Office address:University of California, San Diego
Education Studies 0070
La Jolla, Ca. 92093-0070
1977Ph.D, Cross Cultural Communication
& Language Learning
Union Graduate School The Union Institute
1972 M.A., Education
Gallaudet College
Academic appointments:
1991-PresentAssociate Professor
Department of Education Studies
Associate Professor
Department of Communication
University of California, San Diego
1993-PresentVice Chair
Department of Education Studies
University of California, San Diego
1981 to 1992Associate Dean
San Diego Community College District
Counselor Education
San Diego State University
1978-1988Adjunct Professor
Special Education
San Diego Mesa College
1979-1981 Instructor
Special Education
Educational Cultural Complex
l975-1978 Instructor
Department of English
Gallaudet College
l972-1975Curriculum Materials Specialist
Department of Educational
Technology & Office of Student Affairs
Gallaudet College
Other recent professional activities:
Member: Gallaudet University Board of Trustees, 2005-present.
Member: Education Policy Committee, National Education of the Deaf, 2013-present.
Coordinator and Graduate Advisor: M.A. in ASL-English Bilingual Education Program, UCSD. 1998-present.
Principal Investigator: Student Aid to Prepare Exceptionally Qualified Teachers of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children $715,046, 2009-2014.
Program Committee, Education Studies, UCSD. 2000-present.
Member: Editorial Board, Sign Language Studies, 1991-present.
Guest Editor: Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, multi-volume series 2009-2010.
Editorial Board: Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. 2010-2013.
Editorial Board: Deaf Studies Digital Journal. 2010-present.
Vice Chair:: UCSD Committee on Preparatory Education, 2009-2013.
Principal Investigator: A Proposal for Financial Assistance to Prepare Highly Qualified Teachers of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children, $982,456, 2004-2009.
Acting Director: Education Studies, UCSD. 2005-2006.
Member: Subject Matter Program Standards and Requirements—ASL Task Force, California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, 2004-2005.
Executive Committee, Joint Ed.D. in Educational Leadership (UCSD, SDSU, CSUSM). Coordination of new doctoral program. 2004-2005.
Joint Ed.D. Committee and proposal writing team: Proposal for joint Education Doctorate in Educational Leadership (UCSD with SDSU and CSU-SM). 2003
Project Director & Co-PI: A Collaborative Partnership: An Investigation of the Effects of Implementation of Bilingual Cultural Pedagogy and Authentic Assessment (two University of California Linguistic Minority Research Institute grants, $10,000 and $25,000). 2001-2003.
Academic Senate Representative (alternate), Communication Department, 2002-2004.
Ed.D. Committee and proposal writing team: Proposal for Education Doctorate in Teaching and Learning. 2001-2003.
Member: Various search committees, Teacher Education Program and Department of Communication 1997-2003.
Team leader and proposal writer: Development of a new emphasis on bilingual education for deaf children in the Master of Arts degree offered by the UCSD Teacher Education, 1995-1998.Co-organizer: Symposium on Teaching Reading to Deaf Children, UCSD, May, 2002
Host organizer: annual conference, American Association of College Educators, 2001.
Standing review panel, U.S. Department of Education, OSEP, 1999-2001.
Member: Undergraduate Committee, Communication Department, 1999-2000.
Organizer and co-PI: Symposium on teaching of reading to Deaf children. 1999.
Review panelist, U.S. Department of Education, OSEP, 1997-1999
Project Specialist: Research Program in Language and Literacy ($450,000 federal grant). 1995-1999.
Humphries, Tom, Carol Padden & T. J. O'Rourke A Basic Course in American Sign Language, Silver Spring, Md.: TJ Publishers, Inc., 1980.
Padden, Carol & Tom Humphries Deaf in America: Voices from a Culture, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, l988.
Padden, C. & T. Humphries Gehorlose: Eine Kultur Bingt Sich zur Sprache. Zemtrum, fur Deutsche Gebardensprache und Kommunkation Gehorloser.. Hamburg: Signum-Verlag. 1991. (German translation.)
Humphries, Tom & Carol Padden Learning American Sign Language, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1992.
Humphries, Tom & Carol Padden. Learning American Sign Language, 2nd Edition. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. 2004.
Humphries, T. & C. Padden. Instructor’s Manual for Learning American Sign Language. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. 2004.
Padden, C. & T. Humphries. Deaf in America: Voices from a Culture. Tokyo, Japan: Sho-bun-sha Publishing. 2004. (Japanese translation.)
Padden, Carol & Tom Humphries. Inside Deaf Culture. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 2005.
Padden, C. & T. Humphries. Inside Deaf Culture Tokyo, Japan: Sho-bun-sha Publishing. 2009. (Japanese translation.)
Padden, C. & T. Humphries. Deaf in America. (Korean translation.) In press.
Humphries, Tom. School in ASL: An Alternate to Traditions in Deaf Education. In preparation.
Humphries, Tom. & Carol Padden. Learning American Sign Language, 3rd Edition.
In preparation.
Other publications
Humphries, T. "A Rationale for a Culturally Sensitive English Language Program Objective", Teaching English to the Deaf, Fall/Winter, l977. Washington, D. C.: Gallaudet College.
Humphries, T., B. Martin, & T. Coye "A Bilingual, Bicultural Approach to Teaching English", Proceedings of the Second Annual National Symposium on Sign Language Research and Teaching, l978. Silver Spring, Md: National Association of the Deaf.
Humphries, T., C. Padden & T. J. O'Rourke A Basic Course in American Sign Language, Silver Spring, Md.: TJ Publishers, Inc., 1980.
Humphries, T. "Planning and Evaluating Culturally Sensitive Post-Secondary Educational Programs for Deaf People", CAPED Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, l983.
Humphries, T. "Functioning Across Cultures: The Deaf Student on the Hearing College Campus", Proceedings, 6th National Conference of the Association of Handicapped Students Service Programs in PostSecondary Education, l984..
Humphries, T., B. Martin, & T. Coye "A Bilingual, Bicultural Approach to Teaching English", Proceedings of the Second Annual National Symposium on Sign Language Research and Teaching, l978. Silver Spring, Md: National Association of the Deaf. Reprinted in: American Deaf Culture, An Anthology, S. Wilcox, ed., l989, Silver Spring, Md: Linstok Press..
Humphries, Tom "An Introduction to the Culture of Deaf People in the United States: Content Notes & Reference Material for Teachers" in Sign Language Studies, 1991, 72: 209-240.
Humphries, T. & C. Padden Learning American Sign Language, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1992.
Humphries, T. "Deaf Culture and Cultures" in Multicultural Issues in Deafness, K. Christensen and G. Delgado, eds., New York: Longman Press, 1993.
Humphries, T. “On Deaf-mutes, the Strange, and the Modern Deaf Self” in Culturally Affirming Psychotherapy with Deaf Persons, N. Glickman and M. Harvey, eds., Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1996.
Padden, C. & T. Humphries, “A Changing Consciousness”, Deaf in America: Voices from a Culture. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 1988. Reprinted in American Voices: Multicultural Literacy and Critical Thinking, D. LaGuardia & H. Guth, Eds. London, UK: Mayfield Publishing Co. 1996.
Humphries, T. & MacDougall, F. "Chaining" and other links: making connections between American Sign Language and English in two types of school settings", Visual Anthropology Review, 15:2, Fall/Winter 1999/2000.
Humphries, T. “On Deaf-mutes, the Strange, and the Modern Deaf Self” in Culturally Affirming Psychotherapy with Deaf Persons, N. Glickman and M. Harvey, eds., Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1996. Reprinted in Deaf World: A Historical Reader and Primary Sourcebook, Lois Bragg, Ed. New York: New York University Press. 2001.
Humphries, T. “The modern Deaf self: Indigenous practices and educational imperatives”. In Literacy and Deaf People: Cultural and Contextual Perspectives, Brenda Bruggeman, Ed., Washington, DC : Gallaudet University Press. 2004.
Humphries, T. “Talking culture and culture talking” In Sightings, Dirksen Bauman, Ed. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. 2008..
Humphries, T. & B. Allen. “Re-organizing teacher preparation in Deaf Education”. In Sign Language Studies. 8:2, Winter 2008.
Humphries, T. “Scientific explanation and other performance acts in the re-organization of DEAF”. In Signs and Voices, Donna Jo Napoli, Ed. Gallaudet University Press. 2008.
Humphries, T. & J. Humphries. “Deaf in the time of the cochlea”, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 16:2. Winter 2011.
Humphries, T., P. Kushalnagar, G. Mathur, D. J. Napoli, C. Padden, C. Rathman, & S. Smith. “Cochlear implants and the right to language: ethical considerations, the ideal situation, and practical measures toward reaching the ideal”.Cochlear Implant Research Updates, Cila Umat and Rinze Tange, Eds., InTech Publishers. 2012
Humphries, T., P. Kushalnagar, G. Mathur, D. J. Napoli, C. Padden, C. Rathman, & S. Smith. “Language acquisition for deaf children: reducing the harms of zero tolerance to the use of alternative approaches”. Harm Reduction Journal, 9:16. 2012.
Humphries, T., P. Kushalnagar, G. Mathur, D.J. Napoli, C. Padden, C. Rathmann, & S. Smith. “Spracherwerb für gehörlose Kinder: Minderung der durch fehlende Toleranz entstehenden Schäden – hin zum Einsatz alternativer Ansätze”. In: Das Zeichen 26: 91 (2012) (German translation).
Humphries, T., P. Kushalnagar, G. Mathur, D.J. Napoli, C. Rahtmann & S. Smith. “Bilingualism: A pearl to overcome certain perils of cochlear implants”, Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology. 12:2. 2013.
Humphries, T. “Schooling in American Sign Language: A paradigm shift from a deficit model to a bilingual model in deaf education”. Berkeley Review of Education. 4:1 Spring 2013.
Humphries, T., R. Kushalnagar, G. Mathur, D. J. Napoli, C. Padden, C. Rathmann & S. Smith. “The right to language”, The Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics. 41:4 Winter 2013.
Humphries, T., P. Kushalnagar, Mathur, G, Napoli, D. J., Padden, C.,and Rathmann, C.(2014). Ensuring language acquisition for deaf children: What linguists can do.Language90(2), e31-e52. Linguistic Society of America. Retrieved June 24, 2014, from Project MUSE database.
Humphries, T., P. Kuschalnagar, G. Mathur, D.J. Napoli, C. Padden, R. Pollard, C. Rathmann, & S. Smith. What Medical education can do to ensure robust language development in deaf children. Medical Science Educator. (2014). DOI: 10.1007/s40670-014-0073-7.
Unpublished Material:
Humphries, Tom "Communicating Across Cultures (Deaf-Hearing) and Language Learning", Unpublished doctoral dissertation. 1977.
Allen, B. & T. Humphries. “A Collaborative partnership: An Investigation of the Effects of Implementation of Bilingual Cultural Pedagogy and Authentic Assessment on Deaf Children’s Literacy”. 2009. Unpublished report.
Awards and honors:
Mary Delaney Honorary Life Membership Award, Association of College Educators-Deaf and Hard of Hearing, 2012.
Henry T. Trueba Award for Research Leading to the Transformation of the Social Contexts of Education, American Educational Research Association, 2011
Lifetime Achievement Award, California Educators of the Deaf, 2011
Edward Fay Award, Council of Executives of American Schools for the Deaf, 2006
Gallaudet University, Board of Trustees, 2005-present
Laurent Clerc Award, Gallaudet University Alumni Association, 2004
Professional of the Year Award, IMPACT, 2003
Professor of the Year, Sigma Chi Fraternity, 1997
1995 Outstanding Leadership Award, Gallaudet University Alumni Association
President's Award, Greater Los Angeles Council on Deafness, 1989.
Man of the Year, Irish Congress of Southern California, 1988.