Intel® Teach Elements
Moving into Mobile Learning
You may want to copy and paste these questions into an online tool like SurveyMonkey for easy distribution and analysis.
- What mobile devices do you own or have ready access to? Select as many as apply.
- Laptop
- Smartphone
- Tablet
- eReader
- Other mobile Internet-connected device, such as iPod Touch.
- None
If you do not have access to a mobile device, skip to question 7.
- What operating systems do your devices use? Select as many as apply.
- IOS (Apple)
- Android
- Windows
- Other
- I don’t know.
- Do you have broadband Internet access at home?
- Yes
- No
- How often do you use a mobile device for schoolwork?
- Often—a few times a week
- Sometimes—once a week or so
- Rarely—maybe once every few weeks
- Never
- How do you use your mobile device for schoolwork? Select as many as apply.
- Watching subject-area related media
- Doing research
- Collaborating with peers
- Communicating with teachers
- Working on school projects
- Reading literature or textbooks
- Other ______
- How enthusiastic would you be about having more opportunities to use your mobile devices at school?
- I would love it!
- It’s a good idea.
- It’s okay, but not that great.
- I don't know how I feel about this.
- I wouldn’t like it.
Skip to question 9.
- If the school allowed you to use a mobile device in the classroom, would you get one?
- For sure
- Maybe
- Probably not
- No way
- If you could get a mobile device, what kind would you like to get?
- Laptop
- Smartphone
- Tablet
- eReader
- Other
- What, if any, are some benefits you can think of for using mobile devices at school?
- What, if any, are some problems you can think of related to using mobile devices at school?
- How many children do you have in this school and what are their grades?
- ___ children in 9th grade
- ___ children in 10th grade
- ___ children in 11th grade
- ___ children in 12th grade
- What mobile devices do your children have access to? Select as many as apply.
- Laptop
- Smartphone
- Tablet
- eReader
- Other mobile Internet-connected device, such as iPod Touch.
- None
- Would you like for your children to be able to use their mobile devices in the classroom?
- Yes, I think it’s a great idea.
- It might be a good idea.
- I’m not sure.
- It’s probably not a good idea.
- It’s a terrible idea.
- What, if any, are some benefits you can think of for using mobile devices at school?
- What, if any, are some problems you can anticipate related to using mobile devices at school?
- If your children do not have mobile devices, would you provide one if they could use them at school?
- Absolutely
- Probably
- Maybe
- No
- What subject(s) do you teach? Select all that apply.
- Art
- English Language Learners
- Language Arts
- Math
- Music
- Physical Education
- Science
- Social Studies
- Special Education
- Technology
- World Languages
- Career and Technical Education
- How long have you been teaching?
- 1–3 years
- 4–10 years
- 11–15 years
- More than 15 years
- What mobile devices do you own?
- Laptop
- Smartphone
- Tablet
- eReader
- Other mobile Internet-connected device, such as iPod Touch.
- How technologically proficient are you?
- Very proficient
- Rather proficient
- Not very proficient
- How much do you feel your students use their mobile devices outside your classroom for your class?
- Probably quite a bit
- Some
- Seldom
- Hardly ever
- How important is technology to your instructional methods?
- Critical
- Rather important
- Useful, but not necessary
- Not at all important
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Intel® Teach Elements
Moving into Mobile Learning
- How do you feel about allowing students to use their mobile devices in your classroom?
- I think it’s a great idea!
- It’s a good idea.
- It might be a good idea, but I’m skeptical.
- It’s a terrible idea.
- What, if any, are some benefits you can think of for using mobile devices at school?
- What, if any, are some problems you can anticipate related to using mobile devices at school?
- Would you like to serve on a committee to investigate the use of mobile devices in the classroom?
- Yes
- Maybe
- No
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