DocuSign Forms Designer Training


  1. Copy the attached file, to a drive to which you have access. Rename it,appending your last name to the document name.
  2. If you prefer, you may modify the document to the extent of removing the underscores (signature lines) and boxes on the MS Word document, but your final template should retain all the elements and general spacing of the original Word document.
  3. Log into the DocuSign Development environment and switch to the “Classic” environment.
  4. Use the document as a basis for a template entitled“Developer Training - <your last name>”
  5. Establish 2 roles initially:
  6. Trainee, a signer
  7. Reviewer, a signer
  8. Envelope instructions:
  9. Set up the envelope so that the Trainee may modify, but not delete, the Reviewer recipient.
  10. Create an appropriate subject line for the email.
  11. It should include [[Trainee_UserName]], which will imbed the Trainee’s name as part of the document title. [[<role name>_Email]] would imbed the email specified for the role in the document/envelope title
  12. Create a private message for the reviewer.
  13. Set up reminders – remind daily; expire after 2 weeks
  14. Create the template using tags as instructed on the form.
  15. All fields are to be entered by the trainee except the Reviewer’s comments, name, signature and date signed.
  16. Do not use “Standard” tags for the name fields at the top of the pages. Choose tags for these fields so that data entered on either page automatically populates to the other page.
  17. Use the “Standard” full name tag for the name immediately above the Trainee’s signature. Note:It will automatically be filled in with the “Name” entered on the envelope by the sender.
  18. Create aninitials tag that is anchored to the word “Initials” each time it appears on the document.
  19. Create a comments field for the reviewer that permits an entry of at least 500 characters.
  20. Test the template by sending it to yourself in both roles.
  21. When you are satisfied with the template:
  22. Add a third role to the envelope: Operations Team, a signing group. It must be directed to this role after both of the other signatures have been collected.
  23. Insert the Operations Team Signing Group as the recipient.
  24. Set up the envelope so that
  25. The operations team gets a copy only, and
  26. neither the Trainee, nor the Reviewer, may modify or delete this recipient.
  27. Create a PowerForm using the template.
  28. Give it the name “DS Developer Training Final - <your last name>.
  29. Verify that envelope settings are still satisfactory.
  30. Change the sender to “DocuSign FormsMgr”, “”
  31. Email a copy of the PowerForm link to .
  32. Use the PowerForm URL link to submit your work.
  33. Put yourself in as the trainee
  34. Put your supervisor in as the Reviewer.