Hardyman & Co Ltd

Oakfield House, 478 Station Road, Dorridge, Solihull, West Midlands, B93 8HE

T: 01564 772250 F: 01564 772257 E: W: www.hardyman-group.co.uk

The Residents

Barnes Road



WS14 0LT

10th November 2017

Dear Resident,

Re-roofing and Renovation Works at Shenstone Village Hall

I write to advise that we have been instructed by the client to carry out works to the Shenstone Village Hall.

Once structural, temporary works and other associated design issues have been signed off we will be re-roofing the Village Hall after renewing the existing roof timbers. We will also renew fascias and soffits and carry out associated internal works including renewal of plasterboard and suspended ceilings, electrical rewire and redecorations.

The works will be carried out with as little disruption as possible to you and they will not be noisy or dusty. The car park to the Village Hall will however be made smaller as we will Herras fence off to protect our scaffolding and the works area from unauthorised entry but during delivery periods and when we crane in the new roof timbers to the roof the car park will be fully closed. Working hours will generally be 8am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday and we do not anticipate working over weekends.

Works are planned to commence from Monday 20th November and run for ten weeks to Friday 26th January.

We do need your assistance to ensure that on limited occasions when our delivery vehicles arrive and leave they are able to access the Village Hall and that the narrow Barnes Road access, especially near the corner and by the road hump near its entrance, are clear of parked cars.

The first of these days is on Monday 20th November from 8am through to 12 noon when we plan to set up site with the the delivery of materials to protect the inside of the Village Hall and the delivery of the mobile welfare unit for our tradespeople. So if you can avoid parking cars near the area noted above on Sunday evening or have cars moved by 730am that will ensure we can get in and move the project along.

Subject to good weather and design matters being signed off we are expecting to install external and internally scaffolding during week commencing 27th November and have the new roof timbers delivered to site during week commencing 4th December so on days in these weeks we will ask you to avoid parking in Barnes Road in the area above so that we can get in and out. Nearer the time when plans are clearer we will write to you again.

Our Roofing Supervisor Lee, will be on site from 20th November. I will be visiting site generally daily whist the works are proceeding.

If you have any queries or questions do let us know.

Yours faithfully,

Ken Mantock

Projects and Maintenance Director

REGISTERED OFFICE:Unit 7 Oakfield House, Dorridge, Solihull B93 8HE. Registered in England and Wales No: 5530538