Walnut Ridge High School-Business Education

2012-2013 Pacing Guide

Course:Accounting 1Teacher:Mary Smith

Week / Content, Topic, Unit, Instructional Materials
Century 21-Accounting Principles-General Journal / Framework Numbers / Assessments, Projects, Etc.
1 / UNIT 1 – Computerized Accounting 1–3-4 hours
  • Define terms; Prepare a list of terms and definitions
  • Define two types of business operated to earn a profit (service & merchandising
  • Classify two types of businesses operated for profit
  • Discuss/Classify three major forms of business organizations (sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation)
  • Discuss the critical thinking skills & decision making skills needed for each type of business
  • Compare/contrast/Identify accounting careers (general office clerk, bookkeepers, accountants, certified public accountant)
different accounting careers
  • Identify professional accounting organizations student organizations; Encourage students to participate in FBLA events
  • Compare/contrast different professional accounting organizations
  • Identify & discuss the commonly accepted accounting concepts
  • Identify & discuss objective evidence, adequate disclosure concept, going concern concept, account period cycle, business entity, consistent reporting, matching expenses with revenue, historical cost, realization of revenue, consistent reporting
  • Identify characteristics of professional work ethics
  • Discuss ethical/unethical business practices; honesty, privacy, truthfulness, and integrity
  • Terms: Accountant, Accounting, Accounting concept, Accounting period cycle, Adequate disclosure concept, Bookkeeper, Business entity, Business ethics, Certified public accountant, Consistent reporting, Corporation, Ethics, Ethical business practices, General office clerk, Going concern concept, Historical cost, Honesty, Integrity, Merchandising business, Objective evidence, Partnership, Privacy, Realization of revenue, Service business, Sole proprietorship, Truthfulness, Unethical business practices
/ 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.2, 1.2.1, 1.3, 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 1.4, 1.4.1, 1.5, 1.5.1, 1.5.2, 1.6, 1.6.1, 1.7, 1.7.1, 1.7.2 /
  • Accounting Brochure
  • Accounting Careers and Ethics Handout
  • Ethics Project
  • Dilemma 1 Handout
  • Bankruptcy Handout
  • Ch 1
  • Cheat Sheet Handout
  • Work Together and On Your Own 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, Application Problem
1-1, 1-2, 1-3,
Mastery Problem 1-4, Challenge Problem 1-5
  • Chapter 1 Study Guide
  • Pop Quiz Ch 1
  • Chapter 1 Pre-Test ?
  • Chapter 1 Test
  • StartHereGoPlaces Worksheet

9 / UNIT 2 - Basic Accounting Cycle – Service Business – 45-50 Hrs
  • Define terms; Prepare a list of terms & definitions
  • Explain steps in preparing chart of accounts
  • Assign account numbers, arrange accounts in the general ledger, and keep records current
  • Explain the accounting equation
  • Identify components of the accounting equation and determine how they are impacted
  • Terms: Account, Account balance, Account number, Account title, Accounting cycle, Accounting equation, Accounting period cycle concept, Accounting record,Accountingsystem,AdequatedisclosureconceptAdjustingentries,Adjustments,Assets,Balancesheet,Businessentityconcept,Capital,Chartofaccounts,Closingentries,Consistentreportingconcept,Correctingentry,Credit,Debit,Equities,Filemaintenance,Fiscalperiod,Generalledger,Goingconcernconcept,Incomestatement,Ledger,Liability,Matchingexpenseswithrevenueconcept,Netincome,Netloss,Objectiveevidenceconcept,Openinganaccount,Owner'sequity,Permanentaccounts,Post-closingtrialbalance,Posting,Proprietorship,Temporaryaccounts, Transaction, Trial balance, Work sheet
/ 2.1, 2.1.1, 2.2, 2.2.1, 2.3, 2.3.1, 2.4, 2.4.1, 2.5, 2.5.1, 2.6, 2.6.1, 2.7, 2.7.1, 2.8, 2.8.1, 2.9, 2.9.1, 2.9.2 /
  • Ch 2 Terms
  • Work Together and On Your own 2-1, 2-2
  • Ch 2 Part 1 Quiz
  • Application Problem
2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4,2-5
  • Chapter 2 Study Guide
  • Chapter 2 Pre-Test
  • Chapter 2 Jeopardy
  • Chapter 2 Test
  • Start Here Go Places
  • Ch 3 Terms
  • Work Together and On Your Own 3-1, 3-2, 3-3
  • Application Problem
3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-4, 3-5
  • Mastery Problem 3-6
  • Using Source Documents
  • Chapter 3 Study Guide
  • Chapter 3 Pre-Test
  • Chapter 3 Test
  • Chapter 4 Terms
  • Chart of Accounts Handout
  • Work Together and On Your Own 4-1, 4-2, 4-3
  • Application Problem
4-1, 4-2, 4-2
  • Mastery Problem 4-4
  • Using Source Documents

18 / UNIT 3 - Cash Control and Banking Procedures – 5-6 Hours
  • Define terms; Prepare a list of terms & definitions
  • Describe the purpose of a deposit slip; Prepare a deposit slip
  • Identify the types of endorsements
  • Prepare various types of endorsements; restrictive, special, blank
  • Explain the purpose of preparing a check; Prepare a check
  • Discuss bank reconciliation
  • Demonstrate the procedure of reconciling a bank statement
  • Discuss dishonored checks
  • List the reasons banks dishonor checks
  • Discuss electronic banking and associated terms; electronic funds transfers (EFT), automated teller machine (ATM)
  • Describe a petty cash system
  • Analyze and record transactions in a journal to establish a petty cash fund
  • Analyze and record transactions in a journal to replenish a petty cash fund
  • Terms: Automated Teller Machine (ATM), Bank reconciliation, Bank statement, Blank endorsement, Checking account, Debit card, Deposit slip, Dishonored check, Electronic Funds Transfer (ETF), Petty cash, Restrictive endorsement, Special endorsement
  • Ch 5 Terms
  • Mastery Problem 5-5
  • Reinforcement Problem Part A
  • Chapter 5 Study Guide
  • Chapter 5 Pre-Test
  • Chapter 5 Test
  • Ch 6 Terms
  • Work Together and On Your Own 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4
  • Application Problem
6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4
  • Mastery Problem 6-4 Chapter 6 Test
  • Ch 7 Terms
  • Work Together and On Your Own 7-1, 7-2
  • Application problem
7-1, 7-2
  • Mastery Problem 7-3
  • Chapter 7 Study Guide
  • Chapter 7 Pre-Test
Chapter 7 Test
28 / UNIT 4 - Basic Accounting Cycle – Merchandising Business
40-50 hours
  • Define terms; prepare a list of terms with definitions
  • Explain steps in journalizing transactions relating to a merchandising business
  • Journalize transactions for a merchandising business foundation
  • Explain posting to general and subsidiary ledgers (accounts receivable and accounts payable ledgers)
  • Post transactions to general and subsidiary ledgers (accounts receivable, accounts payable ledgers)
  • Identify the elements of the schedules of accounts receivable and accounts payable
  • Prove the subsidiary ledgers by preparing schedules of accounts receivable and accounts payable
  • Analyze financial statements for merchandising business
  • Prepare financial statements for a merchandising business
  • Compute and analyze component percentages
  • Explain steps for journalizing adjusting and closing entries for a merchandising business
  • Journalize adjusting &closing entries for a merchandising business
  • Prepare a post-closing trial balance
  • Terms: Accountspayableledger,Accountsreceivableledger,Batchreport,
Batching out,Capitalstock,Corporation,Cashdiscount,Cashreceiptjournal,
Cashover,Cashsale,Cashshort,Contraaccount,Controllingaccount,Costofmerchandise,Costofmerchandisesold,Creditcardsale,Creditmemorandum,CurrentAssets,Customer,Debitmemorandum,Generalamountcolumn,GrossProfitonsales,Inventory,Markup,Listprice,Merchandise,Merchandiseinventory,PlantAssets,Point-of-sale,Purchaseinvoice,Purchasesdiscount,Purchasesallowance,Purchasesreturn,Retailmerchandisingbusiness,Retainedearnings,Salesdiscount,Salesjournal,Salesreturn,Salesallowance,Salestax,Scheduleofaccountspayable,Scheduleofaccountsreceivable,Shareofstock,Specialamountcolumn,Stockholder,Subsidiaryledger,Supportingschedule,Termsofsale,Terminalsummary,Tradediscount, Vendor, Wholesale merchandising business, Refer to terms listed in Objective 1.4 /
  • CSI:Accounting PPT

29 / UNIT 5 – Payroll Accounting– 10-20 hours
  • Define terms; Prepare a list of terms with definitions
  • Discuss payroll system
  • Prepare an employee earnings record
  • Discuss the importance of accurate payroll records
  • Calculate gross earnings and net pay
  • Prepare payroll register
  • Prepare an employee earnings record
  • Prepare payroll checks
  • Journalize payroll
  • Discuss employer's payroll taxes
  • Calculate and record employer's payroll taxes (Social Security, Medicare, State unemployment, and Federal unemployment)
  • Identify tax reports that are prepared regularly by the employer
  • Prepare employee payroll forms: W-2, W-3, W-4
  • Terms:941, Employee earnings record, Employer's payroll taxes, Federal unemployment tax, Gross earnings, Medicare tax, Net pay, Pay period, Payroll, Payroll checks, Payroll records, Payroll register, Payroll system, Payroll taxes, State unemployment tax, W-2, W-3, W-4