Name:______Score: ______

Due Dates:

Tabery Homeroom – December 15thVanSycle Homeroom – December 17th

Approved/Suggested websites for research:

*Please KEEP this paper, it is how I will grade you *

God/Goddess paper and Cabin Project:

You and your groupwill design a cabin or templefor your assigned Greek god or goddess. It can be 2 or 3 dimensional and must have the following components:

  1. Outside: must be completely covered in paper and decorations on the outside. The outside of your cabin must obviously belong to your god or goddess. You must be able to justify your design with facts about your god or goddess.
  2. Inside: the inside of your cabin must also be completely decorated. It must also represent your god or goddess and can be justified. There must be at least 3 artifacts that belong to your god or goddess.

Additionally, you will write a short paper (on your own) answering the following in complete paragraphs:

  1. Paragraph one: Who is your god or goddess? What are they the god or goddess of? Who is she or he related to?
  2. Paragraph two: what represents your god or goddess? What symbols does he or she have? What does he or she look like?
  3. Paragraph three: summarize or retell one story involving your god or goddess.

5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Outside / -Outside is fully covered
-Decorated in appropriate colors and images for your god or goddess / -Outside is mostly covered
-Most decorations and images are for your god or goddess / -Outside is partially covered
-Lacking detail in the decorations and images / -Outside is partially covered and lacks detail and/or relevance / Cabin is not complete
Inside / -Inside is fully covered
-Decorated in appropriate colors and images for your god or goddess / -Inside is mostly covered
-Most decorations and images are for your god or goddess / -Inside is partially covered
-Lacking detail in the decorations and images / -Inside is partially covered and lacks detail and/or relevance / Cabin is not complete
Artifacts / Has 3 artifacts that would belong to your god or goddess / Has 2 artifacts that would belong to your god or goddess / Has 1 artifact that would belong to your god or goddess / Has artifacts but they lack relevance / Has 1 artifact that lacks relevance
15 / 10 / 5
Paper / Has three paragraphs that are well written, contain minimal grammatical and spelling errors, is typed or handwritten nicely and is descriptive in nature, answering all of the questions listed. / Has three paragraphs, more than a few errors but written or typed nicely. Paragraphs are straight forward and contain some descriptive language. Answers most of the questions listed above. / Has less than three paragraphs, is sloppily written with many errors. Does not answer all of the questions above and is not descriptive in nature.

Rate the effort and contributions of each of your group members (including yourself!):

Team Player. Always on task, and helped the group complete the project. / Half and Half. Contributed when asked to help but didn’t take initiative. / Poor Sport. Didn’t do his or her fair share of work and refused to help when asked.
Group Member:
Group Member:
Group Member:
Group Member: