Consulting Services for

Detailed Design and Implementation Supervision (DDIS)


December 2012


ADB Loan 2852-CAM (SF) And AUSAID Grant 0285-CAM (EF)

Korea Consultants International Flood Damaged Emergency Reconstruction Project


Definition and Abbreviations

Basic DATA

executive summary


1. Project Background


2.1 Stage 2

2.2 Stage 3

2.3 Chronology of Project Implementation


3.1  Invoice and Payment Certificate

3.2  Financial Progress of Civil Works

3.3  Status of Disbursement


4.1 Environment Safeguard

4.2 Social Safeguard

4.3 LGAP Monitoring Report


5.1 Stage 2 and Stage 3


7. design and monitoring framework

8. adb inception mission visit

9. consutant movemnt

Photos of Project Activities


A.  Chronology of Project Implementation



Agreement DDIS Consulting Services Agreement

Consultants Korea Consultants International in association with Khmer Consultant Engineering Corporation Ltd. As Sub-consultant

Employer Ministry of Rural Development

Project Flood Damage Emergency Reconstruction Project


ADB Asian Development Bank

AP Project Affected People

ASTM American Standard of Testing and Materials

BME Benefit Monitoring and Evaluation

COI Corridor of Impact

COM Council of Ministers

DDIS Detailed Design and Implementation Supervision

EA Executing Agency

EMP Environmental Management Plan

GGF Good Governance Framework

HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus

IA Implementing Agency

ICB International Competitive Bidding

IEC Information, Education and Communication

IEE Initial Environmental Examination

KCEC Khmer Consultant Engineering Corporation

KCI Korea Consultants International

LBAT Labour Based Appropriate Technology

LGAP Labour and Gender Action Plan

MEF Ministry of Economy and Finance

MOU Memorandum of Understanding

MRD Ministry of Rural Development

NCB National Competitive Bidding

NGO Non-government Organization

PIU Project Implementation Unit

PPTA Project Preparation Technical Assistance

RGC Royal Government of Cambodia

ROW Right of Way

RP Resettlement Plan

SDR Special Drawing Rate

SEO Social and Environment Office

STD Socially Transmitted Disease

TOR Terms of Reference

UXO Unexploded Ordnance

Basic Data

1. Loan Details

Country / : / Kingdom of Cambodia
Loan and Grant number / : / ADB Loan 2852-CAM (SF) and AusAid Grant 0285-CAM (EF)
Project Title / : / Flood Damage Emergency Reconstruction Project
Borrower / : / Ministry of Economy and Finance
Executing Agency / : / Ministry of Economy and Finance
Implementation Agency-2 / Ministry of Rural Development
ADB Loan Amount
AusAid Grant Amount / : / SDR 35,347,000 (US$55 million equivalent)
US$ 5,250,000 (to be administered by ADB)
Loan Period / : / 40 years including 10 years of grace period
Loan Approved Date / : / 27 March 2012
Loan agreement signed / : / 04 April 2012
Loan effectiveness date / : / 14 May 2012
Loan closing date / : / 30 September 2015

2. Detailed Cost Table by Financier

Unit: USD

Output / Total Cost / ADB / AusAid / Government
Amount / Duties and
Taxes / Total
1. Civil Works
1 / National and Provincial Roads / 25,384,000 / 20,345,600 / 2,500,000 / 2,538,400 / 2,538,400
2 / Rural Roads / 15,595,025 / 12,535,523 / 1,500,000 / 1,559,502 / 1,559,502
3 / Irrigation and Flood Control / 9,638,197 / 7,674,377 / 1,000,000 / 963,820 / 963,820
4 / Safeguards / 600,000 / 600,000 / 600,000
Subtotal (1) / 51,217,222 / 40,555,500 / 5,000,000 / 600,000 / 5,061,722 / 5,661,722
2. Equipment and Vehicle
1 / National and Provincial Roads / 185,200 / 143,200 / 42,000 / 42,000
2 / Rural Roads / 120,000 / 78,000 / 42,000 / 42,000
3 / Irrigation and Flood Control / 162,200 / 120,200 / 42,000 / 42,000
4 / Project Flood Management / 87,600 / 59,600 / 28,000 / 28,000
Subtotal (2) / 555,000 / 401,000 / - / - / 154,000 / 154,000
3. Consulting Services
1 / National and Provincial Roads / 2,470,950 / 2,470,950
2 / Rural Roads / 1,509,800 / 1,509,800
3 / Irrigation and Flood Control / 1,380,200 / 1,380,200
4 / Project Flood Management / 923,950 / 923,950
Subtotal (3) / 6,284,900 / 6,284,900 / - / - / - / -
4. Incremental Management Cost
1 / National and Provincial Roads / 585,000 / 450,600 / 134,400 / - / 134,400
2 / Rural Roads / 454,800 / 281,400 / 173,400 / - / 173,400
3 / Irrigation and Flood Control / 538,800 / 422,400 / 116,400 / - / 116,400
4 / Project Flood Management / 180,600 / 116,800 / 63,800 / - / 63,800
Subtotal (4) / 1,759,200 / 1,271,200 / - / 488,000 / - / 488,000
Total Base Cost / 59,816,322 / 48,512,600 / 5,000,000 / 1,088,000 / 5,215,722 / 6,303,722
5. Contingencies
1 / Physical contingencies / 4,019,400 / 3,617,400 / 402,000 / 402,000
2 / Prince contingencies / 2,222,000 / 2,000,000 / 222,000 / 222,000
Subtotal (5) / 6,241,400 / 5,617,400 / - / 624,000 / - / 624,000
Interest During Construction (IDC) / 870,000 / 870,000
Unallocated / 250,000 / 250,000
TOTAL / 67,177,722 / 55,000,000 / 5,250,000 / 1,712,000 / 5,215,722 / 6,927,722

- 3 -

ADB Loan 2852-CAM (SF) And AUSAID Grant 0285-CAM (EF)

Korea Consultants International Flood Damaged Emergency Reconstruction Project

Executive Summary

1. Roads are the principal mode of transportation in Cambodia. The country’s road network, approximately 39,400 km, had greatly deteriorated by the early 1990s, as a result of the civil war. However, since 1992, with assistance from ADB and other multilateral and bilateral development partners, the government has focused on rehabilitating the core national infrastructure that is required for the economy to develop in a sustainable manner. Development efforts have increased the length of the paved national road network to about 2,700 km, which is slightly less than 25% of the total national and provincial road network. The length of the rural road network is approximately 28,000km or about 70% of the total road network of Cambodia. Management of rural roads is the responsibility of Ministry of Rural Development (MRD).

2. The objective of the Output 2 of Flood Damage Emergency Reconstruction Project is to repair 443.9 kilometers of damaged rural roads during 2011 flood in five provinces of Prey Veng, Kampong Cham, Kampong Thom, Siem Reap, and Banteay Meanthey. Civil Works of reconstruction will be further strengthened to protect against future flood damage with cross-drainage facilities, 3 bridges in Kampong Cham province and appropriate paving of laterite. The project also aims to strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) to plan, manage, and monitor road maintenance operations by improving the sustainability of funding for road maintenance, increasing the participation and capacity of the private contracting industry, and strengthening provincial departments of rural development means to support greater decentralization of road maintenance responsibilities.

3. The project under implementing Ministry of Rural Development is estimated to construction price $15.0million. The construction price excludes physical and price contingencies, and interest and other charges during implementation. The Mission coordinated activities with all major development partners involved in flood relief and rehabilitation activities, and sought either cooperation or co- financing possibilities. These included: AusAID (which indicated the possibility of $5 million of cofinancing), the EU family, JICA (which is planning around $10million of road reconstruction work in similar areas to ADB), Republic of Korea, the UN Disaster Management Team, the German KFW (which is allocating 8 million Euros to rural road rehabilitation), and the World Bank. The Mission also interacted with selected nongovernment organizations and members of civil society.

4. The project will be implemented within a period 3 years, from 2012 to 2015. MEF will be the executing agency (EA) for the project. There will be three implementing agencies (IAs): (i) MPWT for Output; (ii) MRD for Output2 and (iii) MOWRAM for Output3. MRD will be responsible for engaging consulting services and awarding civil works contracts. The Director General of Technical Affairs will have overall administrative oversight of the consulting services and civil work contracts, and the Project Manager will have responsibility for day-to-day operations.

5. The project comprises three key components as below:

(i)  Civil works for Implementation of 37 Roads( 443.9 kilometer)

(ii)  Consulting Services for Detailed design and implementation supervision

(iii)  Implementation of the Labor and Gender Action Plan(LGAP)

6. The civil works comprise the reconstruction of 37 existing earth or gravel surfaced roads in five provinces to restore using laterite. Emergency reconstruction of priority laterite 26 roads will be implemented during Stage2 under fast-track construction scheme, and remaining laterite twelve roads will be done during Stage3 through detailed design and procurement.

The project roads are located in five provinces of Cambodia. Five of these are in the Tonle Sap region, namely Kampong Thom, Siem Reap, and the remaining two are Prey Veng and Kampong Cham located to east, Banteay Mean Chey is located to Northwest of Phnom Penh, respectively. The roads serve agricultural-based rural communities. The project consists of 5 civil works contract packages as Stage2: MRD-CW1, MRD-CW2, MRD-CW3, MRD-CW4 and MRD-CW8, as Stage3: MRD-CW5, MRD-CW6, MRD-CW7. The civil works contract packages are as follows:

1)  Stage2 : 6 months

Contract Package / Provinces / Number of Road / Total Length
(km) / Approximate Value
($ millions) / Awarded
Contract Amount (USD) / Completion
Period (month)
MRD-CW1 / Prey veng / 4 roads / 49.5 / 1.33 / 1,260,437.64 / 6
MRD-CW2 / Kampong Cham / 5 roads / 73.9 / 2.16 / 2,094,309.21 / 6
MRD-CW3 / Siem Reap / 5 roads / 50.0 / 1.29 / 1,297,196.78 / 6
MRD-CW4 / Banteay Mean Chey / 7 roads / 65.5 / 1.96 / 2,041,088.89 / 6
MRD-CW8 / Kampong Thom / 5 roads / 36.3 / 0.67 / 648,259.88 / 6
Total / 5 Provinces / 26 roads / 275.2 / 7.41 / 7,341,292.40 / 6

2)  Stage3 : 18 months

Contract Package / Provinces / Number of Roads / Total Length
(km) / Approximate Value
($ millions) / Completion
Period *
(months) / Procurement
MRD-CW5 / Lot1 / Prey veng / 4 roads / 39.6 / 1.36 / 18 / NCB
Lot2 / Kampong Cham / 3 roads / 46.5 / 1.98 / 18 / NCB
MRD-CW6 / Lot1 / Kampong Thom / 1 road / 22.0 / 1.73 / 18 / NCB
Lot2 / Siem Reap / 3 roads / 30.6 / 1.31 / 18 / NCB
MRD-CW7 / Banteay Mean Chey / 1 road / 30.0 / 1.30 / 18 / NCB
Total / 5 Provinces / 12 roads / 168.7 / 7.68 / 18 / NCB

7. The ADB Loan No. 2852-CAM (SF), the amount in various currencies equivalent to SDR 35,347,000 was approved by ADB on 16 March 2012, and the loan agreement was signed on 4 April 2012. AusAID for a grant No. 0285-CAM (EF) in an amount not exceeding the equivalent of five million two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($ 5,250,000) to be administered by ADB, to finance a part of the project. The loan period is 40 years including 10 years of grace period, and the loan closing date is 30 September 2015.

8. The Korea Consultants International in association with Khmer Consultants Engineering Corporation Ltd. (KCEC) as sub-consultant was awarded the DDIS consulting services and the contract was signed on 8 May 2012. The consultants mobilized the team leader on 26 February 2012 which is the actual date of commencement of retroactive services to assist with the urgent flood emergency work. The consultant will be responsible for detailed design, construction supervision, implementation monitoring, as well as project performance monitoring and evaluation.

The Consultant’s work scopes consist of three stages, i) detailed design stage, ii) procurement stage, iii) implementation supervision stage. The period of each stages are as follows:

1) Detailed design stage: 4 months

2) Procurement stage: 3 months

3) Construction supervision stage: 30 months

4) Defect notification period: Roads (6 months), bridges & culverts (12 months)

9. The consultants comprise international experts in various professional fields and the national consultants, who will be provided through the sub-consultants, Khmer Consultant Engineering Corporation (KCEC) as proposed. Total person-months of the consulting services is 284, which comprise46 international experts and 238 national experts.

In the detailed design stage, the Consultant will implement an in-depth analysis for design alternatives based on the findings, previous engineering studies, survey and investigation, adopted design criteria and standard. Therefore the design will be to i) establish detailed technical specifications for roads, bridges, drainage structures, ii) be compatible with construction and safety standards and requirements, iii) prepare design documents including scaled drawings, calculation sheet, quantities and cost estimates, iv) ensure that environmental design measures in the EMP are incorporated in the detailed design and v) prepare construction implementation plan and procurement plan with bidding documents

10. The project roads (Stage2 Stage3) under implementing Ministry of Rural Development financed by ADB consist of 38 roads with a total length of approximately 443.9km located in five provinces. Prey Veng (7 roads), Kampong Cham (9 roads), Kampong Thom (6 roads), Siem Reap (8 roads) and Banteay Mean Chey(8 roads). Especially KC1A road in Kampong Cham Province is divided up two sections, one section (15.7 km) belongs to Stage 2, the other section (15.7 km) belongs to Stage 3, and there is only one bridge construction work at KC1B road without any road restoration work. The project roads in Stage2 is fast track repairing work before the next wet season, and remaining flood damage restoration work belong to Stage3 will be completed within next two dry seasons and one wet season pursuant to ADB,s No Objection Letter dated 6 September 2012.

Roads shall be reconstructed within the existing road width. Since the existing width of project roads varies between 5.0 to 6.0 m, and even a same numbered road does not have equal width or cross-section. This is due to eroded embankment near water reservoir of waterway, or narrow section passing through house area or village centres. Thus the standard cross section may not be applied for entire section of road. However, the Consultant will secure maximum width as much as possible by repairing eroded embankment or widening within the existing road boundary without resettlement impact. There are 3 bridges, 38 box culverts and 87 concrete pipe culverts along the project roads. For the considering of dwellers traffic, bridge at KC1B road is planned to construct before rainy season in stage2, and the other two bridges shall be constructed at KC7 road instead of existing two different locations of pipe culverts, completely washed out at road cross last year flood, since the high water level on this location is 2 m higher than existing road elevation.