Established Marketing Materials

Health Management Overview

IDIOMS – Short Version

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[Please provide program or company logo in .eps format as a separate attachment]
[Insert Program name]
INSIDE SPREAD 475 words or less /
You’ve talked about your health goals many times before. Maybe you’d like to lose a few pounds. Gain some muscle. Eat more veggies. Live healthier.
Now is the time to stop the chatter…and start doing things that matter to improve your health. And to help you get started, [insert Company name] is offering [insert Program Name], a health improvement program that provides the tools and support you need to walk that talk, and make your health goals a reality.
Actions speak louder than words. Get moving.
As a critical first step toward better health, it’s essential that you know your digits. Blood pressure, cholesterol (HDL/LDL ratio), blood sugar, and body mass index numbers are key indicators of your risk for major illness. [Insert Company name] will host on-site health screenings between [insert screenings campaign start date] and [insert screenings campaign end date] where you can learn these important biometric measurements. Visit [insert Program Website URL] to schedule and attend an on-site health screening in your area.
Build your course of action.
In addition to a screening, we encourage you to complete a health risk assessment to receive straight talk about your current lifestyle and health risks.
A health risk assessment is a confidential questionnaire that asks questions about your stress level, nutrition, physical activity, tobacco use, seat-belt usage and other health-related aspects of your lifestyle. This voluntary survey is scientifically designed to measure all factors that affect your well-being. The analysis of your health risk assessment gives an immediate picture of your current health status along with personalized recommendations for making improvements.
The assessment is free and takes about 15 minutes to complete. A health advisor will then contact you to share insight about your results and invite you to participate in EMPOWERED® Health Coaching, a lifestyle improvement program.
Get your piece of the action.
Visit [insert Company Website] or call [insert phone number] for more information about [insert Program name].
When you talk, talk turkey.
Let’s be frank. Everyone has areas in their health they’d like to improve, and everyone could use a little support to make their health goals happen. EMPOWERED Health Coaching helps you do just that.
EMPOWERED Health Coaching partners you with a personal coach who provides individualized, confidential and professional help to craft a plan of action that works specifically for you.
EMPOWERED health coaches help with the following lifestyle areas:
-  Stress management
-  Physical activity
-  Healthy eating
-  Smoking cessation
-  Weight loss and management
With EMPOWERED, you choose how you interact with your coach. Your options include [remove any delivery modes that do not apply] face-to-face meetings (where available), Web, phone and/or print.
SIDEBAR 10-20 words or less /
Get moving with these four steps.
Step 1 Gather your biometric numbers by scheduling and attending a [insert Program name] health screening.
Step 2 Log on to [insert Program Website URL].
Step 3 Click the LOGIN button and follow instructions as prompted.
Step 4 After you log into the site, click the TAKE YOUR HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENT button on the home page.
BACK COVER 275 words or less
Where the action is.
Visit [insert Company name]’s [insert Program name] health Website at [insert Program Website URL] for 24/7 access to quick bites of health information, or to develop and access personal health trackers on measurements such as weight, percent fat and blood glucose. With health trackers, you can even graph your information over time. It’s a great way to keep tabs on your health status.
Don’t worry. It’s confidential.
[Insert Program name] programs and services are delivered through the professional staff of a third-party vendor, HealthFitness. HealthFitness adheres to the highest privacy standards and ensures that your personal health information is secure and protected. [Insert Company name] will only receive aggregate data for the purpose of performing program analysis. Individual data will never be provided to [insert Company name]. Additionally, all calls with health advisors and health coaches are documented in a secure, confidential database. Specific information is shared with your permission only. /
Reward yourself.
Get rewards for participating in [insert Company name]’s [insert Program name] health improvement program. Complete the following health improvement activities and earn up to [insert reward maximum] between [insert incentive campaign start date and end dates]
[Insert incentive activity]
Reward for completion: [insert specific rewards/points associated with activity]
[Insert incentive activity]
Reward for completion: [insert specific rewards/points associated with activity]
[Insert incentive activity]
Reward for completion: [insert specific rewards/points associated with activity]
Visit [insert Company Website] or call [insert phone number] for more information about [insert Program name].
[Please provide program or company logo in .eps format as a separate attachment]
Introducing [insert Program name], [insert Company name]’s comprehensive health improvement program.
Through [insert Program name], health assessments, a team of health professionals, Web tools and many other resources are now available to support you as you choose to make lifestyle changes that improve your health and quality of life. You can also earn up to [insert reward maximum] through the [insert Program name] rewards program. /
To get started, we encourage you to schedule and attend an upcoming on-site health screening. After completing your health screening, we invite you to complete a health risk assessment. This free and confidential assessment is quick (about 15 minutes), easy to complete, and gives an immediate picture of your current health status. The assessment also gives personalized recommendations for making improvements.
Ready to take swing into action?
Visit [insert Company Website] or call [insert phone number] for more information about [insert Program name].
[insert return address]
[Please provide program logo in .eps format as a separate attachment]
To: [Insert Company name] Associates
From: [Insert Company executive name and title]
Subject: All talk and no action. Stop the chitchat with [insert Program name]
Dear Valued Associate,
You have health goals you want to achieve, and [Insert Company name] would like to help you make those goals a reality through [insert Program name], our new health improvement program.
[Insert Program name] provides the tools and support you need to get moving. Participate in health assessments and learn about your current health status and how to minimize your personal health risks. Partner with a team of health professionals to achieve better health. Access our [insert Program Website URL] health information and guidance, 24/7, to keep your personal plan on track. /
These services, and many others, are now available to support you as you choose to make lifestyle changes that improve your health and quality of life.
To get started, we encourage you to schedule and attend an upcoming on-site health screening. After completing your health screening, we invite you to complete a health risk assessment. This free and confidential assessment is quick (about 15 minutes), easy to complete, and gives an immediate picture of your current health status. The assessment also gives personalized recommendations for making improvements. A health advisor will then contact you to share insight about your assessment results and invite you to participate in EMPOWERED® Health Coaching, a lifestyle improvement program. You can also earn up to [insert reward maximum] through the [insert Program name] rewards program.
Visit [insert Company Website] or call [insert phone number] for more information about [insert Program name].
We value your contributions to the company, and we recognize that good health is key to your ability to make the most of your life—at work and at play. We strongly encourage you to participate in [insert Program name], and swing into action toward better health.
Be well,
[Please provide the executive VP signature in .jpg or .eps format as a separate attachment]
[Insert Company executive name]
[Please provide program logo in .eps format as a separate attachment]
Through [insert Program name], health assessments, a team of health professionals, Web tools and many other resources are now available to support you as you choose to make lifestyle changes that improve your health and quality of life. You can also earn up to [insert reward maximum] through the [insert Program name] rewards program.
As a first step toward gaining better health, we encourage you to schedule and attend an upcoming on-site health screening. After completing your health screening, we invite you to complete a health risk assessment. This free and confidential assessment is quick (about 15 minutes), easy to complete, and gives an immediate picture of your current health status. The assessment also gives personalized recommendations for making improvements.
Visit [insert Company Website] or call [insert phone number] for more information about [insert Program name]. /

©2011 Health Fitness Corporation