Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed November 02 , 2014
"Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)
ST. BERNARD’S (Moncton)
St. Bernard’s: Thursday @ 9:30 AM, Saturday @ 4:00 PM Sunday @ 11:00 AM
St. Vincent: Sunday @ 9:00 AM
St. Clement's & St. Bartholomew's: Saturday @ 7 PM (alternating)
Priest is available for Confessions prior to Saturday Mass upon request.
Priest Moderator: Rev. Allison S. Carroll Social Justice: Claudia McCloskey
Assistant: (part-time) Rev. Charles Broderick Catechetics: Lorella Dunnett
Liturgy: Rick Shaw, Deb Gillespie Adult Faith: Dr. Andrew Wilson
Secretary: Darlene McGraw, Custodian: Michel Saulnier
Bookkeeper: Barb Bowes,
Catechetical Coordinator: Lorella Dunnett,
Facilities & Activities Coordinator: Sam Ermen
OFFICE: 43 Botsford St. Moncton, NB E1C 4W9 Phone 857-0425 Fax 857-9565
Web Site:
Parish Office Hours: Monday to Friday: 9 AM – 12 PM & 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Mass Intentions for this Week
Thurs. Nov. 06th @ 9:30 AM—Special Intentions Amanda Deveau
Sat. Nov. 08th @ 4:00 PM—late Mary McGowan Family
Sun. Nov. 09th @ 11:00 AM—anniv. late André & Dorreen Cormier Sharon & Rick
OFFERINGS from October 25th & 26th, 2014
Regular Envelopes (312) $ 6,259.00 Loose $ 749.52 Capital Expenditure (22) $ 800.00
All Soul's Day (38) $ 1,016.00 Evangelization of People's (16) $ 260.00 Share Lent (1) $ 10.00 People in Need (1) $ 20.00 Needs of Cdn Church (1) $ 10.00
Christmas Offering (1) $ 100.00 Reconnect (1) $ 25.00
Thank you for your generous and continued support!
· Carmelites - 3rd Tuesday of the Month @ 7 PM
· Next Baptism Preparation Course - Tuesday, Nov. 4 & 11
· RCIA - Wednesdays @ 7 PM
· Circle of Friends - Thursdays after 9:30 AM Mass
· Next Baptisms - Nov. 30 @ 2 PM
· Marriage Preparation - Wednesdays, 7- 9:30 PM, Nov. 5 & 12
· CWL Holly Tea - Saturday, Nov. 8 - (2 to 4 PM - see note in bulletin)
· Parish Bottle Drive - Saturday & Sunday, Nov. 15/16 (see note in bulletin)
· Mass of the Deceased - Wednesday, Nov. 19 @ 7 PM (see note in bulletin)
Armed Forces Blessing
Praise to you, ever-watchful God, for you are our refuge and strength in every time and place. Send your blessing upon those who have served and are now serving our country. Let your peace be the sentry that stands guard over their lives and shield them from all harm.
Ecclesiastes3…Under every season there is a time…
A TIME TO HEAL…we remember in our prayers those who are sick...
Pat Lawlor, Lylla Roach, May Cox, Bob Landry, Rodney Owen, Michael Nowlan, Helen Donahue, and Katie Ermen.
A TIME TO MOURN…our sincere sympathies to families of...
Dianne Vautour, wife of Robert Vautour
Gordon Montford, father of Lorraine Montford
and for all those who mourn the loss of a loved one......
St. Bernard's Church is open Monday to Friday 11 AM to 1 PM
Please feel very welcome to come and use the church at this time as an opportunity for quiet reflection, personal prayer, or simply a time of refreshment for the soul. Volunteers are required. If you are interested in helping with this please call the parish office at 857-0425.
St. Bernard's Parish encourages all users of our place of worship and meeting rooms/offices to refrain from using scents.
Reception Volunteers Needed: November 19th for the reception after the Mass for Deceased Parishioners @ 7 PM. Instruction will be given according to what is needed. If you feel that you could volunteer to help at this occasion, or in the future, please call the parish office at 857-0425.
From the Offices of Faith Development,
Liturgy & Youth Faith Development
Ellen - 857- 9952 or ;
Trevor - 857-4879 or
Deb at
Tending the Soil; Tending the Sower, Part II: For those unable to attend the formation day on October 25th or those who attended that day and are interested in participating in the other sessions: a second formation day takes place on Saturday, November 15th from 9 AM to 4:30 PM at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, in Riverview. As someone who accompanies others in baptismal preparation, marriage preparation, RCIA, or children’s catechesis, this is an opportunity for you to receive formation which will make you more effective in your ministry. Participants will attend the core session The Mass: Foretaste of the Heavenly Kingdom, 3 of 7 additional sessions. You are asked to select 4 in order of preference, and every effort will be made to ensure that you attend your top 3. Choose from: I Have Answered the Call to be a Catechist! Now What?, Making Room for God: a Way of Life that Guides and Steadies, Engaging Your Parish with Social Media. Please note participants in this session will need to bring a wireless device that connects to the internet, i.e. laptop or handheld electronic device. The Gospels: Then and Now, Hand in Hand: the Evangelizing Catechist, The Nuts and Bolts of Coaching Parents, Why is Jesus on the Simpsons? Lunch will be provided. Registration deadline is Weds., Nov. 12 may be done by contacting Ellen, Trevor, your parish catechetical coordinator or go online at Find the link under the news section of the home page of the website. A day of formation is critical for all catechists; however this day is open to anyone who may be interested.
Theology on Tap: Our next Theology on Tap event for young adults 19-39 will take place on Weds., Nov. 5th, 7 PM at St. James Gate in Dieppe (Fox Creek Golf Club). Our guest speaker will be Dr. Margaret Ann Smith from UNB Saint John, and she will be talking to us about "Finding The Word in words: reading secular literature through the eyes of faith". Please contact Trevor for more information or to register.
Upcoming Workshop: Preparing and Evaluating Liturgy and the Role of the Liturgy Committee: Fri., Nov. 7th (7 - 9 PM), Sat., Nov. 8th (9 AM - 3:45 PM) at Holy Family Church hall, 52 Falkland Street,) with Bernadette Gasslein as Presenter. This session will address the questions: What in the liturgy needs to be prepared and by whom; how and why is liturgy evaluated and by whom; what is the role/work/mandate of the liturgy committee; who should be members; why is the Liturgy Committee important, etc. Pre-registration required by Mon., Nov. 3rd by contacting Deb. Registration fee is $15.
Sunday Missals 2014/2015
We have a limited number of Sunday Missals at the cost of $ 5.00 each.
You may purchase a copy at the Parish office during regular office hours while they last.
The annual St. Bernard's Catholic Women’s League
Holly Tea & Sale - Saturday, Nov. 8th
2 - 4 PM in the Church hall.
There will be a bake table, craft table, white elephant table & door prizes.
Tickets are available at the door, the Parish Office, or by calling Donna Shaw @
382-0503 or Norma Gibson at 855-8236.Cost: $10/adult & $3.50 (for children under 12).
Parishioners wishing to donate sweets, baked goods and crafts for the sale can do so. Our Council gratefully appreciates all donations.
Drop off times for any parishioners wishing to donate sweets and items for our bake table craft table and white elephant tables are as follows:
Friday, Nov. 7th - 9AM - 4 PM and 6:30 - 8 PM
Saturday, Nov. 8th - 8:30 - 10 AM at the latest
Our Holly Tea has been a long-standing tradition at St. Bernard’s dating back to the early 1950’s & we thank all parishioners for their continued support of all CWL activities and events.
CWL Regular Monthly Meeting - Monday, Nov. 3rd
Rosary at 6:30 PM and Meeting at 7 PM
Dues can be paid. If paying by cheque please make cheques
payable to St. Bernard's CWL
New members are always welcome!!
Parish Bottle Drive
In his book, South Damascus: Giving People Dignity; Guy Gagné tells several touching stories of the people he has met while gathering bottles. Many of us know Guy and his wife, Sheila, and the work of their foundation that is committed to helping the less fortunate from northern Canada to South America. On the weekend of Nov.15 & 16, before and after mass, parishioners can bring their bottles to the garage in the church driveway. These will be donated to the Foundation Guy-Sheila Gagné to help in their wonderful work.
40-Days for Life closing- Sunday Nov. 2nd, 3-4 PM should it rain we will go to thehall.The social gathering takes place this year at Père Patrice LeBlanc Hall, Murphy St. behind the church. For more info. contact. Sr. Cécile at 857 9414.
Vision Bookstore: 45 York St., Moncton (Diocesan Centre) on Friday, November 7th,
8 AM - Noon and from 1 - 4 PM - Take advantage of a special monthly sale where most books (in stock) will be reduced by 10%. information:
Catechism Schedule
Parents MUST bring their child to their class andMUST collectthem from their class, no child will be released
without a parent.
November 2nd Morning Gatherings @ 9:45 AM or 12:15 PM
November 9th No Catechism - Remembrance Day weekend
November 16th Morning Gatherings @ 9: 45 AM or 12:15 PM
November 23rd Morning Gatherings @ 9:45 AM or 12:15 PM
November 30th Morning Gatherings @ 9:45 AM or 12:15 PM
December 7th Morning Gatherings @ 9:45 AM or 12:15 P.M.
December 14th Morning Gatherings @ 9:45 AM or 12:15 P.M.
December 21st Advent Celebrations
December 28th, 2014 & January 4th, 2015 there are no Catechism Gatherings. Classes will resume on January 11th @ 9:45 AM or 12:15 PM
A message from the confirmation class at St. Bernards: We had the opportunity to have Guy Gagne as our guest at catechism class this past Sunday. As we prepare for confirmation we are thinking about how we spread the word of God in our lives. We read the gospel of last Sundayand how Jesus reminds us to care for others. In Guy's stories about his work with the street children of Brazil, he told us to 'Dream of Little Things', because in doing little things for others, these thingscan make a big difference in someone's life. We are inspired by what we heard. Thank youMr. Gagne from the confirmationcandidates.
Knights of Columbus - Council 1310 - Sunday Breakfast, Nov. 2nd - 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM - 84 Broadway St. Adults $ 7, children under 12 - $ 3, under 5 - free. Everyone welcome.
St. Augustine’s Knights of Columbus Council 7940 will hold a BRUNCH in St. Augustine’s Church basement, Sunday, Nov. 9th - 9 AM to 1 PM. A complete pancake breakfast with all the fixings for just $ 7 per person. Family rates available at the door!
Thank you to everyone who made the Birthright Flower Day fundraiser so successful!
We appreciate your kindness and generous support of Birthright’s work. St. Bernard’s parishioners donated $1,459.25. Also, thank you to the members of St. Bernard’s Catholic Women’s League and others who looked after flowers and donations. Thank you all.
Book of the Faithful Departed
Traditionally, during the month of November, we remember and pray for, in a special way, all our deceased loved ones.
The Church encourages you to continue this tradition by entering the names of those dear to you in the BOOK OF THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED.
If your loved ones’ names were already entered in the book in previous years, they are still in the book and will be prayed for during our liturgies.
This book has been placed at the back of the church for the whole month of November and we invite you, if you wish, to enter the names of those members of your family or friends who you would like to be remembered and prayed for by our church.
St. Bernard's Mass of the Deceased
All parishioners are invited and encouraged to attend the Mass of the Deceased on Wednesday,
November 19th at 7 PM
It is an important time to come together as a Parish Community to remember and honor the memory of all those who have died in the past year. Also, to show our support to those who have lost a loved one.
Social Justice Phone Line: Food Depot Alimentaire (Moncton Food Bank) has ongoing support and a program to support food needs. We work with the Food Depot to assist individuals and families connect with food on a regular basis. If you would like information on how to register with the Food Depot, call our phone line.
This Christmas, in partnership with the Food Depot and our parish supporters, we will be doing 50 food boxes for needy families during Christmas week.
The Social Justice phone line number is 204-4882.
You are invited to a presentation given by the Most Reverend Valéry Vienneau, as he will be the guest speaker for the upcoming Annual General Assembly of the House of Nazareth. The AGA will be held at the House of Nazareth shelter, 14 Clark St., Moncton, on Weds., Nov. 5th at 7 PM. Refreshments will be served. Note that the event will be held in French.