The HELP/UNHCR course on the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and Asylum aims to tackle some of the above-mentioned challenges and has the goal to strengthen and harmonise ECHR standards on asylum across the Council of Europe member states. Building on a previous version, the online course reflects the latest case law of the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union. It has 4 substantive modules:
•Art. 3 (non-refoulement)
•Art. 5 (detention)
•Art. 8 (family reunification)
•Art. 13 in conjunction with Art. 3 (effective remedy)
The course and the HELP Programme and methodology were explained, including how to open an account in the new e-learning platform at
The course has already been launched –replicated when possible- in the Russian Federation, Turkey, Greece, Italy, France, Belgium, Bulgaria and Western Balkans.
The right to asylum may not be enshrined within the European Convention on Human Rights, however a number of key provisions and developing case law in the ECtHR provide protection for asylum seekers. In this module, you will review the provisions of:
1. The prohibition of ill-treatment (Article 3) and Asylum
a. Introduction
b. Key definitions between the 1951 Convention, EU Law and the ECHR
c. Main characteristics of Article 3
i. Nature
ii. Source
iii. Scope
iv. Absolute character
d. The assessment of the risk of ill-treatment in practice
i. Personal risk and general situation
ii. Personal risk and general situation
iii. Scrutiny and evidence
iv. Vulnerable groups
v. Diplomatic assurance
vi. Internal flight alternative
e. Other relevant ECHR Articles in the expulsion context
i. Article 2
ii. Article 6
iii. Protocols 6 and 13
iv. Article 4
v. Article 5
f. Reception of asylum seekers
2. The right to liberty and security (Article 5) and freedom of movement (Article 2/Protocol.4) of Asylum-seekers
a. Introduction
b. Grounds for detention under 5(1)(f)
i. Prevent unauthorized entry
ii. With a view to deportation/extradition
c. Safeguards against arbitrary detention
d. Legality and lawfulness
e. Procedural safeguards
i. Article 5(2)
ii. Article 5(3)
f. Restrictions on freedom of movement
3. The right to family life (Article 8) and Asylum
a. Definition of family
b. Interference
c. Family reunification
d. Exceptions
i. Insurmountable objective obstacles
ii. Best interest of the child
e. Family reunification procedure
4. The right to an effective remedy (Article 13) and Asylum
a. General principles
b. Specific requirement in the asylum context
i. Requirements
ii. Availability and accessibility
iii. Quality and scope
iv. Automatic suspensive effect
v. Evidentiary issues
vi. Time limits and durations
c. Procedural safeguards in other ECHR provisions
i. Article 4 Protocol 4
5. Article 2, Protocol 4 - Freedom of movement
At the end of each of the chapters, you will have the opportunity to test your knowledge in a quiz.