Castle Vale Nursery School & Children’s Centre

Full Governing Board Meeting

WEDNESDAY 19th OCTOBER 2016 at 3.15.p.m.


Documentation Distributed Prior to the Meeting:

o  Minutes of last meeting 16/06/2016

o  Declaration of Pecuniary Interest Form

o  Model Code of Conduct

o  Strengthening Governance (for information)

o  Head Teacher’s Report, School Improvement Plan, Assessment

o  Children’s Centre Advisory Board Meeting Minutes 21/09/2016

o  Children’s Centre Manager Report

o  Carry Forward Analysis

o  Draft Action Plan

o  Draft Strategic Plan

o  Draft Annual Governance Statement

o  Appendix 1 to Minutes

o  SEND Report

o  Safeguarding Report

o  Dates

o  British Values Statement

o  Keeping Children Safe in Education 2016


Ruth Miller (RM) – Co-Opted Governor

Bob Lee (BL) – Co-Opted Governor

Sally Leese (SL) – Head Teacher

Aimee Hartley (AH) – Parent Governor

Christina Meakin (CM) – Staff Governor

Lauren Hampshire (LH) – Co-Opted - Safeguarding Governor

In Attendance:

Debra Norman (DN) – Deputy Head Teacher

Liz Pickering (LP) – Clerk

1.  Welcome, Introductions & Apologies

RM welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Apologies received from Hayden Sheldon (Parent Governor)which were

accepted by the GB.

Discussion took place over the Governor vacancies that still need to be filled and

SL and RM to continue to have discussions with Lisa M and Tom S

and invite them to become Governors. ACTION- SL/RM

2.  Declaration of Business Interests Forms

Completed by all Governors present.

3.  Election of Nominated Governors

i.  Election of Chair & Vice Chair & confirmation of term of office (chaired by LP)

RM reported that due to work commitments she no longer wanted to be

considered for the position of Chair but was more than happy to continue to

be on the Governing Board and to assist the new chair if required.

BL proposed Aimee Hartley as Chair and this was seconded by RM – all

Governors were in agreement with this proposal.

SL proposed Bob Lee as Vice-Chair and this was seconded by RM – all

Governors were in agreement with this proposal.

The term of office for both positions to be for 1 year.

AH took over as Chair from this point.

i.  Membership of Sub-Committees

Finance & Personnel

Aimee Hartley

Bob Lee

Ruth Miller

Sally Leese

Children’s Centre (if necessary)

Aimee Hartley

Bob Lee

Ruth Miller

Sally Leese


As the Governing Board is not complete at the moment it may be that when new Governors are elected that they would wish to become part of the Committee memberships.

SL asked LP to put this as an agenda item for the next FGB meeting.


ii.  Nomination of Governors for SEN, Safeguarding & Governor Training

Safeguarding – Lauren Hampshire

SENCO – Bob Lee assisted by Debra Norman & Helen Brennan

Governor Training – Aimee Hartley assisted by Sally Leese

4.  Minutes of Last Meeting

5.  Matters Arising

The meeting went through the minutes to check for accuracy and matters arising

Proposed as a true record by SL and seconded by BL.

AH as Chair of the Governing Board signed a copy of the minutedsof the meeting held on 16/06/2016 which were passed to the Clerk for the school records.

All actions had been carried out and SL to report on Peer to Peer Review and Pupil Premium at the training day (date to be agreed later in the meeting).


as Chair of the GB signed a copy of the minutesH

6.  Finance & Personnel Update – Bob Lee

BL went through the matters that had been discussed and proposed for agreement at the recent Finance & Personnel Meeting (06/10/2016) and asked the FGB for their agreement to these proposals.

i.  FCWC delegation – agreed to delegate to AH as new chair

ii.  Declaration to adopt School Financial Management Procedures - agreed

iii.  Approve Terms of Reference of Finance and Personnel Committee (amendments following Governance Audit) - agreed

iv.  Approve Head Teacher’s Structure of Finance Management (HT Delegation Statement) – agreed at F&P - agreed

v.  End of Year Budget Report – agreed appendix and C/F figure and form signed by BL

vi.  Carry Forward Analysis – agreed

The six items above were all agreed by the FGB proposed by SL and seconded by BL.

7.  Policies for Review & Approval:

i.  Code of Conduct for Governors – governors all agreed to adhere to this and a copy signed by AH.

ii.  Accessibility Plan – has to be reviewed every 4 years - GL took a copy to review with Helen Brennan and Sally Leese. AH signed as copy on behalf of the Governing Board.

iii.  British Values Statement – Governors agreed and a copy signed by AH.

iv.  Safeguarding and Child Protection – same as the previous one with a few new amendments – Governors agreed and a copy signed by AH

v.  Equal Opportunities in Employment – as LA model - agreed

vi.  E-Safety – as LA model - agreed

vii.  Privacy Notice – from DfE website - agreed

viii.  Whistle Blowing and Serious Misconduct – as LA model - agreed

ix.  Confidentiality Policy For the Governing Body - agreed

x.  Data Protection – agreed LA model

xi.  Keeping Children Safe in Education 2016 – all Governors to individually sign a copy – outstanding as copies not received by governors – in the post – to be completed at the training day. ACTION – All Governors

8.  Head Teacher’s Report Incorporating:

i.  School Improvement Plan 2015/16 review

SL went through the document highlighting the positive contributions, relationships and their impacts and final reviews

ii.  Summer 2016 Assessment –

SL went through the assessment figures for 2015/16 and explained these in detail.

LH left the meeting t this point (5.00 p.m.)

iii.  Peer to Peer report – to be discussed at Assessment Day.

Campaign has been mainly about the national funding formula consultation

which the government has sent out. The proposed funding at the momentwould

result in a possible loss of£170k from our budget.

Jack Dromey MP has been very supportive.

Family day held on Saturday 15th October was very successful although not particular well attended by nursery parents.

Taking petition next Wednesday to Caroline Dineage the Minister for Early Years at Westminster

Conference next Thursday for BCC and MP’s and Councillors to meet with nursery schools and children’s centres at the Birmingham Council House.

Pupil Premium being used this year for Forest Schools and this will be shared with governors at the training meeting.

Woodwork – our boys are behind in moving and handling (pencil grip) – so hammering, sawing etc will assist with this. Managed to get some funding through ETS (£5K for this ready to renovate the garage into a continuous improvement woodwork area).

New signage and new computer for Niki from devolved capital.

Transition Play Sessions – If there is SEN Helen or DN go on home visits

Census for 111 children (capacity for 180 children) – still have some places available - 16 in total part time places. Rising 3 criteria has been sent out.

AH left the meeting at this point 5.15 p.m.

9.  Children’s Centre Update

i.  Report from Manager

SL – numbers in groups are dropping so LH given the challenge to find out what would help, revamp, if you attend group you get a stamp and if you put something educational on tapestry – this has become very successful

Want expressions of interest by 08/11/2016 – no paperwork until Friday – will meet with Elaine from Featherstone.

BL asked that Fiona be thanked for her report.

left the meeting st this point 5.10

ii.  Advisory Board Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on 21/09/2016 distributed in the pack of documentation that Governors are yet to received due to postal difficulties – this is for information.

10.  Safeguarding Update – Lauren Hampshire

SL - looked at LA Safeguarding Update and we have decided to keep the Safeguarding Policy that we have got.

i.  Safeguarding Report

Went through report from Lauren Hampshire listing the Key Roles for Child Protection; Training completed and dates that Refresher Training is due; Whole staff training details; Safer Recruitment Training; Early Help Assessment (fCAF); Early Support; List of Policies and Procedures; Child Protection and Safeguarding Statistical Data; Safeguarding Audit; Service Update and Additional information.

. BL expressed thanks to LH for her well- produced report.

11.  SEND Update – Debra Norman

i.  SEND Report

DN went through report – precis

BL thanked DN and HD for their report.

12.  Chairs Actions/Correspondence

Nothing to report

13.  Any Other Business

i.  Training Day (agreed Monday 14th November 2016) and matters to be discussed:

a.  Action Plan

b.  Strategic Plan

c.  Governance Statement

d.  Audit

e.  Vision

f.  SEF

14.  Dates of Future Meetings

To be formalised at the Training Day on Monday 14th November 2016.

There being no further business the meeting closed at at 5.40 p.m.

Castle Vale FGB Meeting 19th October 2016 Signed…………………………………….
