MINUTES / March 6, 2017
Plympton Town House
New Meeting Room
5:30 Selectman Ms. Thompson called the Open Session to order.
Present: Selectmen Colleen Thompson (CJ), Christine Joy (CJ) & John Traynor (JT)
By rollcall vote the BOS adjourned to Executive Session (MGL 30a §21) to discuss
- Purpose 2 Fire Chief contract negotiations
6:30by rollcall vote the Board of Selectmen adjourned to Open Session.
Present: Selectmen Colleen Thompson (CJ), Christine Joy (CJ) & John Traynor (JT). Town Coordinator Dale Pleau (DP). Selectmen’s Assistant Briggette Martins.
6:30 Ms. Thompson opened the BOS Meeting
Updates & Discussions:
- Council on Aging Director Chris Mariano submitted the recommendation of Joy Marble as the new COA Director.
Vote: CT made motion to accept the recommendation of Joy Marble as the new COA Director. Second CJ, 3/0.
- Reminder that Town Reports by all committees will be due to the Selectmen’s office no later than 4/13/17. This is in preparation for the upcoming May 17th Town Meeting.
- Review 2017 Warrant Article for the Silver Lake Land being sold. Dale Pleau will speak with Halifax Town Administrator Charlie Selig on verbiage of their Article.
- Town Clerk, Tara Shaw received letter of resignation from Marilyn Brown resigning from Fin Com effective 5/19/17
Vote: CT made motion to accept Marilyn Brown’s resignation letter fromFinCom. Second, JT. 3/0.
- Town Clerk, Tara Shaw submitted the May 20, 2017 Elected Positions up for Nomination Ballot.
Vote: CT made motion to sign letter for 5/20/17 Elected Positions up for Nomination Ballot.
- Colleen Thompson, Selectman Chair, announced she will not be running another term. Ms. Thompson’s term expires 5/20/17
- Solar project at 117 Lake Street Escrow Agreement
Vote: CT made motion to sign the Decommissioning Surety Escrow Agreement from Avidia Bank & BWC Bluefish River LLC recommended by Town Coordinator Dale Pleau and Town Counsel. Second, JT. 3/0.
- John Traynor has received a password and will be submitting the application for Tech Grant.
- John Traynor and Fire Chief Borsari, presented the budget to FinCom and are working together on reducing costs.
- Review of BOS Warrants signed
Public Safety Building:
- PBSC will be meeting 3/8/17 at 6:00. A final Purchase & Sale Agreement for the land purchase is being prepared and will be presented to the BOS on 3/13/17.
Orthos Flyover Project:
- Town Coordinator Dale Pleau is getting an update on what towns are participating and prices and/if any ongoing costs to the Town would apply.
Town Coordinator:
- Discussed the SL Land appraisal.
- The surplus vehicle advertisement was submitted to the Plympton/Halifax Express. The deadline to submit bids is 3/10/17.
- Discussed the Elizabeth Dennett Fund. BOS Assistant will forward a copy of the Bank statements to Mr. Pleau.
- Discussed that the email server update will be part of the tech grant application being submitted. Dale, John Traynor met with Carver BOS to discuss regionalization possibilities.
- Discussed writing an article on the Town Warrant for a moratorium for the new marijuana laws that passed. Dale will research on where the legislation stands.
- Tree Warden Bill Hayes emailed BOS informing residents of the potential hazardous tree removal being conducted by Eversouce.
- Dog license for “Ruby” was received as requested by BOS for recent dog complaint.
- Plympton/Halifax Express 03/1/17
- New Town House Security has been completed and a memo sent to the Boards & Committees.
- Assistant Assessor discussed the Regional Community Compact IT Grant available. She will forward information via email to Town Coordinator and BOS.
Dates to Remember:
- Silver Lake School Committee 3/9/17
- BOS Meetings 3/13/17 6:30 start
- Public Building Safety Committee 3/8/17 6:00
- ES BOS 2/27/17
Vote: CT made motion to accept ES BOS minutes as written. Second, JT. 2/0/1. CJ abstained from the vote.
- BOS Dog Hearing 2/13/17
Vote: CT made motion to accept BOS minutes as written. Second, JT. 3/0.
- BOS 2/16/17
Vote: CT made motion to accept BOS minutes as amended. Second, CJ. 3/0.
Voted to adjourn at 7:40 pm: Motion made by Colleen Thompson. Second, John Traynor, 3/0
Meeting Adjourned 7:40 pm
Respectively Submitted,
Briggette D. Martins
Board of Selectmen Assistant