Learning and Teaching Enhancement Section
Students as Researchers Scheme 2017/2018
Staff Application Form
Name / Dr Jonathon ReaySection/Subject / Psychology
School/Department / SSSHL
Contact email /
Title of research project/activity / Evaluate the impact of the therapeutic care team in an acute hospital setting and its role in student learning
Pedagogic or Discipline Specific / Both
Summary of project research activity / Over the previous 4/5 years, Dr Jonathon Reay and Debi McKeown have been working together to improve patient experience and well-being at James Cook University Hospital. In 2012 Debi established Therapeutic Care Volunteering (TCV) – an initiative to support and improve patient/ family experience. The initial project started with 8 Teesside University psychology students and has now developed into a workforce consisting of over 30 full time employees and ~ 500 volunteers. In addition, the initiative is now established throughout the trust. In 2016 Jonathon and Debi established two modules at Teesside University (PSY 2049: PSY3087) to allow students to be involved in TCV whilst studying towards their university degree. The initiative is also part of voluntees.
It now seems timely to objectively test / evaluate the impact of TCV on patient experience and outcomes as well as fiscal benefits. This will provide pilot data to apply for further funding to demonstrate value for money in the NHS. In addition to this, it seems timely to investigate the impact upon the volunteer experience too and specifically upon the learning experience of those that select the modules as part of their programme of study.
It is envisaged that the student will conduct both primary and secondary research.
Primary research: we would like the student to evaluate the impact of TCV upon:
1. Patient experience (in hospital and once they have returned home)
2. Family experience (in hospital and once they have returned home)
3. Volunteer experience
Secondary research:
We would like the student to evaluate the impact of TCV upon
1. Fiscal efficiencies
2. Accidental outcome (number of accidental falls, number of episodes of escalating behaviour)
The student will be involved in study design, data collect, data analysis and dissemination.
I would also like the collaborative work between James cook and Teesside University to be considered as a submission to the guardian University Awards 2018. The data collected during this project would add objectively to the results of this partnership.
The below link will take you to some information about TCV.
Have you obtained ethical clearance for this project? / No.
We will apply for ethical approval before the project start date; however, we would like to spend some time talking to the student about this process and allow the student some input, if needed.
Summary of student tasks / Working with Dr Jonathon Reay and Debi McKweown to:
Gain ethical clearance: The supervising team will submit ethical approval documents before the student starts; however, we would like the student to discuss the ethical documents and to be involved in the project initiation so they understand the project and have an opportunity to shape the project too. The student will be involved in discussion about study design, data collection methods and designing the study materials (all part of the ethical process, as this information is needed for ethical approval).
Design the study: We would like the student to be involved in the study design and discuss the strengths and weakness of the chosen method. The supervising team will design the study but allow the student to work as part of this team and input where they feel able.
Design study materials: We would like the student to be involved in the material design or selection process. This will make sure the student is comfortable with the methods of data collection (i.e. choosing between questionnaires, interviews, focus groups etc). We hope this will allow the student to discuss the strengths and weakness of the process and see how study design and study material are linked. The supervising team will decide upon the study material but allow the student to work as part of this team and input where they feel able.
Collect data (with other team members too): It is envisaged that most of the student time will be taken in this stage. We would like the student to collect data using the methods agreed in steps above. We would like the student to recruit participants for the study, organise a time for the participants to complete the study, collect the data and debrief the participants.
Analyse data: The statistical plan will have been decided in the above stages; however, in this section we would like the student to analyse the data collected. This may involve using statistical methods and software (SPSS) for numerical data but also involve transcription of interviews if this is the chosen methods of data collection agreed in steps above. The supervising team will guide the student through this process.
Present findings (to hospital): We would like the student to present the findings to the University management. We would like the student to prepare a presentation, share this with the supervising team, take feedback and amend the presentation. We envisage this to be the most independent aspect of the project; however, the supervising team will give feedback, coach the student and ultimately deliver the presentation if the student is not able.
Write report for hospital: We would like the student to write a report for the hospital. The supervising team will provide guidance and will edit the report.
Support for the student: The student will have full access to the supervising team, will have 1 to 1 meetings with Debbie and the TCV team to help integration. Student will have academic support from the academic team.
Research output(s) for student (Please detail the tasks that the student(s) will be involved in and how these will develop their research skills) / 1. The student will be asked to deliver an oral presentation to the hospital detailing the outcomes of the study
2. The student will be asked to write a report for the hospital
3. Depending upon the outcomes, the work may be suitable for publication and conference. The student could be involved, if they so wished; however, conference costs will need to be sourced.
Depending upon the outcomes, we will identify a journal to publish the impact of TCV on patient experience.
The student will gain real time experience in clinical areas, opportunity to develop relationship with the team , patients and families . Opportunity to present findings to senior management team.
Are there specific criteria students need to address when applying for the project? (e.g. specific research skills, discipline knowledge) / Will need to be comfortable with data analysis and data collection methods. Will need to have very good communication skills as they will be collecting data from people.
Students will be required to complete a DBS.
Anticipated timeline for project / The below is an indicative timeline for the student involvement at each stage:
Gain ethical approval: student to review paperwork and meet with the supervising team at James cook hospital to discuss
Ethics, study design study materials – 3 hours
Collect and analyse data – 50 hours
Prepare presentation – 4 hours
Present presentation – 3 hours
Write report – 5 hours
Number of student hours required (max. 65 hours) / We would like to request 1 student as researchers to complete this study (all at the maximum of 65 hours)
Are there any additional costs associated with the student researcher i.e. travel? Please provide details of how this will be funded / Data collection will take place at James cook university Hospital. Students will be required to fund their own transport to the hospital, but car parking will be available if taking own car.
/ Date22/9/17
Approved by Head of Department/Director / Date