destinations, fees of each trip and number of people involved, and provide a copy of fare list from website of transportation company concerned.

Example on the details

e.g. From Tsim Sha Tsui to Wanchai

By Bus (no. 104)

Trip Fee: $9.8 x 2 (round trips) x 12 people

Form B - 1