Facebook Ninja Session 4
This is Seth Greene. Welcome to Facebook Ninja Session 4. We’re going to start going into some really cool advanced stuff today. Now, what have you learned so far? Well we’ve taught you how to sign up for Facebook. We’ve taught you how to build a Facebook fan page. We’ve taught you how to upload your customer list into Facebook. We’ve taught you how to run a credit card algorithm through that list and clone your customers finding the exact same people who match the exact same spending habits.
We have taught you how to create a page like ad because the first thing your Facebook fan page needs is likes. That’s people being a fan of the page opting in on Facebook raising their hands and yes, you can show up in my newsfeed every day and yes, you can advertise to me. And obviously, if you went to a doctor’s office and there is no one there, nobody else in the waiting room, the first time you might think you lucked out. If there is never anybody in the waiting room every time you went, you’d start wondering if the doctor is any good or not.
So people are the same way on Facebook. Nobody wants to be the first to like something. Nobody wants to be the first person to do something. So we’ve got to get fans. So we taught you how to make cheap like ads to get fans to your page. Then we taught you the type of content that you should be posting and how often you should be posting. We talked about how to get page post engagement ads to get people liking and sharing and commenting on your content and then we talked about click to website ads, driving traffic to your website.
We’ve talked about offer claim ads, how to get people to claim offers right on Facebook. And we talked about how to create website conversion ads where you can really pay per opt-in as opposed to per click to the website. So we covered a lot of stuff.
And now, we’re going to get into some new stuff. Are you ready? Buckle your seatbelts because I’m going to show you some highlights, some more ads that we built for some of our clients and what works and what doesn’t work. And then we’re going to get into some really cool advanced stuff. So let’s take a look at some campaigns.
So this is campaign for Daven Michaels. Daven is one of our superstar clients. Daven is the New York Times bestselling author of Outsource Smart and the founder of 123Employee which is I believe the largest outsourcing firm in the world located in the Philippines where you can get awesome virtual assistants for very low cost. I highly suggest it. If you need help, if you need a virtual assistant, they are phenomenal.
Here we are getting people to download a free software program of what’s called FB Minor, Facebook Miner that mins leads on Facebook. Then the next up-sell is a copy of Daven’s bestselling book, Outsource Smart, an audio copy on MP3. And then after that, the up-sell is we’re trying to get them to attend a live event in Los Angeles. So this ad campaign in literally the last seven days sold about 30 of these books. So we had a lot of folks who opted in for the free software then took the book and then obviously upsold from there.
So let’s take a look at the best performing ad that we’re running right now. Now, you’ll see the cost per click and click through rate very significantly in this campaign. From 1% (and again anything over 1% on Facebook is good), one, two, almost one and three quarters. But the cost per click varies as well.
So you see obviously we paused the two most expensive campaigns because I prefer to keep this cost per click down. Now well, it all depends on the ROI but let’s take a look at the best performing ad with a reasonable click cost in his case of 78 cents. And it was, Are You Struggling to Get Leads Here? We used to have it, something that didn’t work. We had, Are You Struggling to Get Leads on Facebook? But Facebook vetoed that ad. They banned it and said you can’t use the word Facebook on Facebook. Then download this free lead getting software.
We also called it, we used to call it free social media lead getting software. But Facebook said hey, you’re using the word social media and we’re not sure if we like that either. This is the best performing image of a guy holding up a plant growing out of a bunch of money. Free lead software. Start growing your list today. Software spits out leads like on autopilot. It can help grow your leads by thousands in 17 days. Get it before we reach our license limit with the call to action button being download.
This one in front of 1.14 million people all total who are interested in Jim Rohn, the late great motivational speaker. And you’ll see he’s got a nice reach. These ads all total had been seen by 150,000 people, 153,630. We spent $1659 since we started running it. And it’s been working really, really well. Next ad we’re going to look at is this is for a client of ours in the survival space.
Numbers can be misleading as Mark Twain said. There are three types of lies: Lies, damn lies and statistics. So you’ve got to be careful. So for example, this one right here, freedomsurvivalsecrets.com page likes, one like, 4 cents a like, click through rate, 25%. Now if you look at the click through rate, that’s insane on Facebook, 25%. You instantly think oh my god, that’s the best ad ever. You might not think that. I would think that but it’s not.
And the reason why is there’s only one page like and only four people have seen it. So sometimes “Facebook” penalizes you for being too good because Facebook is not a social network. It’s a very important lesson. If you learn nothing else out of this entire course, please remember, Facebook is not a social network. Facebook is an ad agency. They only make money when they serve you ads. So for example, let’s go in my newsfeed. Facebook makes no money off of social network.
Jennifer Katz Rosen, is posting what she did with her kids that day. Facebook doesn’t make any money off of this. They make money if I click over here on this ad. They make money if I click on the perfect audience ad. But what’s the proper way for my child to wear their backpack? Chris, my friend, and my fellow marketing guru, Jimmy Harding, who I interviewed on my podcast, Ultimate Marketing Magician, the Seth Greene podcast, neither of those made any money. They only make money when you click on an ad, when somebody clicks on an ad.
So, they don’t want me buying a 25% click through rate on a like ad because I would buy that all day long. I’d pump all my money into it. And why would they want to sell me likes at 4 cents a piece when they can make more money selling them at 1.32. I don’t know. Sometimes if you have an ad that’s working really, really well – sometimes you’ll get shut down. They’ll send you an email saying we banned your ads. Your ad is not approved. After it was approved a couple of days ago and it runs, they stop it. Or it just gets no reach. One ad gets 18,000 people. The other one gets four. That’s just Facebook being Facebook and saying darn it, we want them spending more money.
In this case, it didn’t make me spend much more. Because the ad, 6 cents a page like, 1733 likes, a 9% click through rate which again is insane and that’s this ad. Like our page and survive any crisis. Be prepared and ready. And a picture of survival gear. So again working really well. Now, here’s an interesting scenario. One of the five books I’ve written is called Real Estate Marketing Magic, how to sell your home or investment property in under two hours. Because last year when my wife and I were looking for a new house, we sold our house. And our house literally sold in two hours. And that book was about a lot of how I did it. It didn’t include everything. I didn’t give away every one of my secrets. I’m giving it to you. I saved it for you.
So let’s take a look at this ad. So first thing we did was we built a Facebook fan page for the house. So you’ll notice in the banner, it has a description, a trackable phone number. And because Jay Connor is known in his market for renovating houses, it’s got his name on it and some pictures. We post for the house every day. We’ve got reviews of the house. We’re posting different parts of the house, those glass sliding doors, perfect island so each – I mean we’re posting, posting, posting. So we’re doing really, really cool, cool stuff. Now, we got fans. We got 239 likes of the house.
We want to get people to actually come and see the house and buy it. So, we’re doing a post engagement ad on this post. “Jay Connor totally renovated home for sale, three beds, three baths, 2500 square feet with a pool near the beach, only 260,000. Call for a personalized showing today.” 65 people liked that ad. They liked an ad which doesn’t cost us anything. Eleven people commented on the ad, 3 people shared it. We got 39 total post engagements, a click through rate above 5%. And we spent 90 bucks. Now, if one of those people buys that house, is it worth it? You bet it is.
So this is the ad we did and you can see it was right before last winter. And you’ll see we started September 27th. 4303 people saw my ad from my house, had click through rates of 4%. Let’s take a look at this. “For sale in Smallwood School District, three bedrooms, 1800 square feet. Must see. Kid-friendly ranch”.
And I ran this in front of 240,000 people. This was the big ad in front of everybody in Buffalo. And then you’ll see some of the other ads. What I did was I ran – we got 100 people to look at the house and I had a bidding war on my house and we sold it for well over asking price again in two hours. And the reason was because what we did was we ran it in front of people who are fans of the Smallwood School District Facebook page who didn’t live there.
So, why would you be a fan of the school district if you don’t live there? Because you want to live there. So, we ran this in front of moms whose kids were young enough to be starting or right in elementary school who might want to move and we put in front of them. And that’s how we got 100 people to the house. So see, I save my best secrets for you guys, my Facebook Ninjas.
So let’s talk about where some of these cool credit card data is and get into some really cool advanced stuff. So what you do, the first thing you have to do I have to tell you, you have to be using Google Chrome as your browser when you sign in to Facebook. For whatever reason, this app only works with Google Chrome. That is the deal. It is only available on Google Chrome. It won’t work on Firefox. It won’t work on Safari. It won’t work on Explorer. It only works on Google Chrome. Google Chrome is free. That’s the good news. You can go get it. Just google Google Chrome. How about that?
You sign in to Facebook through Google Chrome. I’m going to pretend I just signed in. Here I am in my newsfeed. You do this from your desktop by the way. I’m going to ads manager and then I go to power editor. It’s right here on the left-hand side and when I click power editor this is – well, I’ll pretend I’m starting from scratch for you. I click power editor and this is what happens.
Now, the first thing you’re going to have to – what you should do every time you use power editor is you just click this button up at the top. If it doesn’t pop up, it’s download to power editor. It’s going to ask you which account you want to download. Presumably, you’ve only got one. We have a few because we ran out of ad space. But you would click and you would hit download. And then this funky screen comes up and you wait until it fills up. It takes a little while.
The things that aren’t going to fill up are labels and off-site events. Sometimes, it takes a while depending on how much stuff you got and like literally there’ll be thousand of ads. So it takes a while. I updated this before the webinar today.
Now, the funny thing is that it says your ad had been in the downloading process. This might take a few minutes and then there’s dismiss button. Dismiss is always grayed out. I don’t know why. Maybe yours works better than mine. I have no idea. It never goes away. So what you just – I always get stuck here. So what I do is I wait until everything is pretty much filled in.
In this case, the only thing not filled in is labels and off-site events. I don’t have either of those. You won’t have any labels so I’m good. So I’m just going to hit the back arrow and be fine now that it’s downloaded. So, it’s going to take me back to ads manager again funky flaw in Facebook. So I hit power editor again and here I am.
Let’s show you how to use power editor. These are all of the Facebook pages you manage. Now yours, you may only have one and that’s okay. In this case I’m going to pick the Midyette house.
So here’s what power editor shows you. Power editor shows you – I can see every Facebook post I’ve written, location, how many people reached it, how many people saw it, how many people are engaged by it, how many people were talking about it. That’s where I can get a preview of it. So, that’s where I start. You can also obviously see all your ads.
Let’s create a campaign. Choose a campaign. Let’s create a new one. Let’s call it Midyette house kitchen island. Objective is not clicks to website. Objective will be page post engagement. Create new ad set. Let’s call it kitchen, kitchen with money.
Let’s run it in front of people who watch like HGTV and have money. Name ad, ad one, create. So, I’m creating an ad in Power Editor as opposed to ads manager. So, let’s see what that looks like.
So first I have to change the Facebook page. I’m shrinking my screen. I’m zooming out so I can actually get to all of this stuff. What page post do I want? I want perfect island for entertaining. There it is. I want newsfeed on desktop, newsfeed on mobile. I do not want right column on desktop. You got to uncheck it otherwise you’ll waste your money. Very few people click on the right-hand side.
Audience. Let’s go Morehead. Where is it? Morehead City, North Carolina. Okay. Let’s do 25 miles. Let say, how old do I want them to be? I’ll say theoretically 30. Three bedrooms. Let’s do 30 and up. Demographics. Let’s do some generation. You know what, let’s do some financial. It’s a $260,000 house so presumably I want people who are making – I’m just going to make this up, making over $75,000 a year. And parents. I want people – I’m going to go for parents who have – I want people who have kids. And it’s a beach house. So let’s say all. So right now, I’ve got 2600 people who are over 30, make over 75,000 a year, who are parents, who live within 25 miles of Morehead City. Now, let’s do interest. HGTV. Now, I’m down to fewer than 1000. So I’ll get rid of that. I’ll leave HGTV off and just do 2600 folks who theoretically can afford the house who are parents.
Now, let’s take a look at credit card data. So, this is under partner categories. That’s where it is. That’s where the juicy stuff is. You can do a lot in ads manager but you can’t do this. So now, let’s go through it. There are three credit card processors of data that we have a deal with through Facebook - Acxiom, Datalogic and Epsilon.
Now, you can only use one credit card processor per ad, per campaign. I don’t know why. That’s just the way it works. So, you can’t use data from Acxiom, Datalogic and Epsilon. You have to pick one out of the three.
So, let’s start going down a rabbit hole and see what we can find out. If I go to Acxiom, I’ve got demographics, home, politics, purchase behavior and work.
Demographics. What are my choices for Acxiom? Education, family and home composition. Education. Completed college, completed grad school, completed high school or vocational or technical school. Family. How old the kids are. If they’re expecting parents, that will be pregnant moms. Or if they’re new parents of kids under a year. Home composition. Acxiom will tell me if they are newlyweds or not.
Now, what can I find out? That’s demographics. What can I find out under home? I can find out if they’re a homeowner, a recent home buyer or a renter. Under politics, I can find out what congressional district they’re in. That’s pretty cool. If I cared about that, if I had a client who is a politician or who cared about that specific level of geotargeting, if I was a nonprofit or a charity, fund raising for a cause around that had to do with something, some bill coming up that they were voting on or something, this is a gold mine. So, I’ve got congressional district for politics.