Class 3: Review of College Survival Strategies

Quiz 1: (Check Cashing… 114-117)

1) Who often finances the short term payday loan outlets?

2) Why don’t payday lenders fall under the Community Reinvestment Act?

Assessment results: and your id# (attendance sheet)

Next class: Discuss the major essays + writing process pt 1: Purpose, Value, Audience
DUE Next Tuesday: HW1 (most common grammar issues from assessment essay)=

Read: “African Americans feel Auto Industry’s Pain” 198-202 for RQuiz

I. How does ENG101 get usage in the business world?

ENGLISH/Writing Skills expected &
evaluated in business interviews and performance reviews:

Reading Analysis / ‘book report’, interpretation ofuse case, interpretation of missions and projects / IMPLIED
Writing to Reflect / Goal maps, creative solutions, product marketing, brainstorming, proposals w/cost, debriefings, talent management / Narrative Essay
Writing to Communicate / Postings, processdocumentation, Presentations, memos, reports, reviews, strategy reporting, ‘weeklies’ / Process Essay
Writing to Discover / Proposals, initiatives, new strategies, process optimization, alignment / Compare Contrast
Research / Audits, Product/market analysis, competition analysis, internal asset / Research Paper (Basic version)

II. QUESTION: What do you think are the survival skills and techniques you need to master to survive the demands and requirements for college success?

For example: How to read fast for comprehension….

How to…etc…

Activity: Group Collaboration: group think on How To strategies

Students list here:

Polled Top eight survival skills were:(font color)

A)How to best read for Comprehension: / Students:
Three Index cards for
1)vocabulary and names,
2)short chapter or scene summaries,
3)notes & questions to self
B)How to memorize / Students:
SOCRAPR for how does essays, PATSCORP for solutions process (prep, audience, timetable, Search/Research, Organize notes, Revise, Present
C)How to Study / Students:
D)How to proof for grammar and spelling (ENG) or errors (SCI, BUS, ENGR) / Students:
E1)How to attack a timed essay / Students:
Read Q’s first
In your own words or underline what really want
Underline as reading what you are seeking
(See artifical skin example)
E2)How to deal with a “How Does”/Artistic Quality Essay / Students:
F) How to manage time / Students:
G) How to handle information overload / Students:


What are some benefits and problems of Using Artificial Skin for Scientific Testing


IF YOU DON’T KNOW SPECIFIC “HOW DOES” or don’t have time for the artistic view, you can use the generic toolbox of patterns/ starter categories for artistic essays below: SOCRAPR. These will allow you to quickly start an artistic essay in a time-limited setting. SOCRAPR:

a) Similarities in the text/painting/musical piece

b) Opposites (For example, funeral and birthday, hopelessness and bliss, etc)

c) Contrasts (bright settings with people painted in dark colors, talking about toys while bombs are exploding,etc)

d) Repetitions (same words or sounds used, same scenes or behavior reoccurring, etc)

e) Author (something signature or biographical to the author)

f) Parallels (same thing happening to A and B, what has happened to A reflected in what’s happening to B (For example, in a story about confusion how the language parallels the content by not using punctuation)

g) Relationships (For example Father and Son heroes vs father and son villains in a story, the family dynamic between parent and teenagers as model for boss/worker)

Q: In the Matrix, how does the author show the mind world as fantastically different from the body's reality, yet still understandable in human terms?

a) opposites: in body reality, the matrix people have to follow gravity and laws of physics. in mind world, once the imagination has been trained to forget physics, anything can be done.

b)contrast: mind world is ideal, so have thousand dollars worth of clothing while in the body reality they wear rags; in mind world the rich feast on steak, in body reality they eat gruel

c) repetition of human ideals: in mind world, for those who are aware, hair is perfect, clothes are perfect, moves are perfect, recovery from wounds leaves no scars.

d) Author: Larry W. author rumored to have had sex change: Agent smiths all look similar, but main is different; All the viruses in the Matrix world are at least part time humans -- the werewolves, ghosts, etc. To allow the viewer to see the story as human characters in action.

4)Q:How does shakespeare create a greater sense of tragedy in Hamlet?

a) Relationships: Death and murder, with all the main characters related -- Father and Son, Father and Daughter, Son and Mother.

b) Similarities: poison kills the good and the evil and the vengeful; the play within the play

c) Contrasts: hamlet pretends to be insane but drives his beloved insane for real with his pretending

d) Repetition: Hamlet fails to act directly several times at the near cost and finally cost of his life

e) Parallelism: Poison kills the father, the son, the mother, the father-in-law, and almost brother-in-law.

Question (USE SOCRAPR):

How does your company stand out from your competitors?