Thursday June 11 2015 18.30


Dr. T Safdar. General Practitioner Central Clinic (TS)

Victoria Walters. Practice Manager Central Clinic (VW)

Uzma Gondal, Receptionist/Administrator, Central Clinic (UG)

Patient 1 (P1)

Patient 2 (P2)

Patient 3 (P3)

Patient 4 (P4)

Patient 5 (P5)

Patient 6 (P6)


None received


Minutes of previous meeting 27/11/2014 approved.


TS welcomed everyone to the third PPG meeting and thanked everyone for attending. TS explained the purpose & remit of the PPG and hoped it would prove a useful discussion and feedback tool. VW reviewed the second meeting and emphasized that agenda items are encouraged from patients. Also VW reviewed the other forms of feedback available to patients (FFT, Suggestions Box, NHS Choices, Website, Complains/Compliments etc).


Suggestion Box: none received

Website/Emails: none received

Any other method: none received

FFT: VW explained the FFT and how it works. The location of the forms and the box was highlighted and patients present were asked to encourage their friends and family to complete a submission.

It was moreover asked from the patient members of the PPG that they should take every opportunity to encourage feedback from their friends and families who are patients at the surgery.


·  Online Services – VW gave a brief talk and explained how online services can be used to make appointments, request prescription and view records. P6 asked if this changes any of these services at reception. VW replied none of our other services are affected by the introduction of online services. VW emphasized the registration process was very simple and talked everyone through it.

·  Staff Changes – TS confirmed the departure of Helen Marriott and that a new nurse had been appointed to start from Monday 22 June 2015. TS also confirmed that Dr Kostka would be reducing her time at the surgery to Mondays only and that the new Wednesday doctor is Dr Imran Hussain. VW confirmed that our receptionist Stacey Dunkley would be shortly leaving for maternity reasons.

·  Training Practice – TS was delighted to confirm that the practice has been now officially approved as a training practice by Health Education England West Midlands. The practice had been tentatively allocated an FY2 trainee as from August 2015. TS explained the various grades of trainee that may come to the practice and their roles within the practice. TS reassured all patients that all trainees would work under supervision at all times. P1 asked if this meant more appointments would be available. TS replied that trainees are not used for service provision but yes there probably would be more appointments in the future for this reason.

·  Premises – TS confirmed negotiations were still underway to try & move the practice to a bigger suite within the same building. If accomplished it would provide more space for the practice to function. However TS said these discussions were now dependent on the CCG incorporating the premises move within the vision for primary care in this area. TS did not have any further details to give on this point at this time.

·  PPG Organisation – TS raised again the question of the organisation of the PPG as was discussed at the last PPG meeting. TS asked if the PPG would be better served by having a permanent chair & vice-chair etc or would it be better for the PPG to remain informal. TS also reiterated that this wouldn’t involve too onerous a commitment for any one person. P4 expressed a view that he thought maybe a permanent committee would be better although he himself was unable to commit time on a regular basis. After discussion the consensus was that the PPG would like to stay the same (i.e. informal).

·  CQC Inspection January 2015 – VW explained the CQQ inspection in January 2015 and gave examples of the procedures and services that were inspected. VW said we do not have a report to share with the PPG as of yet.


·  P1 asked about the premises proposals. TS said the practice was doing everything in its power to effect the change and hoped that it would come to fruition.

·  P5 asked if there was Wi-Fi in the building. VW said there was not currently any plans to introduce Wi-Fi as any such move would require the necessary security & safeguards and hence couldn’t be done unilaterally by the practice alone.

·  P3 asked if we have CCTV for the car park as a car was scratches whilst the owner was in the surgery. VW replied there is CCTV (controlled by Cougar) as far as we know for the rear car park but not the front. For footage requests, Cougar should be contacted.


·  TS asked those present for their views on the availability of appointments & overall ease of access to our services:

o  P1 – “I think it’s good access”

o  P5 – “Not bad”

TS confirmed that the practice always does its best to monitor capacity & demand for appointments and tried to be flexible in responding to demand.


The patients/members present were asked if they objected to being identified by name in the meeting minutes or if they prefer we anonymise them to Patient 1 etc. The consensus was to anonymise.

TS thanked everyone present for coming and asked them to let their family & friends know about the next meeting which will be advertised in due course in the waiting room & on the website.