NOVEMBER 30, 2017
The window for students to request a schedule change for spring semesterstartsThursday11-30 and runsthroughFriday12-8 at4:00 pm.Students who plan to replace their Pre-AP or AP course with the core course, or need to move from one sport/program to another, can pick up the Schedule Change Form from the counselors office.
East View High School will administer the ASVAB test to all junior students onJanuary 12, 2018. The ASVAB test isadministered to high school and post-secondary students as part of the ASVAB Career Exploration Program. The program provides tools to help students learn more about career exploration and planning in both the civilian and military worlds of work. In addition to all junior students, we will allow 10thand 12thgraders who pre-register byDecember 8to take this test. Please stop by Mrs. Heckroth’s office, room 502, if you have any questions, and to pick up a registration form. Please return the completed form to Mrs.Heckroth byDecember8th.No forms will be accepted afterDecember 8.
Blue Santa - Student Council is collecting new toys for Blue Santa untilDecember 11th. Think about all the little boys and girls you could make happy. Drop off boxes are located in the cafeteria and front entrance.
Anyone interested in joining a SeaPerch engineering team needs to see Mr. Spiller in room 304 as soon as possible. This is an underwater robotics competition which has sent East View students to Nationals for the last three consecutive years and this year's National event is in Massachusetts!
ATTENTION JUNIORS! Class rings will be delivered this comingMonday, December 4thduring all lunches across from the cafeteria. If you have aremaining balance please bring that with youin order to pick up your ring. Any junior or senior who was not able to order their official East View H.S. class ring earlier in the semester may do so at this time as well. A down payment is required.
Picture retakes will be taken in the Cafeteria during all lunches onWednesday, December 06, 2017. Please pick up an order form at the diamond.This is pre-pay only!Anyone who wants to purchase a picture package needs to bring a completed formplus paymentto the photographer on that day, or order online (Picture Day ID: JD157021Y1).If you want to retake your fall pictures, simply return your original package on that day.
Prestige Portraits is coming to our school onTuesday Dec. 5th and Wednesday, Dec. 6thto photograph all seniors not previously photographed. You will need to go to the Library with your pass. Sign up for a time slot, and pick up a pass at the diamond by the end of this week. They will be offering the essential session for the yearbook (Cap & Gown). All you need to do is come prepared to have your picturetaken.