Clarification of BBDC $1M Transformational Diabetes Team Research Grant and Changes to Equipment Budget
After discussions and consultations with BBDC members, we have made a few changes and clarifications to the terms of reference:
Maximum equipment budget:
The maximum allowable budget for equipment has been increased from $30,000 to $100,000 CAD.
What this grant is and what it is not:
The purpose of the BBDC Transformational Diabetes Team Grant competition is to bring the BBDC’s leading researchers from multiple disciplines together to focus on solving or significantly advancing a specific diabetes issue, the results of which will be of a transformational nature. This unique fundingprogram isprimarilyintendedto support novel research of exceptionalcaliber,as opposed to a continuation of existingresearch programs and activities. It isanticipatedthat the BBDCwould invest in research initiativesthat are in their earlydevelopmentstage, or arepoised for revolutionary(not evolutionary) change and growth. In allcases, applicantsneedto supplyadetailed andcompellingplan outlining research activities, goalsand impact.Although only one Team Grant will be funded in 2015, we hope that this $1 million funding opportunity will catalyse the formation of many additional teams. We also hope that many of the teams that are not successful in the 2015 competition will begin to work together, thereby increasing their competitiveness for future team funding opportunities. Analysis of the applications for this competition will provide the BBDC leadership with ideas and a focus for future fundraising priorities.
Please note the team members (all must be U of T faculty) may either have a track record of previous collaboration with each other or may be new to working together. Apart from the named principal applicant, co-principal applicants may or may not have a track record of diabetes-related research. Preference will be given to the most innovative diabetes focused science most likely to benefit from the collaboration of scientists with complementary skills and complementary experimental techniques brought to bear on a scientific question. It is not necessary to include both clinical and basic scientists in the team unless such collaboration will clearly enhance the testing of the proposed hypothesis. We encourage applicants to build their team around a research question rather than around the team members.
Please note that‘transformational’ is not the same as ‘translational’. Reviewers will be instructed to judge grant applications on their potential to be transformational (i.e. their impact in contributing new knowledge to the field). We understand that translational, while a lofty goal, may or may not be the outcome of a transformational research discovery and is usually delayed by many years.
For the complete revised terms of reference, please visit our website at .