Reimagining Approaches to Improve Access to Care
The health and social safety net in Missouri and across the nation is facing significant changes. The inability of many Missouri residents to access adequate care continues to have negative consequences on the health and well-being of our most vulnerable populations. Current state and federal environments may mean funding cuts to safety net programs, making accessing health care even harder for Missourians.
To prepare for these shifts, organizations are looking for new ways to help consumers get care where and when they need it. This Request for Applications (RFA) invites organizations in the Missouri Foundation for Health (MFH) region to reimagine approaches to strengthening the services, systems, and networks that impact vulnerable Missourians’ ability to access health care.
Open Date / Close Date / Anticipated Award DateJune 2, 2017 / June 30, 2017 / November 1, 2017
Pre-application Webinar Date: June 7, 2017, at 11:00 a.m.
To register for the pre-application webinar, click here.
Recognizing that each community knows the needs of their residents and the particular barriers that often prevent them from successfully accessing health care, this funding program encourages organizations to propose approaches that they anticipate will improve existing systems of care. MFH strongly encourages organizations to look beyond traditional mechanisms or settings for health care delivery, to partner with other organizations in a supportive network, and aim to help people better utilize safety net services.
Through this funding we expect to learn, together with grantees, about what may or may not work relative to:
· Helping vulnerable Missourians access needed services and successfully navigate the health care system at each stage of care
· Working with diverse and non-traditional partners or networks to address barriers to care
· Designing and implementing a strategy to reimagine and adapt existing systems, services, and networks, in light of potential changes in the health care landscape
· Utilizing non-traditional settings or innovative methods or applications.
In seeking different and adaptive approaches, MFH recognizes that some projects will work and some may not. A key motivation for this funding is for MFH and its partners to try new things, collaboratively building a shared knowledge base while enhancing access to care.
Budget and Awards
Up to $10 million in total is available for grants under Reimagining Approaches to Improve Access to Care. Realizing that some organizations may already have ideas that are ready for implementation, while others may need more time to plan and foster partnerships, MFH will have two deadlines for funding, one on June 30, 2017 and a second in the fall of 2017. The time duration for projects is up to 48 months and award amounts for individual projects will vary. Applicants should submit a budget that aligns with the scope of the project, supports proposed activities, and clearly connects activities or outcomes with line-item requests.
Eligibility Requirements
Applicants must be nonprofit or governmental entities and meet the general MFH funding guidelines available on the Foundation’s website.
Applicants may apply with a fiscal agent. Any 501(c)(3) organization that is in good standing with the state of Missouri can act as a fiscal agent for another agency or organization with the following characteristics:
· Nonprofit agency or organization without a 501(c)(3) designation;
· Start-up organization without a stable financial track record;
· Small organization wanting to significantly increase its financial capacity; or
· Community coalition. Note: As fiscal agent for a coalition, the fiscal agent organization must be an active member of the coalition and involved with the project, i.e. not just providing grant accounting services.
If funded, the fiscal agent and applicant organization will be responsible for all terms and conditions of the Grant Award Agreement for the duration of the grant. For purposes of the grant application, MFH will require financial information from both the applicant and the fiscal agent.
How to Apply
Applications will be accepted beginning June 2, 2017, and must be received by June 30, 2017, at midnight (Central Time). Please plan accordingly and submit your application well before the deadline as MFH cannot accept late applications.
To start a new application, click here.
To return to an application in progress, click here.
Application Requirements
Applications that do not contain all of the required documentation or in required MFH format will not be reviewed unless applicant has contacted and obtained approval from the Foundation prior to submission. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
¨ Application acknowledgement. Complete and submit the one-page acknowledgement form. Please note: A handwritten or electronic signature is required. If using a fiscal agent, the acknowledgement should include both the applicant and fiscal agent’s names and signatures.
¨ Application narrative. Address each section below. The application narrative can be up to eight pages and must be double-spaced with at least 11-point Arial or Times New Roman font and one-inch margins. Only those proposals that submit required attachments in MFH format will be given consideration.
1) Considering the uncertainties within the health care landscape, discuss the distinct challenges in meeting your community’s access to care needs. What particular barriers exist within your organization and within the external environment? Provide data and/or specific examples to illustrate challenges and barriers.
2) Describe the particular needs or conditions of the target population that will potentially benefit from your project. How do barriers to access to care impact them?
3) Briefly describe your project, highlighting why you believe it has the potential to address the access to care needs of your community. What systems, services, or networks do you intend to address? How will your approach reimagine, innovate, or adapt them?
4) How will you define success for your project? What do you believe can be learned from this project? What will you measure to inform that learning? Keep in mind that MFH anticipates active communication related to knowledge gained with funded partners throughout the grant period, including two convenings to share learnings in person.
5) How might your project have a lasting effect on the health of your target population or contribute to shared learnings regarding access to care?
6) Partnerships are strongly encouraged for this work. Complete the table below, indicating any partners that will be key to the success of the project. Include their role and briefly describe the benefits they will bring. Copy and paste the below table into the application narrative. Text may be single spaced. Insert new rows as needed. A signed memorandum of agreement (MOA) is required from all partners.
Partner Organization Name / Role, Key Skills & Resources7) Organization.
− Explain why your organization should lead the project. Describe the credentials and experience of the individual(s) who will perform the work.
− List any pending or secured funding, in-kind services, or other sources of support anticipated to help achieve success.
− Explain how your organization’s mission, staffing, and operations reflect a commitment to eliminating health disparities and achieving equitable health outcomes.
¨ Project plan. The project plan expands on the information provided in the application narrative. The plan will also be used as a tool for the applicant organization and MFH to understand and guide the progress of the work. Describe the indicators, benchmarks, or metrics you will use to gauge progress and results, along with your plan for gathering that data. Please include information about contributions to a shared knowledge base regarding access to care in Missouri. The project plan template is available here.
¨ Budget spreadsheet and narrative. Download and complete the budget template on the Funding Guidelines page of the MFH website. Please include travel for two convenings to be held in either St. Louis or mid-Missouri. Please note: Budgets must be submitted using the MFH budget format.
¨ Memorandum of Agreement. Include a signed MOA from each partner outlining roles and responsibilities between the applicant and partner organization(s). A sample MOA is available here.
¨ Financial documents. Applicants must submit the following documents. If using a fiscal agent submit financial documents for both the applicant organization and fiscal agent organization.
− Annual audit report or IRS Form 990. Provide the most recent full audit report issued less than 15 months prior to the date of application submission. If the most recent audit report is 15 months old or older, provide the most recent IRS Form 990 or 990-EZ tax return. If the Form 990 submitted with the IRS is 15 months old or older, please submit the most recently filed Form 990 and the request for extension filed with the IRS for the most recent year due.
− Annual budget. Provide the current fiscal year’s approved expense budget. The budget must show detailed annual expense by type.
− Current income statement, unaudited. The income statement must have been issued fewer than 75 days prior to the date the application is submitted.
− Current balance sheet, unaudited. The balance sheet must have been issued fewer than 75 days prior to the date application is submitted.
Note: If the applicant organization does not have either an annual audit report or IRS Form 990 or 990 EZ, provide explanation and ONE of the following:
− Financial statements (income statement and balance sheet) for the most recently completed fiscal year and current fiscal year:
o compiled by an external accounting firm; or
o prepared by the applicant organization and reviewed and approved by the applicant organization’s governing body
¨ Fiscal agent explanation. If using a fiscal agent, the applicant organization submits a written explanation outlining why one is needed. In addition, a signed MOA outlining the roles and responsibilities between the applicant organization and the fiscal agent is submitted.
Additional Considerations
The Foundation reserves the right to:
· Request additional information from any or all applicants
· Conduct discussions with applicants to ensure full understanding of, and responsiveness to, the application requirements
· Request modifications to a respondent’s application prior to final award to ensure alignment of project elements with the core values, mission, and operating standards of the Foundation
· Approve subcontractors proposed or used in carrying out the work
· Reject any or all applications submitted
If you have questions about the goals or content of this RFA please contact Jessi LaRose, Health Policy Officer, at (314) 345-5535 or or Terry Plain, Program Officer, at (314) 345-5542 or .
Questions related to the budget may be directed to Frank Rybak, Grants Manager, at 345-5561 or .
For more information on the online application system, click here. If there are additional questions, please contact Jenny Minelli, Program Assistant, at (314) 345-5531 or .
About Missouri Foundation for Health
Missouri Foundation for Health is a resource for the region, working with communities and nonprofits to generate and accelerate positive changes in health. As a catalyst for change, the Foundation improves the health of Missourians through partnership, experience, knowledge, and funding. To learn more please visit