Record Format DocumentRT_M83_ACPTD_POST_CD_NOTFN
Copyright Xoserve 2014©, all rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying and restoring in any medium or electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally) without the written permission of Xoserve except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1998.
Author: / XoserveOwner: / Xoserve
Version: / 6
Status: / For Approval
Date: / 30-Sep-2014
Version Control
Version / COR / Issue Date / Implementation Date / Summary of Change5 / Current Live Version
6 / 1154 / 30-Sep-2014 / 1-Oct-2015 / File issued for representation
Note 1OPT - Optional/Mandatory (O - Optional, M - Mandatory)
DOM - Domain (T - text, N - Numeric, D - Date (YYYYMMDD), M - Timestamp)
LNG - Number of characters
DEC - Number of decimal places
Note 2
All text fields will be enclosed in double quotes ("")
Record Type Definition
RECORD/FIELD NAME / OPT / DOM / LNG / DEC / DESCRIPTIONTRANSACTION_TYPE / M / T / 3 / 0 / A code identifying the type of request that this code represents.VALUE:M83
NOTIFICATION_REFERENCE SHIPPER_REFERENCE / O / T / 15 / 0 / A reference supplied by the System User when submitting a notification. It may be used by the System User to identify the notification and any subsequent response to this.
REQUESTOR_NAME / O / T / 40 / 0 / Name of the person requesting the meter work.
NOTICE_DATE / O / D / 8 / 0 / Date on which the originalnotice wascompleted.
APPRAISAL_REFERENCE / O / T / 15 / 0 / A unique reference for the Safety Appraisal request.Anticipated FORMAT:i.e.XXXXXXXX999999X
DATE_OF_WORK / M / D / 8 / 0 / Date meter activity is to be/has been undertaken.FORMAT: YYYYMMDD
TIME_OF_WORK / O / T / 6 / 0 / Time meter activity is to be/has been undertaken. This can also be expressed as a timeslot.
REASON / O / T / 1 / 0 / Reason for the notification.
FORMAT:I (Install) E (Exchange) R (Remove)
SUPPLY_METER_POINT METER_POINT_REFERENCE / O / N / 10 / 0 / A unique identifier for the point at which a meter is, has been or will be connected to the gas network. These references are less volatile than meter or service identifiers and do not change if the meter is replaced or the service is relayed to the same position. New Supply Meter Point References will only be created for new services or when a service is relayed to a different position.A unique identifier for the point at which a Meter is, has been or will be connected to the gas network.
METER_SERIAL_NUMBER / O / T / 14 / 0 / The manufacturers meter serial number. CONTEXT: The serial number of the meter from which the meter read was taken.Manufacturers Meter Serial Number,Which is/was fitted prior to the activity undertaken
PRE_ACTIVITY_CONVERTER_SERIAL_NUMBER / O / T / 14 / 0 / Manufacturers converter Serial Number, which is/was fitted prior to the activity undertaken.
FINAL_METER_READING / O / T / 12 / 0 / .Reading taken for the Meter which was current at the Supply Meter Point prior to an activity taking place. Anticipated format to include leading zeros these will be included so that the number of characters is equal to the number of digits as recorded on the related meter model.
Manufacturer’s converter Serial Number, which is/was fitted prior to the activity undertaken.
FINAL_METER_RTC_COUNT / O / T / 2 / 0 / Number of times the Meter has gone round the clock (i.e. through the zeros) in relation to the last reading successfully updated.
FINAL_CONVERTER_UNCORRECTED_READING / O / T / 12 10 / 0 / The value of the Converter uncorrected reading. Converters provide two readings, uncorrected and corrected. This field represents the uncorrected reading i.e. the value of a meter reading before the Converter corrects it.
FINAL_CONVERTER_CORRECTED_READING / O / T / 12 10 / 0 / The value of the Converter corrected reading. Converters provide two readings, uncorrected and corrected. This field represents the corrected reading i.e. the value of the meter reading after the Converter corrects it.
FINAL_CONVERTER_RTC_COUNT / O / T / 2 / 0 / The number of times the Converter has gone round the clock (i.e. through the zeros) in relation to the last reading successfully updated. This value relates to the corrected reading index.
NEW_METER_LOCATION_CODE / O / N / 2 / 0 / A code representing the location of A code representing the location of the new Meter fitted at the Supply Meter Point as a result of the activity undertaken. Anticipated Values are: 0 - Unknown, 1 - Cellar, 2 - Under Stairs, 3 - Hall, 4 - Kitchen, 5 - Bathroom, 6 - Garage, 7 - Canteen, 8 - Cloakroom, 9 - Cupboard, 10 - Domestic, 11 - Front Door, 12 - Hall Cupboard, 13 - Kitchen Cupboard, 14 - Kitchen under the sink, 15 - Landing, 16 - Office, 17 - Office Cupboard, 18 - Outside WC, 19 - Pantry, 20 - Porch, 21 - Public Bar, 22 - Rear of Shop, 23 - Saloon Bar, 24 - Shed, 25 - Shop Front, 26 - Shop Window, 27 - Staff Room, 28 - Store Room, 29 - Toilet, 30 - Under Counter, 31 - Waiting Room, 32 - Meterbox, 98 - Other, 99 - Outside.
NEW_METER_LOCATION_DESCRIPTION / O / T / 40 / 0 / Descriptive text which may provide further information on the location of the meter other than that provided by the Meter Location Code.
NEW_METER_INSTRUCTIONS / O / T / 210 / 0 / Additional instructions necessary to support meter reading and/or meter maintenance activities (e.g. key instructions, meter access information, special tools required) as detailed at the supply meter point as a result of the activity undertaken.
NEW_METER_SERIAL_NUMBER / O / T / 14 / 0 / Manufacturers Meter Serial Number which is to be/has been fitted prior to the activity undertaken.
NEW_METER_MANUFACTURER_NAME / O / T / 40 / 0 / The name of the Manufacturer of the meter that is to be / has been fitted as a result of the activity undertaken.
NEW_METER_MANUFACTURER_CODE / O / T / 3 / 0 / Short code version of Meter Manufacturer’s name for the new Meter which is to be or! has been fitted at the Supply Meter Point as a result of the activity undertaken.
NEW_METER_MODEL_NAME / O / T / 10 / 0 / The Model description for the meter (e.g. "U6", "U16","102M12" or "G2500").
NEW_METER_MANUFACTURED_YEAR / O / N / 4 / 0 / The year in which the Meter was manufactured anticipated to be expressed as a century date (e.g. 1981).
NEW_METER_MECHANISM / O / T / 3 / 0 / Meter Mechanism for the new Meter which is to be or! has been fitted at the Supply Meter Point as a result of the activity undertaken.Anticipated Values:CR –Credit MT – Mechanical Token ET – Electronic Token CM – Coin PP – Prepayment TH – Thrift U - Unknown NS - SMETS non-compliant S1 - SMETS Version 1 S2 - SMETS Version 2
NEW_IMPERIAL_METER_INDICATOR / O / T / 1 / 0 / Indicator identifying if the Meter measures volume of gas consumed in imperial or metric units. Anticipated Values: Y – Imperial N - Metric
NEW_NUMBER_OF_DIALS_OR_DIGITS / O / N / 2 / 0 / Number of dials, which are significant for meter reading, for the new Meter which was fitted at the Supply Meter Point as a result of the activity undertaken.
NEW_METER_READING_UNITS / O / N / 5 / 0 / The factor which converts the metered volume into units of hundreds of cubic feet or metres. Allowable Values: 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000
NEW_METER_READING_FACTOR / O / N / 6 / 3 / The factor which converts the metered volume into units of hundreds of cubic feet or cubic metres e.g. 1, 10, 0.1
NEW_METER_TYPE / O / T / 1 / 0 / The type of Meter which is to be/was fitted at the Supply Meter Point as a result of the activity undertaken.Anticipated Values:R = Rotary T = Turbine L = Leather Diaphragm S = Synthetic Diaphragm U = Ultrasonic
NEW_METER_PULSE_ VALUE / O / N / 7 / 2 / The value that one pulse from the instrument represents E.g. 10, 100, 1000, 10000
NEW_METER_CAPACITY / O / N / 10 / 4 / The amount of gas that can be passed through the Meter which is to be/was fitted at the Supply Meter Point as a result of the activity undertaken, based upon the manufacturer’s maximum value. If the imperial indicator is set to ‘Y’ the capacity should be expressed in cubic feet per hour.If the indicator is set to ‘N’ the capacity should be expressed in cubic meters.
POST_ACTIVITY_METER_COLLAR_STATUS / O / T / 1 / 0 / Indicator to provide status of a Meter Collar.Anticipated Values: I – Intact B – Broken N – No Collar fitted
POST_ACTIVITY_BYPASS_STATUS / O / T / 1 / 0 / Indicator to provide status Bypass Seal.Anticipated Values: O – Open C – Close N – No Bypass fitted
POST_ACTIVITY_CONVERTER_FITTED / O / T / 1 / 0 / Indicator identifying whether a Converter is to be / has been fitted at the Supply Meter Point subsequent to the relevant activity undertaken.Anticipated Values: Y; N.
POST_ACTIVITY_CONVERTER_SERIAL_NUMBER / O / T / 14 / 0 / The Manufacturers Converter Serial Number that has been fitted at the Supply Meter Point subsequent to the relevant activity undertaken.
POST_ACTIVITY_CONVERTER_MANUFACTURER_NAME / O / T / 40 / 0 / The Manufacturer of the Converter which is to be / has been fitted at the Supply Meter Point subsequent to the activity undertaken.
POST_ACTIVITY_CONVERTER_MANUFACTURER _CODE / O / T / 3 / 0 / Short code version of the Converter Manufacturer’s name for the Converter that is to be / has been fitted subsequent to the relevant activity undertaken.
POST_ACTIVITY_CONVERTER_MODEL_NAME / O / T / 10 / 0 / The Model description for the converter (e.g. "C200" or "C201").
POST_ACTIVITY_CONVERTER_MANUFACTURED_YEAR / O / N / 4 / 0 / The year in which the Converter was manufactured anticipated to expressed as a century date (e.g. 2009).
POST_ACTIVITY_CONVERTER_NO_OF _UNCORRECTED _DIALS / O / N / 2 / 0 / The uncorrected number of dials or digits for the Converter.
POST_ACTIVITY_CONVERTER_NO_OF _CORRECTED _DIALS / O / N / 2 / 0 / The corrected number of dials or digits for the Converter.
POST_ACTIVITY_CONVERTER_READING_FACTOR / O / N / 6 / 3 / The factor which converts the converted corrector reading into units of hundreds of cubic feet or metres.
POST_CONVERTING_BASIS / O / T / 5 / 0 / The correcting basis. Anticipated Values: PA = Absolute Pressure/Temperature PG = Gauge Pressure/Temperature T= Temperature only DE = Density Pressure/Temperature
NEW_OPENING_METER_READING / O / T / 12 / 0 / Initial reading for the new Meter which was fitted at the Supply Meter Point as a result of an exchange, amendment / cosmetic update. Leading zeros will be included so that the number of characters is equal to the number of digits as recorded on the related Meter.
NEW_CONVERTER_UNCORRECTED_READING / O / T / 12 10 / 0 / The value of the Converter uncorrected reading. Converter provide two readings, uncorrected and corrected. This field represents the uncorrected reading i.e. the value of a meter reading before the Converter corrects it.
NEW_CONVERTER_CORRECTED_READING / O / T / 12 10 / 0 / The value of the Converter corrected reading. Converters provide two readings, uncorrected and corrected. This field represents the corrected reading i.e. the value of the meter reading after the Converter corrects it.
METER_WORKER_COMPANY_NAME / O / T / 50 / 0 / Name of the company which carried out the meter work.
METER_WORKER_NAME / O / T / 40 / 0 / Name of the person who has carried out the meter work.
METER_WORKER_REGISTRATION_BODY / O / T / 20 / 0 / Name of body with whom the meter worker is registered.
METER_WORKER_REGISTRATION_NUMBER / O / T / 20 / 0 / Registration number of the Meter Worker.
METER_WRKR_SUB_BLDG_NAME_NUMBER / O / T / 40 / 0 / This item follows the naming of a SAF field. This refers to the Sub Building Name/Number for Address of the Meter Worker.
METER_WRKR_BUILDING_NAME_NUMBER / O / T / 40 / 0 / This item follows the naming of a SAF field. This refers to the Building Name/ Number of the Meter Worker.
METER_WRKR_DPNDT_THOROUGHFARE / O / T / 40 / 0 / This item follows the naming of a SAF field. This refers to the dependent street from street detail which relates to the supply meter point. May be present as part of the address but is dependent on the presence of an additional larger principal street.
METER_WORKER_THOROUGHFARE / O / T / 40 / 0 / This item follows the naming of a SAF field. This refers to the principal street address of the Meter worker.
METER_WORKER_DOUBLE_DPNDT_LOCLTY / O / T / 40 / 0 / This item follows the naming of a SAF field. This refers to the geographical area within a dependent locality such as sub postal district.
METER_WORKER_DEPENDENT_LOCALITY / O / T / 40 / 0 / This item follows the naming of a SAF field. This refers to the Dependent Locality information for the address of the Meter Workers.
METER_WORKER_POST_TOWN / O / T / 40 / 0 / This item follows the naming of a SAF field. This refers to the post town address of the Meter worker.
METER_WORKER _COUNTY / O / T / 40 / 0 / This item follows the naming of a SAF field. This refers to the county information for the address of the Meter Worker.
METER_WORKER_POSTCODE / O / T / 10 / 0 / This item follows the naming of a SAF field. This refers to the Post Code which relates to the address of the Meter Worker. The outcode and incode are always separated by a space.
METER_WORKER_CONTACT_NUMBER / O / T / 12 / 0 / A contact number for the Meter Workers organisation
GAS_ACT_OWNERGAS_ACT_METER_OWNERSHIP_TYPE / O / T / 1 / 0 / Unique code which identifies the role the market participant is acting in. Allowable values : T - GAO Transporter , S - GAO Supplier , C - GAO Consumer Indicating Gas Act Owner of the Asset Anticipated values :-T - Transporter S - Supplier C- Consumer
ASSET_OWNER_NAME / O / T / 50 / 0 / Name of the Meter Asset Owner.
ASSET_OWNER_SUB_BLDG_NAME_NUMBER / O / T / 40 / 0 / This item follows the naming of a SAF field. This refers to the Sub Building Name/Number for Address of the Asset Owner.
ASSET_OWNER_BUILDING_ NAME_NUMBER / O / T / 40 / 0 / This item follows the naming of a SAF field. This refers to the Building name/Number of the Asset Owner.
ASSET_OWNER_DPNDT_THOROUGHFARE / O / T / 40 / 0 / This item follows the naming of a SAF field. This refers to the dependent street from street detail which relates to the supply meter point.May be present as part of the address but is dependent on the presence of an additional larger principal street.
ASSET_OWNER_THOROUGHFARE / O / T / 40 / 0 / This item follows the naming of a SAF field. This refers to the principal street address of the Asset Owner.
ASSET_OWNER _DOUBLE_DPNDT_LOCLTY / O / T / 40 / 0 / This item follows the naming of a SAF field. This refers to the geographical area within a dependent locality such as sub postal district.
ASSET_OWNER_DEPENDENT_LOCALITY / O / T / 40 / 0 / This item follows the naming of a SAF field. This refers to the geographical area within a dependent locality such as a postal district.
ASSET_OWNER_POST_TOWN / O / T / 40 / 0 / This item follows the naming of a SAF field. This refers to the post town address of the Asset Owner
ASSET_OWNER_COUNTY / O / T / 40 / 0 / This item follows the naming of a SAF field. This refers to the county within which the street lies which relates to the supply meter point.
ASSET_OWNER_POSTCODE / O / T / 10 / 0 / This item follows the naming of a SAF field. This refers to the Post Code which relates to the address of the Asset Owner. The outcode and incode are always separated by a space.
SUB_BUILDING_NAME_NUMBER / O / T / 40 / 0 / This item follows the naming of a SAF field. This refers to the name and / or number of a recognised sub-division of a building .
BUILDING_NAME_NUMBER / O / T / 40 / 0 / This item follows the naming of a SAF field. This refers to the Building name/Number from premise details which relates to the supply meter point.
DEPENDENT_THOROUGHFARE / O / T / 40 / 0 / This item follows the naming of a SAF field. This refers to the dependent street from street detail which relates to the supply meter point. May be present as part of the address but is dependent on the presence of an additional larger principal street.
THOROUGHFARE / O / T / 40 / 0 / This item follows the naming of a SAF field. This refers to the main street associated with an address.
DOUBLE_DEPENDENT_LOCALITY / O / T / 40 / 0 / This item follows the naming of a SAF field. This refers to the geographical area within a dependent locality such as sub postal district.
DEPENDENT_LOCALITY / O / T / 40 / 0 / .This item follows the naming of a SAF field. This refers to the geographical area within a dependent locality such as a postal district.
POST_TOWN / O / T / 40 / 0 / .This item follows the naming of a SAF field. This refers to the post town in which the street lies.
COUNTY / O / T / 40 / 0 / This item follows the naming of a SAF field. This refers to the county within which the street lies.
POSTCODE / O / T / 10 / 0 / This item follows the naming of a SAF field. This refers to an abbreviated form of address used to identify one or more delivery points. The outcode and incode are always separated by a space.
METER_POINT_CONVERSION_FACTOR / O / N / 9 / 6 / This is a fixed factor where no Converter is fitted and the meter reading needs to be corrected for pressure/altitude/temperature.
CONVERTER_CONVERSION_FACTOR / O / N / 9 / 6 / Required if converter does not correct for all inputs, typically required if Converter correction is for temperature only.
OAMI_INSPECTION_DATE / O / D / 8 / 0 / The date the OAMI inspection took place. FORMAT:20020531
CONNN_DISCONNN_ADDTNL_INFO / O / T / 130 / 0 / An additional field on the file for the sender to provide any additional information or comments.
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RT_M83_ACPTD_POST_CD_NOTFNPage 1 of 16Issue Date: 30-Sep-2014
Version: 6 For ApprovalImplementation Date: 1-Oct-2015