Bessemer Area Chamber of Commerce
Strategic Plan
January 24, 2008
321 N. 18th Street
Bessemer, Alabama 35020
(205) 425-3253 (205) 425-4979
Strategic Plan
Vision: The Bessemer Area Chamber of Commerce is a working partnership of business and professional individuals dedicated to the growth and betterment of the economy in the Bessemer Area and western Jefferson County Region. It is the catalyst for energizing and vitalizing the stakeholders in the region to achieve continual business growth, reach legislative goals, improve educational opportunity, and promote the region’s many positive quality of life assets. The Chamber is an effective leader in unifying all stakeholders to achieve the potential of the Bessemer Area and the western Jefferson County Region.
Mission: The Mission of the Bessemer Area Chamber of Commerce is to promote the economic well being of regional businesses and represent the business community in economic, political, civic, educational, and cultural development of the region.
Purpose: The 2008 Strategic Plan is to provide guidance and goals for accomplishing the mission of the Bessemer Area Chamber of Commerce.
1. Partner with regional businesses to prosper and grow wealth.
2. Unite and coordinate the efforts of industrial, commercial, service, educational and civic organizations in maintaining a sound and healthy business climate.
3. Sponsor aggressive programs/activities to promote development and employment of the region’s human and economic resources.
4. Support region education organizations to produce a qualified work force.
5. Provide creative leadership and coordination of community building initiatives.
6. Create a broad understanding and appreciation of the free enterprise system.
7. Promote regional attractions and tourism.
8. Coordinate legislative responsiveness to regional business issues.
Core Values:
Honesty Trust Initiative Friendliness Respectfulness
Loyalty Cooperation Professionalism Unity Charity
Candor/Truth Community Pride Dedication Resourcefulness Enthusiasm
Chamber Members Small Business Owners Public Safety Agencies
National Chains in Area Local Business Owners/Managers Citizens
Major Manufacturers in Area Industrial Parks (City/County owned) Utilities
Restaurants, Hotels & Motels Region Cities/Communities Tourism Industry
Recreational Facilities Banking Institutions Public Services
Regional Chambers Economic/Industrial Dev. Organizations Federal Officials
Civic Organizations Developers (Residential/Commercial) County Officials
Educators Churches & Religious Organizations State Officials
Key Result Measures:
The utility, communication, and transportation network assets in the region will improve to better promote business growth and expansion.
A set legislative agenda will be promoted by the Chamber that supports the goals and growth of regional businesses.
Economic Development:
Attraction of new businesses to the region will increase through recruitment and coordination of efforts that provide information and foster a business friendly environment.
Community Development:
Perceptions of the region will continue to improve and greater involvement by civic, religious, and non-profit organizations will be realized.
Educational Excellence:
All city and county schools in the region are accredited and funding will grow to meet educational needs of the children, which includes construction of new education facilities. Work force development programs will grow in partnership with regional educational institutions such as Lawson State Community College and local career technical schools.
All hotels in the region will increase occupancy rates as compared to 2007. Area attractions will be promoted and attendance will increase.
Downtown Development:
Redevelopment and revitalization will continue, improving the appeal and economic well being of downtown businesses.
Historical Preservation:
Historic district restrictions and guidelines will foster growth downtown and not discourage business growth.
Cultural Development:
Events, concerts, and exhibitions that foster cultural enrichment and regional promotion will be supported and developed.
Membership Growth:
Chamber membership will continue to grow with a long-range goal of 1,000 members by 2009.
Financial Stability:
The Chamber’s financial management program will balance revenues and expenses to maximize efficiency.
Division Goals for 2008
Membership Division
Chairman: Sunny Lippert, Attorney
Vice Chairperson: Allen Rice, ITT Tech
Mission: To effectively serve the membership of the Chamber and create programs, activities, and events which will be beneficial to each member.
1. Develop a Retention and Membership “Blitz” in 2008
2. Host Business After Hours events with specific themes and/or agendas
3. Host Quarterly Coffee and Contacts at sponsoring businesses
4. Continue regional Chamber cooperation strategies that support western Jefferson County business growth
Golf Tournament Committee
Chairman: Joni Holt, Holt Insurance
Vice Chairman: Steve Self, Buffalo Rock Companies
Mission: To organize, promote and supervise a successful and profitable annual membership golf tournament for the benefit of the Chamber and its members.
1. Select a format, location, and target revenue/expenses no later than March 30, 2008 (Tournament should take in at least $36,000 including Corporate sponsorships and spend no more than $10,000 according to the 2008 budget)
2. Target participants and sponsors to register no later than April 30, 2007
3. Promote the event to involve the greatest number of participants.
Taste of Bessemer Gala Committee
Chairperson: Keith Pennington, Medical West
Vice Chairperson: Connie Fuell, Konica Minolta
Mission: To organize, promote and supervise a successful and profitable Taste of Bessemer Gala for the benefit of the Chamber and its members.
1. Select a location and target revenue/expenses no later than March 30, 2008 (Event should take in at least $15,000 including Corporate sponsorships and spend no more than $4,000 according to the 2008 budget)
2. Target participants and sponsors no later than May 31, 2008
3. Promote the event to involve the greatest number of participants.
Casino Night Committee
Chairperson: David Darby, Peoples Bank
Vice Chairperson: Margaret Snider, John John’s Jewelry
Mission: To organize, promote and supervise a successful and profitable Casino Night and auction for the benefit of the Chamber and its members.
1. Select a location and target revenue/expenses no later than March 30, 2008 (Casino Night should take in at least $15,000 including Corporate sponsorships and spend no more than $4,000 according to the 2008 budget)
2. Target participants and sponsors no later than March 30, 2008
3. Promote the event to involve the greatest number of participants.
Business Development Division
Chairman: Nelda Weaver, Weaver Land
Vice Chairperson: Tom Nicholson, US Pipe
Mission: To promote and support business development through facilitation, coordination, and expansion of resources serving existing and prospective businesses.
1. Update business recruiting data to provide to prospects in Economic Development no later than April 1, 2008.
2. Continue to partner with existing organizations such as Bessemer IDB, MDB, City of Bessemer Community Development Department and JCEIDA to recruit new businesses to the area.
3. Continue to coordinate with local education organizations, career tech and work force development programs to employ local citizens who are trained to work.
4. Update the City Council quarterly on what the Chamber is doing and concerns of businesses in the area.
5. Organize and host the annual Professional Administrative Assistants Day luncheon
Governmental Affairs Committee
Chairman: Hank Tyler, Henry H. Tyler Enterprises
Vice Chairman: Ross Mitchell, Baptist-Princeton
Mission: To set the political agenda for the Chamber and to address all issues in the political arena facing local business and the Chamber.
1. Continue to develop working relationships with elected officials: local, county, state and federal.
2. Continue to work with local governmental entities to provide web based services
and information.
3. Support area economic development by:
- creating a functional Western Jefferson County Regional Economic
Development Committee comprised of local city officials and chambers
- building business related partnerships with western area chambers and
- developing economic based promotional information
4. Establish the Chamber’s agenda/platform on issues of importance to our Membership no later than February 28, 2008.
Tourism Committee
Chairman: Howard Johnson, Jr.,
Vice Chairperson: Rupesh Patel, Hampton Inn
Mission: To promote Bessemer Area attractions to visitors as well as local residents as a place to visit and enjoy.
1. Continue to evaluate the message board advertising “Stay Inn Bessemer” campaign now in place, and then make changes/additions as needed.
2. Continue to work toward a tourism/visitor shuttle for area
3. Prepare a tourism/convention calendar for each quarter of the year
4. Replace the Welcome to Bessemer message board located on I-20/59 and belonging to the City of Bessemer
Contractors/Developers Committee
Chairman: Randy Donaldson, Alagasco
Vice Chairperson: Kenneth Coston, Coston General Contractors
Mission: To represent the interests of contractors (general and sub), developers, and realtors in the Chambers regional area with local, County, State and Federal building policies, legislation, ordinances and codes.
1. Continue to work on streamlining the building/development permitting process.
2. Promote the installation of new roads and sewers in the southwest Jefferson
County area.
3. Host meetings with local developers and elected officials to discuss area
4. Increase Chamber membership though committee activities.
Bessemer Business Awards Committee
Chairperson: To Be Determined
Vice Chairman: Troy Post, Bessemer IDB
Mission: To organize, promote and supervise a successful and profitable Business Awards luncheon to recognize area businesses.
1. Select a location, date and target revenue/expenses no later than March 31, 2008 (Business Awards luncheon should take in at least $750 and spend no more than $700 according to the 2008 budget)
2. Determine honorees and participants no later than April 30, 2007
3. Promote the event to involve the greatest number of participants.
Community Building Division
Chairperson: Dr. Deborah Horn, Bessemer Board of Education
Vice Chairperson: Rev. Doug Caddell, Canaan Baptist Church
Mission: To build a stronger, more unified community through continued program development, promotion, planning, and networking of area organizations.
1. Develop a working partnership with the Bessemer Main Street Organization to promote downtown
2. Pursue the use of a Grant Writer to assist Chamber in building and community projects that need funding
3. Coordinate with City of Bessemer to redecorate, paint, and clean City Auditorium
4. Support education organizations and events by selecting at least one City school to clean up, paint, plant flowers, etc.
5. Reinforce the Chamber’s Adopt-a-School Program
Christmas Parade Committee
Chairman: Kenneth Gulley, Lawson State Community College
Vice Chairman: Sarah Belcher, City of Bessemer
Mission: To effectively partner with the City of Bessemer to promote, plan, and oversee a successful City of Bessemer Christmas Parade.
1. Coordinate the City of Bessemer Christmas Parade for 2008
2. Promote the 2008 parade through local media, mail outs, and membership
3. Collect at least $4,000 to fund the annual parade
Veterans Day Committee
Chairman: Sarah Belcher, City of Bessemer
Vice Chairman: Gordon Seale, American Legion
Mission: To effectively partner with the City of Bessemer to create a program, activities, and events which will recognize the veterans in western Jefferson County.
1. Host the City of Bessemer Veteran’s Day observance
2. Determine the guest speaker for the event
3. Set the agenda, costs, and invitation of guests
Ora Foster Community Service Scholarship Committee
Chairman: TBA
Vice Chairman: Claire Mitchell, Bessemer Beauty Institute
Mission: To effectively partner with the Area High Schools to provide scholarships for deserving students and to provide revenue to fund the scholarships.
1. Supervise the nomination and selection process for the three area high schools and their students
2. Coordinate with the Chamber Ambassadors to raise $4,500 for the scholarship fund
3. Award scholarships totaling $2,250 in 2008
Faith Based Community Committee
Chairman: Rev. Doug Caddell, Canaan Baptist Church
Vice Chairman: Kathrine Taylor, Abana Realty
Mission: To partner with the faith based community in the Bessemer Area in providing information to, understanding of, and cooperation with the goals of the Chamber and the Churches in the area.
1. Host Quarterly Pastors Meetings with topics chosen by the members
2. Coordinate local Church goals with the Chamber’s goals
3. Answer local Church questions about Chamber activities, events, and positions
4. The Chairman of this committee will serve as the Chamber’s Chaplin
Charles A. Long Sr Award Committee
Chairman: Thelma Vanderburg, First American Bank
Vice Chairman: Tammy Tucker, Golden Living
Mission: To create the criteria, qualifications, and nominees for an outstanding honoree from the Bessemer Business Community for contributions to business and community development in the western Jefferson County region.
1. Reevaluate the Charles A. Long Sr. Outstanding Civic Award, i.e., selection process, nominating process, award criteria, etc.
2. Supervise the nomination and selection of the year’s recipient
PRIDE Committee
Chairman: Randy Donaldson, Alagasco
Vice Chairman: Nelda Pate, Ambassador
Mission: To develop a consistent program that recognizes PRIDE in the Bessemer Area by Chamber members including facilities, landscape, and signage.
1. Coordinate an effective PRIDE Award Program
2. Evaluate the timing, nomination, and selection of PRIDE Award recipients
3. Sponsor at least two revamped community service projects
First Responders Award Committee
Chairman: Arthur Green, Jefferson County District Attorney
Vice Chairman: Thelma Vanderburg, First American Bank
Mission: To develop an annual luncheon program and awards to recognize the Law Enforcement, Fire Fighter and Sheriff’s Deputy of the Year in the Bessemer Area.
1. Plan, coordinate and sponsor the annual luncheon recognizing the Law Enforcement Officer of the Year, Fire Fighter of the Year, and Bessemer CutOff Sheriff’s Deputy of the Year (Event should take in at least $800 and spend no more than $750 according to the 2008 budget)
2. The Bessemer Police Chief and Fire Chief will provide the names of honorees from the City of Bessemer and the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office will provide the honoree from the Sheriff’s Dept.
Coordinator: Diane Sparks, Legacy YMCA
Co-Coordinator: Regina Doriety, Lawson State Community College
Mission: To effectively serve the membership of the Chamber by promoting its goals and objectives by volunteering and serving as the official public relations corps of the organization.
1. Maintain an active group of 20 ambassadors to support all programs and activities of the Chamber
2. Make personal contact with the chamber membership on a regular basis
3. Raise $4,500 for the Scholarship Program in 2008
4. Continue to support educational efforts as detailed in the Community Building Division
5. Develop a mentoring program for new chamber members
6. Identify ways to recognize Corporate Sponsors and Chamber Contributors
7. Recruit as least 30 new members as a group and assist with a retention program