District of Eastern North America
Mission Executive Council
Section 1.Mission Executive Council, District of Eastern North America
Section 2.Authority:
A. The Mission Executive Council of the District of Eastern North America is constituted by the District of Eastern North America in response to Propositions 4 and 5 of the 43rd General Chapter of 2000.
Districts will encourage, sustain and evaluate new forms of collaboration and association, which will enable those who implement them to find new forms of commitment in the educational service of the poor.
From Proposition 4, 43rd General Chapter
That in Districts, the Brothers and their Associates create a structure, where it does not exist, or improve a structure for the Lasallian education mission, in which all participate with a deliberative vote.
From Proposition 5, 43rd General Chapter
The District movement towards the development of structures/councils (for mission) with deliberative voice be supported and encouraged (IA-2006 8.1.1).
From Document 8, Line of Action 3.2.1., 44th General Chapter
B. The deliberative votes of the Mission Executive Council are final when approved by the Brother Visitor (“Visitor”), and if necessary by the District Chapter, the Superior General and the General Council.
Section 1.Statement of Mission:
The Mission Executive Council (“Council”) of the District of Eastern North America of the Brothers of the Christian Schools (“District”) shall assist and support the Visitor in the exercise of his duties with respect to the Lasallian educational mission in the existing and future ministries of the District. The Council exists as a recognized structure of the District in order to allow for the shared responsibility for Lasallian Mission between the Brothers of the Christian Schools and all those who participate in this Mission of the Church.
Section 2.Areas of Shared Responsibilities:
The Council shall assist and support the Visitor principally in the following areas:
A. The Lasallian educational mission of the District, including commitments to overseas missions;
B. Lasallian formation for Mission;
C. The call for the renewal of existing works and the creation of new ones for evangelization, quality education, and educational service of the poor;
D. Sponsorship Covenants and Lasallian Mission Assessments;
E. Needs of families, defense of the rights of children, and education and advocacy for justice;
- Ministerial issues brought to the Council through District ministries, the Visitor, or the General Council;
- Work in collaboration with the District Council on matters of mutual interest and responsibility in response to the “Statement of Mission” as outlined in Article II Section 1.
Section 3.Duties:
The Council shall be specifically responsible for, but not limited to, carrying out the following duties:
A. To implement the Acts of the District Mission Assembly, as approved by the District Chapter, and any other Acts centered around Mission approved by the District Chapter;
B. To conduct the planning and implementing of District Mission Assemblies;
C. To recommend new ministries and mission initiatives to the Visitor;
D. To recommend discontinuance of a ministry as a District ministry to the Visitor, resulting from the ministry’s on-going failure to honor its commitment to the Lasallian Mission as agreed to in the sponsorship covenant relationship between the District and ministry;
E. To assess the presence of the Lasallian charism in the works of the District;
F. To assess the degree to which each ministry complies with relevant directives of the most recent General Chapter and relevant directives from previous General Chapters;
G. To encourage and support the initial and continuing Lasallian formation of Brothers and Partners engaged in ministry;
- To undertake other relevant issues for District ministries;
- To support and cooperate with the District’s Committee on Lasallian Association for Mission in its efforts to be responsive to association movements and initiatives and to encourage association efforts between and within the Lasallian Associations structure;
- To develop policy, in dialogue with the educational ministries, for the financial commitment of the educational ministries in support of the Office for Mission and Ministry.
- To develop, approve, and implement policy that supports and executes the mission and shared responsibility of the Mission Executive Council as stated in Article II Sections 1 and 2. The policy would be effective immediately after its adoption but would require subsequent endorsement by the next Mission Assembly and ensuing District Chapter.
Section 1.Qualifications for membership
- Members are to reflect a diversity and balance within the District, including but not limited to ministry, geography, gender, sponsorship, and expertise;
- Members are to have a minimum experience of at least five years in a Lasallian ministry unless waived by the Visitor;
- Members are to have completed or be currently enrolled in the Buttimer Institute of Lasallian Studies or the Lasallian Leadership Institute or the International Association of Lasallian Universities Rome program or an equivalent Lasallian formation program, unless waived by the Executive Director for Mission and Ministry (“Executive Director”);
- In serving on the Council, Members understand and accept that the Lasallian Mission is an integral part of the overall teaching and evangelizing Mission of the Roman Catholic Church.
Section 2.Membership of the Council shall be as follows:
- The appointment of all Members of the Council requires the ratification of the Visitor;
- The size of the Council shall consist of no more than 13 voting Members;
- At least three Brothers of the Christian Schools shall be members.
- The composition of the Council shall be as follows:
- Voting Members:
- A representative from each of the four Lasallian Associations of the District: Higher Education, Secondary Schools, Youth and Family Services, and Elementary/Middle Schools. The representative must be a current voting member of the respective Lasallian Association. Each Lasallian Association will determine its own selection process.
- A representative from each of the four Lasallian Associations appointed by the Executive Director. A slate of potential qualified appointments will be developed by the respective Lasallian Association Councils and recommended to the Executive Director. An appointment will be made in consideration of the recommendations as well as the provisions outlined in Article III Section 1 Subsection A.
- Up to four at-large Members appointed by the Visitor. At-large appointments will be made to achieve diversity, balance, and expertise on the Council.
- The Executive Director for Mission and Ministry. The Executive Director may vote only in case of a tie.
- Ex Officio Members (without vote):
- The Visitor
- The Associate Director for Mission and Ministry
- Other person(s) associated with the District as determined by the Visitor
Section 3.Terms of Office
- Representatives from the Lasallian Association Councils
- Will be chosen as determined by the respective Lasallian Association Council and consistent with the criteria for Mission Executive Council membership.
- May not serve on the Council more than the length of service provided for
appointed Members
- Appointments by the Executive Director
- The initially appointed Members shall have staggered terms of 1, 2, or 3, years determined by the Executive Director. Thereafter, appointed Members shall serve a term of 3 years.
- Appointed Members are limited to two consecutive terms.
- Having served two consecutive terms an appointed Member may be reappointed after a one-year absence from the Council.
- Uncompleted terms may be filled by the Executive Director in consultation with the appropriate Lasallian Association Council.
- A year is defined as July 1 to June 30 in all cases for these By-Laws unless otherwise noted.
C.Appointments by the Visitor
1. The initially appointed Members shall have staggered terms of 1, 2, or 3 years determined by the Visitor. Thereafter, appointed Members shall serve a term of 3 years.
2. Appointed Members are limited to two consecutive terms.
- Having served two consecutive terms an appointed Member may be reappointed after a one-year absence from the Council.
- Uncompleted terms may be filled by the Visitor.
Section 4.Removal of Members:
- The Visitor may remove a Member from the Council without the vote of the Mission Executive Council.
- A Member may be removed by a 2/3 majority vote of the Council, for cause, including, but not limited to:
- Missing two or more consecutive Council meetings.
- Having a self-interest contrary to the interests of the Council or the District
C. An appeal can be made to the Visitor if the Council votes to remove the Member. The Visitor can, after consultation with the Council, override the vote of the Council.
Section 1.Officers
- The officers of the Council shall consist of a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Recording Secretary;
- The Executive Director shall be the Chairperson of the Council.
Section 2.Election
- The Vice Chairperson and Recording Secretary shall be elected by majority vote of the Council;
- Election of officers shall take place at the last regular meeting of the Council’s year for service the following year;
- The election of the officers is subject to the approval of the Visitor.
Section 3.Terms of Office
- The elected officers shall serve one-year terms;
- The elected officers’ service shall not exceed three (3) consecutive terms;
- The unexpired term of any elected officer caused by vacancy shall be filled by the majority vote of the Council.
Section 4.Duties
- The Chairperson shall facilitate all meetings of the Council and provide the necessary leadership and direction during the meetings. The Chairperson shall set the agenda in consultation with the other officers and the Visitor and communicate the agenda to the District Ministries;
- The Vice-Chairperson shall serve in the Chairperson’s absence;
- The Recording Secretary shall keep official records of meetings and activities of the Council and provide communication and correspondence on behalf of the Council as directed by the Chairperson. Specifically, approved minutes of each meeting shall be posted to the District website (or other accessible forum) within two weeks of the meeting.
Section 1.Meetings
- Regular meetings of the Council shall be convened a minimum of three times annually beginning with the first meeting in September/October.
- A schedule of regular meetings shall be provided to all Members by August 1 of each year.
- Supporting documents for any regular meeting shall be distributed electronically at least two days business days prior to the meeting.
- Special meetings of the Council may be called by the Chairperson, the Visitor, or by a request to the Chair from 1/3 of the Members of the Council.
- Each Member of the Council shall be notified of the meeting and such notice shall be provided, as far in advance as is possible under the circumstances which require the special meeting, but no less than five calendar days.
- Supporting documents for any special meeting shall be distributed electronically at least two business days prior to the meeting.
Section 2.Quorum
- A simple majority of the voting Members shall constitute a quorum;
- Members may attend meetings by electronic means and count toward a quorum;
- If less than a quorum is present a majority of the voting Members present may adjourn the meeting to another time.
Section 3.Rules of Order
- The Council will attempt to achieve a consensus in its deliberations and decisions. Should a consensus not prevail, decisions shall be made and actions will be taken on the basis of a simple majority vote of the Members present except where specifically noted in these By-Laws;
- Members attending by electronic means may vote on all issues;
- Members may not vote by proxy;
- In cases of a tie vote the Chairperson will cast a vote;
- In areas of decorum and Council management, Roberts Rules of Order shall be followed.
Section 4.Related
- An official record of the minutes, proceedings, and actions of each meeting shall be maintained in the District Office;
- Council action may take place without a meeting if the action item is submitted in writing to all Members and the vote of the responding Members is unanimous;
- The deliberative votes of the Council are final when approved by the Visitor, and if necessary, the Superior General and the General Council.
- A 3/4 majority is required for a recommendation of a ministry as a recognized District ministry or for a recommendation for a ministry’s discontinuance as a District ministry;
- The Chair shall provide regular reports as required or necessary to the Visitor, the District Leadership Team, and the District Council.
Section 1.Committees of the Council shall be established as needed.
- Standing Committee
- Is responsible for any on-going work of the Council as deemed best suited for committee work by the Council.
- The structure and composition of each committee is determined by the Council.
- The Chair of each committee and the membership shall be appointed by the Executive Director in consultation with the Members.
- Committee members are normally Council Members. A non-Member may serve on the committee based upon specific knowledge or expertise that committee members may not have. The non-Member(s) would not have a vote in the committee proceedings. Committee appointments are made for one year and are renewable.
- Ad Hoc Committee
- Is responsible for any task(s) assigned to it by the Council and is designed to be short-term. The ad hoc committee shall automatically cease to operate at the end of the year unless renewed at the last regular meeting of the year.
- The structure and composition of each committee is determined by the Council.
- At least one Council Member must serve on the committee.
- Appointments to the committee may come from outside of the Council and are made by the Executive Director in consultation with the Members.
- The committee chair may be any member on the committee and is elected by the committee members.
Section 2.Committee Proceeding
- All committee proceedings shall be open to other Members but closed to outside attendees, unless declared otherwise by the committee chair.
- The conduct of meetings shall follow general meeting procedure and a quorum of fifty percent (50%) of the committee members shall be present to ratify any actions to be presented to the Council for approval.
- All voting Members serving on each committee shall be entitled to vote during committee proceedings.
- Officers of the committee are determined by the committee members with final approval from the Council.
- Meeting times and dates are designated by mutual consent of the committee members. They are to be communicated to and coordinated with the Executive Director.
- An official record of the minutes, proceedings, and actions of each meeting shall be maintained in the District Office. These records are to be made accessible through an appropriate forum.
- A designated Member serving on each committee will report on the activities of the committee at each regular meeting of the Council.
Section 1. Definition
A. The District has four distinct types of educational ministry. These types are higher education; secondary schools; elementary/middle schools; and, youth and family services agencies;
B. Within each of these types of ministries, the individual educational ministries associate together for their common benefit and act within the context of the District in support of the Council and the Lasallian Mission of the Brothers of the Christian Schools;
C. Each of these respective associations is referred to as a “Lasallian Association”.
Section 2. Structure
- The four associations are called
- Lasallian Association for Higher Education
- Lasallian Association for Secondary Schools
- Lasallian Association for Elementary and Middle Schools
- Lasallian Association for Youth and Family Services
- Each Lasallian Association has its own representative council.
- Each Lasallian Association, through its respective council, shall create its own set of operating procedures, including membership number, which has been approved by its respective ministries and approved by the Council.
- Each District educational ministry may only be a member of one Lasallian Association.
Section 3. Responsibilities and Duties
Each Lasallian Association has the following areas of responsibility and duty:
- To assist in the development and execution of a Sponsorship Covenant between the District and individual ministries that reflects the needs and realities of its ministries as requested by the Council;
- To assist in the development and execution of an on-going Lasallian Mission Assessment process that reflects the needs and realities of its ministries as requested by the Council;
- To assist the Council in the evaluation of a peer educational ministry which seeks membership as a ministry of the District network;
- To proactively assist individual ministries with requested expertise and other identified support and services;
- To give advice to members of the District Leadership team, especially the Executive Director and Associate Director;
- To assist the Executive Director and Associate Director in the development of protocols for official visits to educational ministries;
- To promote educational/formation programs offered at the District, Regional, and International levels by encouraging its member ministries to participate in such programs;
- In cooperation with the Mission and Ministry Office, develop and stage conferences and forums in support of its member ministries. This cooperation includes assisting the Office to identify funding sources for the submission of grant proposals;
- To offer “voice” within existing District structures on educational issues that impact its respective ministries;
- To assist and support other District mission structures in the implementation of acts, orientations, and directions as approved at the District, Regional, and Institute level;
- To undertake other relevant tasks as requested by the Council.
Section 4.Mission Executive Council and Lasallian Associations
- The Lasallian Associations are subordinate and accountable to the Council as they relate to the express purpose of the Council as stated in Article II Section 1;
- Each Lasallian Association has representation on the Council as provided in Article III Section 2 Subsection B Item 1 Points a and b;
- Each Lasallian Association Council will have additional representatives to District Mission Assemblies as determined by the Council, Executive Director, and Visitor.