




Date:09/10 / (1– 1½ HOURS)
OBJECTIVES: / After working through this lesson, participants will be able to:
Describe Mossy Foot disease.
Discuss how Mossy Foot disease can affect the life of people affected.
Teach ways to prevent and treat Mossy Foot disease.
Visit neighbors to prevent and treat Mossy Foot disease.

OVERVIEW FOR TRAINERS:This is a lesson about Mossy Foot disease (podoconiosis). Much of the information is from The Mossy Foot Project.






Tarikwa is a 30 year old woman with three children. Twelve years ago her feet began to swell as she had contracted Mossy Foot disease. Unable to deal with her condition, her husband abandoned Tarikwa and the children to marry another woman. Later, her son ran away because his mother could not provide for him.
Source: The Mossy Foot Project / 5”

----SHOWD questions----

S = What do you See?
H = What is Happening?
O = Does this happen in Our place?
W = Why does this happen?
D = What will we Do about it?
I. / Mossy Foot disease
Work in large group. / 10” / I. / Mossy Foot disease
A. / What is Mossy Foot disease? / A. / What is Mossy Foot disease?
Mossy Foot disease causes swelling of the feet and legs.
The skin becomes rough and looks like moss.
The feet become swollen and painful
It becomes difficult to walk.
If the feet become infected, they may also start to smell.
B. / Who gets Mossy Foot disease? / B. / Who gets Mossy Foot disease?
Mossy Foot disease occurs in highland tropical countries, such as parts of Ethiopia and other areas of Africa.
Mossy Foot disease occurs where there is volcanic soil and lots of rain.
Mossy Foot disease occurs where there is a sticky red soil that is high in mineral particles.
Mossy Foot disease is common in farmers who go barefoot.
C. / What causes Mossy Foot disease? / C. / What causes Mossy Foot disease?
Many people walk barefoot for years.
The red clay soil contains particles or minerals.
Walking barefoot on the soil seems to cause inflammation or irritation of the skin which, over time, leads to Mossy Foot disease.
Some people are more prone than others to get Mossy Foot disease.
D. / What is elephantiasis? / D. / What is elephantiasis?
Elephantiasis causes swelling of the feet and legs.
Most elephantiasis is caused by tiny wormsor parasites (filaria).
Technical names: Mossy Foot disease is also called non-filarial elephantiasis, or podoconiosis.
II. / Life with Mossy Foot disease / 20” / II. / Life with Mossy Foot disease
A. / Divide into small groups. Think about the life of a person with Mossy Foot disease, as her feet become more swollen, painful, and start to swell. How would that affect her life? You can report back by telling a story or acting out a short role play. / A. / Life with Mossy Foot disease
The feet and legs are swollen.
Her feet are very painful.
It is hard to walk.
She is not able to work.
It is hard to care for her family.
Her husband may leave her.
When her feet become infected, they begin to smell.
Other people may reject her.
Some people with Mossy Foot disease are forced to become beggars.
Other people may think they are cursed.
Sometimes they are shunned like lepers.
B. / Do you know anyone with Mossy Foot disease? How has his (or her) life been affected? / B. / His life was affected:
III. / Prevention and treatment
Discuss in large group. / 10” / III. / Prevention and treatment
A. / How can Mossy Foot disease be prevented? / A. / Prevention
Always wear shoes!
This protects your feet from the irritating clay soil.
Mossy Foot disease is prevented by wearing shoes.
B. / How can Mossy Foot disease be treated? / B. / Treating Mossy Foot disease
Wear socks and shoes.
Wear large shoes.
Wearing shoes protects the feet from the irritating soils.
Wash the feet and legs with soap and water.
Soak the feet and lower legs in water with an antiseptic (such as bleach).
Apply an ointment or cream to keep the skin moist.
If the feet and legs are swollen, use elastic bandages.
C. / Does this treatment work? / C. / Does this treatment work?
Yes! Mossy Foot disease can be treated successfully.
If Mossy Foot disease is treated early, the foot and leg become normal again.
People with advanced Mossy Foot disease can improve greatly, but their feet may not return to normal.
They hope to be able to wear normal shoes again.
They hope be able to return to work.
They hope to be accepted again within their family and community.
IV. / CHEs and Mossy Foot disease / 15” / IV. / CHE and Mossy Foot disease
A. / Divide into small groups. You are now CHEs or village health workers. What can you do in your area to prevent and treat Mossy Foot disease? Report back. / A. / Work of CHEs
Teach everyone to wear shoes to prevent Mossy Foot disease.
Encourage people with Mossy Foot disease to wear socks and large shoes.
Assist with foot care (washing, soaks, and creams or lotions).
Visit and spend time with people with Mossy Foot disease.
Hold meetings or get-togethers with people with Mossy Foot disease.
Invite people with Mossy Foot disease to take part in normal community activities.
Encourage the community to be open to people with Mossy Feet disease.


Davey, G. 2008. Podoconiosis: let Ethiopia lead the way. Ethiop.J.Health Dev. 2008;22(1). Available from:

The Mossy Foot Project. What is podoconiosis (mossy foot) Available from:

Wikipedia. 2010. Elephantiasis. Available from:

Mossy Foot disease can be prevented and treated.
SKILL: / Participants will be able to teach their neighbors how to prevent and treat Mossy Foot disease.
EVALUATION: / Are the participants visiting their neighbors to teach about Mossy Foot disease?


/ -Newsprint, markers, masking tape

This lesson is used in: Health Promotion/ Tropical Disease and in Disabilities/ Specific Disabilities