Sep/Oct 2015
Multimedia Policy at OOSHC
Multimedia use within the program (Oct 2010)
a)Multimedia is a term used to describe the use of electronic devices, such as CD / Radio / Tape machines, videos, television, computers, Ipods and Ipads. The centre recognises these are a part of the life of a child in Australia and all homes will feature at least some of these devices. The centre acknowledges that educational and health authorities have however raised concern about young children spending too long interacting with such devices as normally they involve no interaction with others and little active hands on experience for the child.
What’s beenhappening?
Whilst we have tried to be flexible about allowing children to bring technology from home to use especially while at vacation care it is becoming evident that this is not working well. The reasons being are;
- Children bringing iPods or ipods with M+ games,we cannot allow children to play M+ games while they are in our care.
- Children recording or taking videos or pictures of others without theirs or their parent’s permission, and sharing it with others.
- Children borrowing each other’s Ipads or iPods and the possibility of them getting broken or lost.
- IPods or IPads being taken from children’s bags without permission or even worse being stolen.
What Should We Do?
As a staff group we have discussed some ideas please feel free to talk to staff about these ideas and share your own.
- Ban hand held technology altogether.
- All technology to be kept in staff offices or kitchen or locked cupboard.
- Set times they can be used ie: one hour in morning and one hour in the afternoon or just on bus trips
What’s been happening at Lennox Head OOSHC
With regards from all the OOSHC Team Carol, April, Jake and Louis
What’s been happening at Central Ballina OOSHC
We are now also in the process of brain storming ideas for the next holidays with the children coming up with some fun ideas.
With regards from all the OOSHC Team Kylie, Eryn and Casual Staff
What’s been happening at East Ballina OOSHC
Kids are going crazy over handball at the moment!!
Josh is keeping the children busy challenging them all for a spot in ACE!
The children are forever making up new rules so it proves a challenge to defeat the ACE holder!
We have a few new children attending OOSHC which has been refreshing for both staff and children, getting to know each other and children bringing their own energy to the group. A Big welcome.
Lots of active children enjoying outdoor games including soccer, poison ball, sandpit play, imaginary games, kite flying and leap frog!
A group of children have been busy practicing their gymnastics routines as well as spending time teaching their peers. It is lovely to see the children who attend gymnastics after school sharing their skills with others.
Some children have shown interest in dancing to music CD’s, in particular Rock’n’Roll music such as ACDC! Lots of “air guitar” going on in the hall in the afternoons! Lots of fun times!!
It is great to see such a diverse range of interests and personalities within our service. It is a special thing watching how this shapes and teaches the children important lessons such as practising ways of achieving coexistence.
Please feel free to chat with our friendly staff if you have any information you would like to share that may assist us to provide the best quality care for your child.
Kind Thoughts,
Kelly, Megan, Tracey &Josh
Over the Rainbow Sep/ Oct 15| Page 1