March 1, 2011
The Moody County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, March 1, 2011 in the County Commissioners' Room in the Courthouse at 9:00 AM, with the following members present: Tom Peper, Chairman, Jerry Doyle, Dan Miles, Dave Stenberg and Rick Veldkamp, with Lori Schaefers, Auditor as Clerk of the Board.
To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners, Moody County:
I hereby submit the following report of my examination of the cash and cash items in the hands of the County Treasurer of this County as of February 28, 2011, which includes money collected for schools, cities, townships and state:
Total amount of deposits in bank: $ 3,642.29
Total amount of actual cash: $ 2,155.70
Total amount of checks and drafts in
Treasurer’s possession not exceeding 3 days: $ 18,339.30
Itemized list of all items, checks and drafts which
have been in the treasurer's possession over 3 days: $ 0.00
First National Bank Flandreau CD $ 1,800,000.00
First National Bank Flandreau Savings $ 357,387.11
Flandreau First Savings Bank CD $ 1,475,000.00
TOTAL $ 3,656,524.40
Dated this 7th day of March, 2011
Lori Schaefers
Moody County Auditor
Chairman Peper called the meeting to order. Motion by Miles, seconded by Doyle to approve the agenda. All voted “aye”. Motion by Stenberg, seconded by Miles to approve the minutes of February 15, 2011. All voted “aye”.
Motion by Doyle, seconded by Veldkamp to enter into executive session at 9:00 AM. Reason: personnel. Motion by Doyle, seconded by Stenberg to resume regular session at 9:20 AM. All voted “aye”.
Terry Albers, Drainage Secretary met with the Board to discuss the drainage application. Motion by Stenberg, seconded by Miles to approve the addition of the following requirement on the Moody County application to drain: “The contractor, installer, or landowner shall provide the Moody County Drainage Office with GPS data within 180 days from the final date of installation. This can be in the form of a detailed map on paper or shape file for computer use.” All voted “aye”.
Elizabeth Wakeman with the Flandreau Santee Sioux Department of Natural Resources met with the Board to discuss EPA issues. She requested an area meeting between the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe, the City of Flandreau, and Moody County to discuss working jointly to implement cleanup projects and to possibly develop a burn ordinance.
Discussion was held on the ambulance subsidy agreement between Moody County and the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe.
Kristene Rancour, Ambulance Supervisor met with the Board to review outstanding payments due from Indian Health Services, ambulance calls at the Flandreau Indian School, snow removal issues, and possibly utilizing a portion of the meeting center for the ambulance department.
Mike Eisenbarth, City of Flandreau Chief of Police met with the Board to discuss the possibility of creating a regional jail in Moody County, to be funded entirely by the BIA.
Marc Blum, Highway Superintendent met with the Board. He informed the Board the Highway Department summer hours would be from 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM, Monday through Thursday, effective March 14, 2011. Discussion was held on vehicles. Motion by Veldkamp, seconded by Doyle to transfer the 1991 Ford F-150 from the Highway Department inventory to the Courthouse inventory. All voted “aye”. Motion by Doyle, seconded by Veldkamp to approve the following Bridge Reinspection Program Resolution with all members present voting “aye”:
WHEREAS, Title 23, Section 151, United States Code and Title 23, Part 650, Subpart C, Code of Federal Regulations, requires initial inspection of all bridges and reinspection at intervals not to exceed two years with the exception of reinforced concrete box culverts that meet specific criteria. These culverts are reinspected at intervals not to exceed four years.
THEREFORE, Moody County is desirous of participating in the Bridge Inspection Program using Bridge Replacement funds.
The County requests SDDOT to hire Clark Engineering Corp (Consulting Engineers) for the inspection work. SDDOT will secure federal approvals, make payments to the Consulting Engineer for inspection services rendered, and bill the County for 20% of the cost. The County will be responsible for the required 20% matching funds.
Dated this 1st day of March, 2011, at Flandreau, South Dakota.
Board of County Commissioners
of Moody County
Lori Schaefers Thomas Peper
County Auditor Chairman of the Board
Troy Wellman, Sheriff met with the Board to present an employee step increase and a purchase request. Motion by Miles, seconded by Doyle to approve the 1 year step increase of dispatcher Jessica Elverud to $11.71 per hour as per the Union Contract effective March 28, 2011. All voted “aye”. Motion by Doyle, seconded by Veldkamp to approve the quote from IBS in the amount of $6640.00 for the installation of a Dell Server at the Sheriff’s Office, and to approve the quote from Bob’s Electric in the amount of $867.00 for wiring work necessary for the server installation. All voted “aye”. Discussion was held on the Sheriff Department’s budget, on a claim submitted by the Sheriff that possibly could have been covered under warranty, and on the Department’s inventory list that was due December 31, 2010.
Moody County landowner Tom Schmidt met with the Board to discuss Bull Ditch, and the possibility of forming a Board to reactivate the Bull Ditch Drainage District.
Schaefers presented the Library Subsidy Agreement between Moody County, Flandreau City, and the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe. The agreement indicates that the County will provide a full-time librarian position and a part-time library assistant, with Flandreau City and the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe each contributing $7500/year to subsidize the additional cost. Currently the County employs a part-time librarian, and a part-time library assistant. The Board instructed Schaefers to submit the agreement to the City of Flandreau and to the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe.
Motion by Veldkamp, seconded by Stenberg to enter into executive session at 11:55 AM. Reason: personnel. Motion by Doyle, seconded by Veldkamp to resume regular session at 12:10 PM. All voted “aye”.
The Commissioners met over at the Ambulance Department’s office to review the conditions of the Ambulance Department’s setup.
Motion by Veldkamp, seconded by Miles to authorize Chairman Peper to sign the Election Services Agreement Renewal with Elections System and Software, commencing on March 1, 2011 and ending on December 31, 2013. All voted “aye”.
Motion by Stenberg, seconded by Doyle to authorize any interested elected and appointed County employees to attend the District Meeting in Hamlin County on March 21st. All voted “aye”.
Schaefers presented a poor relief case to the Board. Motion by Miles, seconded by Stenberg to deny poor relief case #20110114 due to no response from the patient to the information request. All voted “aye”.
Motion by Doyle, seconded by Stenberg to authorize the renewal of the 2012 fire contracts, 2012 law contracts, and 2012 dispatching contract with a 1.1% increase from the 2011 contracts. All voted “aye”.
Discussion was held on the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe Trust Status Application (parcel Motion by Veldkamp, seconded by Doyle to authorize Chairman Peper to sign the FSST Trust Status Application response letter. All voted “aye”.
The following reports were received and filed in the Auditor’s Office: Register of Deeds fees $3,956.50 and Civil fees $1,569.60.
Motion by Miles, seconded by Stenberg to approve the following claims and issue warrants, all voted “aye”: General: A&B Business, copy contract 44.10, Avera University Psychiatry, service 389.00, Avera Flandreau Medical, nurse salary 2688.33, Best Business Products, copier maintenance 25.34, Bob’s Electric, service/supplies 58.76, CCB, collection fees 54.77, Century Business Products, copies 30.00, Cardmember Service, gas/lodging/postage 364.39, Cover to Cover, books 83.25, Department of Revenue, blood alcohols 138.00, Marlene Dahlmeier, reimbursement 34.49, William Ellingson, office expense 1596.47, Linda Goetz, reimbursement 495.00, Hillyard, supplies 411.36, IBS, computer service/supplies 4608.75, Knology, telephone/internet 262.79, Scott Lewis, reimbursement 24.42, Literary Guild Select, books 16.98, Lutheran Social Services, service 98.60, Lake County Auditor, jail housing 1625.00, Dan Miles, travel 11.10, Medical X-Ray Center, jail-medical 50.50, Pictometry International, license 4216.67, Pitney Bowes, meter lease 252.51, RJC, service 475.00, Reader Service, books 67.74, David Stenberg, travel 9.25, Southwest Office Supply, supplies 232.48, Terrascan, license 2858.06, Maurice Tye, reimbursement 195.00, University of Wisconsin, registration 40.00. Highway: Butler Machinery, filters/oil 570.55, Cummins Central Power, repairs 13.86, Dakota Alignment, repairs 1211.00, Great Plains International, repairs 42.22, Knology, phone/cable/internet 225.93, Kimball Midwest, supplies 488.40, Rudy’s Welding, repairs 99.00, RDO Equipment, repairs 69.00, SDPAA, liability insurance 203.00, SDDOT, engineering 1485.64, SDACHS, registration 80.00, Wheelco Brake & Supply, supplies/repairs 560.21. Flexible Spending: Jerry Doyle, reimbursement 104.00, Glenda Erickson, reimbursement 670.50. Miscellaneous: City of Flandreau, utilities 1923.58, MidAmerican Energy, natural gas 3341.00, State Treasurer, monthly remittance 58277.75, Hamlin County, registrations 72.00. February Payroll by Department: Commissioner 8051.68, Election 5.60, Auditor 10329.88, Treasurer 11090.58, States Attorney 4962.73, General Government Building 2922.53, Director of Equalization 8830.74, Register of Deeds 7195.07, Sheriff 28088.16, Ambulance 11834.45, Library 2765.53, Extension 4043.91, Soil Conservation 3771.68, Weed 3551.19, Drainage 248.40, Planning & Zoning 250.04, Highway 36448.71, 911 5215.87, Civil Defense 1812.92, 24/7 Sobriety 240.10.
Meeting adjourned at 2:10 PM.
ATTEST: Lori Schaefers Thomas Peper, Chairman
Moody County Auditor Moody County Board of Commissioners