Research Hosts should do the following AFTER they discuss the proposed research project with the teacher applicant:
- Review the program application information at:
Be sure to read the following documents:
- Successful Applications and Research Experiences
- Models for Summer Research Experiences
- How Awardees are Selected
- Important Information for APS Member Research Hosts
- Provide the teacher with your full contact information, including name, title,department, institution, email, and phone number. Request that your partner teacher enter your email address in their portion of the online application to receive an automatic email from the APS Online Awards System with a link to upload your Research Host Application PDF file (see below).
- Make sure you are an APS member in good standing (that is, yourmembership dues have been paid through12/2019).
- Complete the information requested in thisWord document file and save as a PDF file.
- Add a PDF of your short CV (4 pages max) to the end of the PDF file you created in Step 4 above.
- Upload your entire PDF file (application form + CV) when you receive an automatic email that refers to the Frontiers in Physiology Professional Development Fellowship for Science Teachers from the APS Online Awards System.
- Upload no later than March 15, 2019.
NOTE: You DO NOT need to include this information sheet in your application PDF file.
APS Frontiers in Physiology
Research Host Application Form
Researcher’s Full Name and Degree(s):Researcher Primary
Email Address:
Researcher Institution:
Name of Teacher Applicant:
Teacher Primary Email Address:
Researcher Mailing Address:
Researcher Office Phone:
Researcher Fax Number:
2. COST-SHARING CONTRIBUTION: Research Hosts are strongly encouraged to contribute a minimum of $1,000 toward the teacher’s fellowship payment and/or EB 2020 travel expenses. Through cost-sharing, APS is able to make more grant awards and involve more middle and high school teachers. Applications that include cost-sharing generally receive higher ratings. Details on processing fellowship payments or EB 2020 travel will be included in the Notice of Award documents (March/April 2019).
TOTAL / Research Host Contribution / Requestedfrom APS
Total Fellowship Payment to teacher: / $5,700 / - $ / = $
EB 2020 TravelSan Diego, CA / $1,200 / - $ / = $
TOTAL: / $6,900 / - $ / = $
*Source: Indicate source of support, if any, for contributed amount (e.g., departmental funds, NIH grant (indicate grant number), other funding agencies, etc.)
Please answer the following questions, the text boxes will expand as you type.
- Do you plan to attend Experimental Biology 2020 (April 4-8th) in San Diego, CA?
If “yes,” are you willing to serve as a meeting mentor for your teacher?
- List three of your most recent or representative publications with titles.
- List the current financial support for research in your laboratory.
- Describe the plans for involving the science teacher in your laboratory’s research, including a summary of the research that the teacher will be conducting.
- All teachers in the program must have appropriate training in Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR). The level of training will, of course, vary with the overall responsibilities and the amount of time the teacher is in the lab. Please describe the RCR training that your teacher will complete.
- Describe the other activities in which the teacher will be involved at your institution or elsewhere during the summer.
- Please certify that the research project with which the teacher will work has appropriate approvals (e.g. IACUC, IRB).
- Describe planned future interactions between the teacher and you, your laboratory, your staff, and/or the institution.
- Describe your previous experiences in mentoring undergraduate and/or graduate students. If you have hosted teachers in your laboratory in the past, please indicate this, as well. (1-2 paragraphs max.).
- Please provide a two-three sentence description of your current research in lay terms.
- Include a SHORT CURRICULUM VITAE with your application (4pages max).
1)Save your document as a SINGLE PDF file (APPLICATION FORM + CV). This is required to upload the application materials to the APS Online Awards Application System.
a)If you do not have a “PDF Writer” printer option on your computer, you can convert your documents to PDFs online free at either of these sites or
b)If you have tried both sites and still have difficulties saving your document as a PDF file, contact Margaret in the APS Education Office () for assistance. Please DO NOT wait until the last day of submission to do so!
2)Upload your file on the APS Online Awards Site as directed in the Application Instructions. You will receive an email from the APS Online Awards System with specific directions on how to upload the document to submit along with the teacher’s application. Your document should be saved as a PDF file to directly upload into the APS Online Awards Application System. This allows your letter to be uploaded confidentially.
a)Warning: Using Firefox as your browser may cause difficulty in uploading PDF files. We recommend using a different browser program such as Internet Explorer or Safari.
American Physiological Society Page 1 of 4
2019 Frontiers Research Community Leader Fellowship
Teacher Application: Section E – Research Host Application