Microsoft WORD
ü Know how to set margins. On a Word document the margins should be 1” top, bottom, left, right unless otherwise directed.
ü Documents will be single-spaced unless otherwise directed. Know how to change spacing for spacing and a half (1.5) and double spacing.
ü Know how to change fonts and font sizes.
ü Know how to format fonts to bold and italics.
ü Know how to insert a border with color.
ü Know how to insert bullets and change from default bullets.
ü Know how to insert and format a table. Formatting includes centering and bolding the column headings, auto fitting the columns, centering the table on the page.
ü Know how to insert a header, footer, and page numbers.
ü Know how to insert a graphic and a pull quote.
ü Know how to spell check.
ü Know how to save and print a document.
Microsoft EXCEL
ü Know how to set up a worksheet.
ü Know how to set up formulas.
ü Know how to format a worksheet. Formatting includes bolding the heading (main heading font size should be two points larger that default font size), bolding and centering the column headings, formatting to dollars and cents, bolding the totals.
ü Know how to print the worksheet ~ centered vertically and horizontally.
ü Know how to save a worksheet.
ü Know how to create a chart using the chart wizard
ü Know how to insert the chart into a new sheet (separate from the worksheet).
ü Know how to format a chart which includes changing the plot area to white, inserting a title, naming the category axis, naming the value axis, placement of the legend, inserting data table or data values.
ü Know how to change font, font size, and color of columns of chart.
Integration of WORD and EXCEL
ü Know how to copy and paste special an Excel worksheet and chart into a word document.
ü Know how to center the worksheet and chart in a word document.
ü Know how to save and print the integrated document.