Victim Support
Job Title:WS Youth Violence and Gangs Worker
Purpose of the job:To develop a service to be offered to witnesses who are identified as being victims of serious violence or a gang related crime, either by the referring agency or themselves.
Location:Highbury Corner Magistrates’ Court
Salary:£21,000 pro rata (22 hours a week)
Main Duties:
- Work with agencies to establish an advance referral system to ensure that all Victims of gang related violence have access to the service
- Receive referrals from Police Witness Care Unit, WCU or other agency (CPS) through secure email system
- Contact all VIWs either by phone or letter to offer them the service.
- Provide pre-court support including safety planning
- Offer Pre-trial visit (PTV)
- Provide Court Familiarisation on day of trial otherwise
- Provide support on the day of trial by either project worker or WS volunteers
- Provide update after court e.g. verdict, sentences, bail conditions, etc
- Provide post-court support
- Refer to other appropriate agency for support, including CSU & VS community services
- When cases identified by WS as YV or Gang related then details are to be passed through the YV&G project worker to LBC CSU
- Referred/signposted to their local services.
- Keep up to date record on VS database
- Collate and supply monitoring information as agreed with the funder(s)
- Work with the YV team in VS Camden to promoted and explained to young people in Camdenthe project.
- Give regular reports to line manager
- Deal with telephone calls, enquires and correspondence
- Undertake other duties, as required, consistent with the needs of the post of the area and in agreement with the line manager
Person specification
Job title:WS Youth Violence and Gangs Worker
Department:Highbury MC
- Experience of recruiting and supporting volunteers.
- Experience of working with black and minority ethnic communities. (s)
- Experience of working with a range of agencies including public and voluntary sector agencies.
- High level of computer literacy, particularly Microsoft Office.
- Experience of supporting young people in distress as well as their carers, and or victims of crime or other related field. (s)
- Experience in supporting witnesses through a court sittings (s)
- Knowledge of the Criminal Justice System and the Youth Justice Board.
- Knowledge of court proceeding
- An understanding and commitment to the issue of confidentiality. In addition, an understanding of the complexities that exist when supporting victims of Gang crime. (s)
- Knowledge of restorative justice.
- An understanding of youth culture and knowledge of specialist services available to young people and their carer when in distress. (s)
Skills and abilities
- Strong project management skills.
- Ability to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the needs and problems facing Witnesses within an inner city.
- Ability to demonstrate an understanding and commitment to equal opportunities.
- Ability to work on owns initiative, as well as the ability to work as a member of a staff team. (s)
- Ability to work unsociable hours.
- Ability to communicate effectively in writing and orally with a wide range of individuals and agencies on behalf of the WS, and its users; and develop partnership working with local statutory and voluntary agencies to meet the needs of this project